Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 423: Unohana Retsu

Aizen also stopped at this time, looked at this scene, frowned, and wanted to speak to relieve the problem. After all, the invitation was originally meant to increase Xia Li's reputation, but now it has brought trouble to the other party.

He didn't care about Xia Li's influence, but it wouldn't be good if it affected his reputation, at least not yet.

However, before he spoke, Xia Li looked at the people in front of him and then at the eager students elsewhere.

In fact, Xia Li can also understand their thoughts. The other party may not know that he is valued by Aizen and has a high probability of having strength that they cannot deal with.

Even so, they are willing to take a gamble for their future future.

But it's a pity that the person they chose is Xia Li. They understand each other, but it doesn't mean that Xia Li will sympathize with him.

A weak person must have the awareness of a weak person, just like if he didn't have this strength and was knocked down, he would also suffer endless ridicule.

"I accept your challenge, and besides..."

Xia Li glanced at everyone around him and said, "If there are any of you who have the same idea as him and want to prove yourself, please come forward."

After Xia Li finished speaking, those people looked around and finally made a decision. They couldn't miss this opportunity. Maybe the people in front couldn't defeat the opponent. How could they catch Xia Li when he was tired?

"Is there no one there?" Xia Li looked around and asked again.

"No, let's start quickly!" The student who stood up first said impatiently.

"Haha, don't worry." Xia Li suddenly smiled, raised the scabbard of Mingjing Zhishui, pointed at everyone, and said, "Then, you all come together, I will save time."

Suddenly, the expressions of the students who stood up changed.

Including Renji and others who were standing behind Aizen at this time, they also felt that Xia Li was a bit too much.

Renji also challenged Xia Li several times later, but was basically killed every time, so he knew that Xia Li's strength was actually very terrifying.

But there are dozens of graduates standing over there. If they come together, there may be some variables in the middle.

Sure enough, the leader asked angrily, "Are you looking down on us?"

"If you do it one by one, you have no chance of defeating me." Xia Li said casually, smoothing away a wrinkle on her clothes.

The man who took the lead showed hesitation on his face. As Xia Li said, he also felt that there was little hope, but the key was, if they came together, would Captain Aizen admit him?

At this moment, Aizen looked at Xia Li's Zanpakutō. He was very familiar with Qian Da and saw at a glance that the length of Ming Jing Shisui in Xia Li's hand was wrong.

Therefore, the initial solution should have been completed, and it is also a relatively strange normal initial solution among the initial solutions.

Aizen smiled. Since Xia Li said so, he could give it a little push.

"In this case, if someone can defeat Xia Li in the next challenge, then those who perform well can join the fifth team." After Aizen finished speaking, the students present were stunned again.

Then, this time, more people stood up, looking at Xia Li with burning eyes, as if Xia Li was their hope for entering the fifth division.

Xia Li looked at Aizen, and then nodded to Aizen. It has to be said that Aizen's assists made things easier.

At this moment, under Aizen's instructions, those who did not participate dispersed, leaving the venue empty to Xia Li and others.

On the other side, several captains watched this scene with great interest. They haven't seen such an interesting graduation ceremony for a long time. I hope it can bring them more fun.

"I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm sorry, I have to join the fifth team!" The student who stood up at the beginning said this at this time.

He said sorry verbally, but his face was full of smiles.

In his opinion, it is now stable. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he cannot be a match for them.

And Captain Aizen has made a promise, so as long as they defeat Xia Li, he who is the first to stand up will have a high probability of entering the fifth division.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, because it will be over soon." Xia Li smiled, showing his white teeth, and held his hands on the hilt of Ming Jing Zhishui's sword, which only Ming Jing Zhishui had seen before. Sword type, it’s time to come out and see the world.

"Three Types - Wild Rain Slash!"

The next moment, Xia Li's figure disappeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, Aizen and the captains looked shocked. Looking at this scene, Shunpo of this level is really fast...

Then, while many students were still looking for Xia Li, they seemed to see 'light rain' starting to fall in the sky.

But wasn’t it a sunny day just now? How come it rains?


When the light rain fell, some people began to scream one after another.

The person who stood up first looked at his companions who were falling around him and opened his eyes wide. He saw some raindrops in the light rain carrying the light of spiritual power.

Among these falling raindrops, are they accompanied by the opponent's slashes? !

He quickly yelled out his findings, and then discovered...

Even if they say it, it will have no effect, because they can't resist the falling raindrops.

With the Zanpakutō, how could their slaying techniques be so airtight?

Use ghost path?

Even the Thirty-One Red Fire Cannon was directly annihilated under such ‘raindrops’.

There was no way to resist. The only way to resist was with enough slashes and powerful enough spiritual pressure, but they didn't.

In this situation where the enemy could not be seen at all, they were harvested and fell to the ground one by one. Countless people had a look of horror on their faces and wanted to get out of the scope of this light rain.

Unfortunately, every time they were about to run away, they saw the 'raindrops' above him seem to flicker with a light. Then, the steps immediately stopped, because he fell to the ground screaming. .

The light rain did not last long, because these people fell to the ground very quickly. After a while, there was only one person standing in the audience, and this person was the one who stood up in the first place.

It's not that he is very strong, it's just that Xiaoyu's sharper slashes seemed to have deliberately avoided his position.

At this moment, in his wide-eyed gaze, he finally saw Xia Li's figure again. Standing among the students lying on the ground and screaming, he tilted his head and looked at him.

"You're the only one left."

He seemed to hear the other party's devilish voice in his ears.

"There is something you said wrong. The light rain just now was not mixed with my slashes, but every drop of rain was made by my sword light." Xia Li looked at the sluggish people in front of him and wanted to join the five. The students of the squad said so.

"Also, you have already lost." Xia Li said and walked towards the fourth team, as if he did not intend to take action against the person in front of him again.

"All the raindrops are slashes?" The student was stunned and then looked at himself. He was also a little bit wet. The next moment, in his wide eyes, his body was hit by the raindrops. Everything started to fall apart.

Blood caught his eyes, and pain shot into his nerves.


Suddenly, the person with the most piercing screams in this battle and the one with the most serious flesh injuries was born.

How could Xia Li let go of the culprit who caused the incident?

The third type - Araame Slash, is a slicing technique created by Xia Li recalling Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbonzakura.

It was a pity that Xia Li looked at the captains over there, and Byakuya Kuchiki was not here.

If the other party is here, he should feel familiar when he sees Huangyu Zhan, right?

Xia Li didn't mean to disgust the other party, she just wanted him to give some advice. After all, Arayu Slash was created based on the other party's Senbonzakura, and there might be something that could be further improved.

But in fact, most of the captain-level people are not here, and only some more casual people come here to take a look.

For example, Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of the eighth division, Unohana Retsu, the captain of the fourth division, Isshin Shiba, the captain of the tenth division, and Sosuke Aizen, the captain of the fifth division.

Most of the people here are vice-captains, and some don’t even come...

Suddenly, Xia Li paused. Is Byakuya Kuchiki the captain now? He remembered that the captain of the sixth division is now Ginru Kuchiki, so has Byakuya Kuchiki not inherited the position of captain of the sixth division yet?

While Xia Li was thinking, the surrounding audience had their mouths wide open.

They knew that the strength of the person who was valued by Aizen must be extraordinary, but they did not expect such a battle that even they could not understand.

This includes Abarai Renji and Kira Izuru.

All along, they thought that Xia Li preferred to use Kidō and was not interested in Zanpakutō's cutting techniques, but today they immediately opened their eyes...

Is Xia Li's chopping skills so powerful?

At this moment, they may understand why Xia Li doesn't take beheading classes anymore, probably because...

The teacher's level is not as good as Xia Li's, so there is no need for Xia Li to take the chopping class.

At this time, Abarai Renji thought about every time he broke through to fight Xia Li, the opponent could easily defeat him just by using Kidō.

It turns out that in the eyes of the other party, is my strength so weak?

He couldn't even force the opponent's Zanpakutō out...

Abarai Renji gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Most of the people present could not understand this sword move, and only the captains sitting there could understand it.

But even if I understand it, I am still very surprised. Such a level of instant step, such exaggerated spiritual pressure, such a fast slash...

Each one individually is of excellent quality!

At this time, they all realized. No wonder Captain Aizen came to personally invite him to join. Seeing this kind of strength, they were all a little excited.

In fact, Aizen was also very surprised. He also made many inferences, proving that Xia Li's strength should be very strong.

But this was not the reason why he personally invited Xia Li. The real reason was that Aizen valued...Xia Li's potential.

And now that Xia Li has shown some strength, it can prove that his potential may be more exaggerated than he imagined, which makes Aizen both happy and helpless.

Fortunately, maybe many years later he will be able to have a strong enough opponent, but unfortunately the opponent seems a bit... salty.

This kind of indifference to everything reminded him of another genius... Urahara Kisuke, who was the same way.

Do geniuses always have all kinds of quirks?

Aizen couldn't help thinking, then he laughed, and left with Renji and others who were still immersed in shock.

Since this invitation has failed, then wait for the next time. If it really doesn't work, then it doesn't matter if there is one more opponent.

At the same time, Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika from the popular 11th Division also looked at the scene over there, and then looked at each other, and they were relieved. Fortunately, their captain was not interested in recruiting people.

Otherwise, if the battle maniac was here, he would have laughed and shouted interestingly and took his Zanpakutō to fight with the other party, right?

Xia Li had already walked to the stunned 4th Division's Shinigami and asked, "Where should the 4th Division's Shinigami who have joined go to collect their own death suits, and how to arrange the dormitory?"

"Um, do you really want to join our 4th Division?" At this moment, the Shinigami wearing sunglasses couldn't help but ask again.

"Sure and sure." Xia Li replied.

Iemura Yashichiwa has seen everything, and now he said that he really has never seen such a person with such a strong fighting power insisting on joining their fourth team?

It's really strange.

However, Yashichiwa naturally couldn't refuse, but he still decided to take Xia Li to the captain's place. The captain of their fourth team was sitting there watching.

Soon, Xia Li saw the man in front of him who looked very gentle and peaceful, with long black hair tied into a braid and hanging down to his chest.

This is the captain of the fourth team, Unohana Retsu.

But is the person in front of him sure to be the captain of the medical team?

Xia Li squinted his eyes and stared at Unohana, as if he saw countless corpses appearing behind him.

"Captain, this is Shendaochuan Xia Li who is going to join the fourth team. You saw what happened just now." Yashichiwa said.

"Well, just arrange it according to the normal joining of the team. As for the identity, it happens that the third seat is still vacant now." Unohana looked at Xia Li in front of her. In fact, she also had a headache. She felt that the person in front of her was a trouble, but she couldn't refuse.

"Are you willing to be the third seat of the fourth division?" Unohana asked Xia Li.

"Is there a lot to do for the third seat?" Xia Li asked.

"Not much..." Unohana was a little speechless at this time.

"That's fine with me." Xia Li nodded. Looking at Unohana again, the feeling just now had disappeared, as if it was an illusion.

But Xia Li understood that it couldn't be an illusion. The captain of the fourth division, Unohana Retsu, was definitely not simple!

Yashi Chiwa was surprised beside him. This is the first person in history to become the third seat of the division right after joining?

He has been working for so long and is only the seventh seat...

However, Yashi Chiwa was not jealous. After all, the strength Xia Li showed just now really qualified him to sit in this position.

Moreover, Yashi Chiwa was thinking, if someone bullies the people of the fourth division for no reason in the future, can Xia Li be asked to take action?

Beat them up and treat them, and whip the corpse repeatedly to see who dares to bully their fourth division!

Then, Yashichiwa personally led Xia Li away. Although there was no level division for the officers, there was a subtle rule that the officer in front had a higher status.

After Xia Li left, Unohana looked at the group of students still lying there and sighed. She had just joined and had gotten into all these troubles.

At this moment, Unohana took out her Zanpakutō, and soon, the Zanpakutō turned into a huge creature and flew towards the students lying dead. Xia Li had a good time chopping them, but the follow-up treatment still needed the Fourth Division.

In short, Xia Li joined the Fourth Division, which he had always wanted to slack off. (End of this chapter)

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