Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 400 The Power of the Six Paths, a Visit from the Daimyo

The sky gradually darkened, and the moon also revealed a bright light in the sky.

However, the moon's light was not as bright as the light of the back mountain of Konoha. The power of the Six Paths Sage was still releasing strong and dazzling light unscrupulously.

However, no one noticed the light of the back mountain, naturally because Xia Li had covered up the movement here.

Finally, Xia Li also saw that the power fluctuations of the Six Paths Sage gradually disappeared, and two little golden men appeared in Xia Li's sight, with five seeking truth jades floating behind each of them.

At this moment, Naruto and Sasuke were looking at themselves, surprised by this kind of power.

"Is this... the power of the Six Paths Sage?" Sasuke looked at his palm. The sun and moon in the palm of his hand were so dazzling that even if it was only half of the power, Sasuke was shocked.

Is this kind of power really something that humans can possess?

This thought couldn't help but float in Sasuke's mind, and then Sasuke couldn't help but glance at Xia Li, and then silently took this idea back.

Well, even after accepting the power of the Six Paths Sage, Sasuke still felt that he could not see through Xia Li's strength.

Even if Sasuke now has the double three magatama Samsara eyes, it is still the same.

"So, how strong is Xia Li now?" Sasuke couldn't help thinking.

"What a strong power!" Naruto also sighed at this moment, and then a little absent-minded. If he had this kind of power, he should be able to end this war faster, right?

"Okay, don't waste the power of the Six Paths Sage. The first thing you have to learn is to take this power back." Xia Li said at this time, attracting Naruto and Sasuke's attention to him.

"Oh oh." Naruto nodded, then closed his eyes and tried to control the power of the Six Paths Sage, but...

After a long time, Naruto still looked like a little golden man, and Sasuke next to him was in a similar situation. Although part of the power on his body was taken back, the remaining power still couldn't be controlled and presented the state of a little golden man outside.

At this moment, Sasuke and Naruto frowned. This was not the same as they imagined. It seemed... a little difficult.

Xia Li was not surprised. After all, Sasuke and Naruto had obtained a power level beyond what they should have now, so it was basically impossible to completely control these powers in the first place.

It was just control, and it was impossible to stop them for too long... maybe?

Xia Li looked at Naruto, who seemed to be very slow compared to Sasuke, and sighed.

However, what surprised Xia Li was that although Naruto was much slower than Sasuke at the beginning, he miraculously caught up later, and in the end, he was not much slower than Sasuke.

Xia Li looked at Naruto and couldn't help but think of Naruto in the infinite moon reading of Tiantian in the original work. With both parents, Naruto was the most talented one.

So, maybe Naruto's talent might be better than expected. The reason why it didn't show up was probably because... Naruto's personality made it difficult for him to calm down and learn theoretical knowledge...

"Well done, then I will arrange a small goal for you next." Xia Li suddenly said with a smile.

Sasuke and Naruto looked at Xia Li.

"That is, without borrowing the power of the Six Paths Sage, use your own power to create the Seeking Truth Jade, which is the black sphere behind you." Xia Li said as he spread his palms, and soon a Seeking Truth Jade was born from nothing in his hand.

"Is this thing called the Seeking Truth Jade?" Naruto squinted his eyes and looked at the Seeking Truth Jade in Xia Li's hand and said.

"Yes, the Seeking Truth Jade is a mixture of seven types of chakras..." Xia Li said, and Naruto suddenly interrupted Xia Li.

"But, I only have the wind attribute? It seems that I can't make the Seeking Truth Jade myself." Naruto asked.


Sasuke couldn't help but cover his head next to him, feeling that this companion who grew up with him must have some problems with his head.

"You are the idiot!"

Naruto opened his eyes wide and pointed at Sasuke and refuted loudly.

"If you are not an idiot, you will find that after we accepted the power of the Six Paths Sage, our attributes have been completed." Sasuke sighed and said helplessly.

In fact, Sasuke already had all the attributes when he opened the Samsara Eye, and the power of the Six Paths Sage supplemented his weak Yang attribute. He did have it before, but it was very weak.

From this aspect and Xia Li's words, it can be inferred that Naruto's attributes should have been completed.

"Uh, is that so?" Naruto couldn't help scratching his head, revealing the original appearance.

Looking at Naruto's appearance, Sasuke couldn't help but feel more tired. Hasn't this guy made any progress since school?

And Xia Li smiled and watched this scene as usual. If Kakashi was here, he would definitely miss the time before...

But this also proves that his arrival really changed a lot, at least Sasuke and Naruto have changed. Sasuke doesn't need to bear that miserable fate, and Naruto doesn't need to change himself forcibly in order to follow Sasuke's footsteps.

"There is one more thing." Xia Li suddenly thought of something and said.

"When you condense the Dao-Seeking Jade, you need to find a deserted place by yourself, because even if this thing fails to condense successfully, the power of the explosion is very large."

There are two types of explosions of the Seeking Truth Jade. One is the explosion method that Xia Li mastered before he fully mastered the Seeking Truth Jade, and this method is actually the real explosion.

The Seeking Truth Jade can only be condensed after the seven attributes have reached a balance. After Xia Li has mastered the balance, it is easier to master the method of the complete conflict of the seven attributes. Then, with extreme compression, it will explode into a large-scale explosion art.

After this explosion, the Seeking Truth Jade will also disappear.

The other is the explosion of the Six Paths Obito, which is actually not an explosion to be precise. It is just relying on the expansion of the Seeking Truth Jade, and then using the power of the Seeking Truth Jade itself to kill the enemy.

And this method can still shrink back to the original Seeking Truth Jade after expansion.

In terms of power, of course the second one is more powerful, but in terms of scale, the second one cannot catch up with the first one even if it is expanded ten times, so the first one is more suitable for clearing the mess...

Just like Xia Li used the first method of the Tao-seeking Jade explosion to deal with the White Zetsu army, he directly solved the White Zetsu army of that scale at one time.

Naruto and Sasuke also nodded, indicating that they understood.

After explaining to Naruto and Sasuke, Xia Li finally returned to his home. He still had things to do...

At this time, in Xia Li's home, not only Sinai was here, but Ino was also here, of course, as Xia Li had said before.

And what Xia Li had to do was of course to help Sinai and Ino transform their bodies. This matter was not simple for him, so Xia Li only planned to help these two people who were closest to him transform.

As the saying goes, one person's enlightenment brings prosperity to all the chickens and dogs, which probably refers to this situation.

With Xia Li's transformation, although Sinai and Ino still need to rely on their own talents to reach the Six Paths level, but... the Super Shadow level is still stable.

Of course, even if Sinai has the attributes of a super shadow, it is basically impossible for her to beat an ordinary shadow level. Ino's situation is better, but whether she can exert the strength of a super shadow depends on Ino herself.

However, this transformation is not a matter of one or two days.

Sinai and Ino didn't want to trouble Xia Li, but Xia Li said that after his transformation, Sinai could return to youth, and Ino could stay young forever...

Then, Sinai and Ino couldn't resist the temptation and agreed.

If it was just strength, Sinai would definitely not care much, and although Ino cared, she wanted to go step by step with her own efforts.

But once it comes to appearance, as long as there are no other excessive requirements, no woman can refuse such temptation.

So, Xia Li's transformation slowly kicked off.

The next day.

Xia Li came to the Hokage's office. After basically finishing all the things, everything naturally returned to normal.

The only difference is that Xia Li is now able to handle affairs faster. With a glance, he can almost remember the contents of the scroll, and then naturally know how to solve it.

Soon, the affairs that have been piled up for a long time were quickly solved by Xia Li.

Nara Shikaku watched the pile of documents falling at a terrifying speed... sweat appeared on his forehead.

If Xia Li handles affairs so quickly, then the requirements for him as a secretary will naturally be greater. Nara Shikaku feels that he can no longer meet the needs as a secretary.

Therefore, Nara Shikaku is now thinking about whether he should bring more people over to establish a secretarial group, such as Ma Buyi of the Lightning Country, who completed the unification later. If he can be trusted, then bringing him over as a secretary can also help him share some pressure better.

Soon, a figure of the Anbu appeared in the office and reported a very important matter to Xia Li.

"Hmm? You came... so fast?" Xia Li was also a little surprised at this moment, because according to the Anbu, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire had already appeared at the gate of Konoha and handed out a visiting card.

Xia Li took the visiting card from the Anbu, and then his face was a little strange. The content on it was very polite, and it was completely impossible to tell that it was a visiting card written by a previous superior.

The core of this visiting card was that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire requested to talk to Xia Li in person about the future.

That's right, it was a request, not a request.

The other party seemed to have grasped this change of identity very accurately.

"Please ask the Daimyo of the Land of Fire to go to the conference room." Xia Li said and handed the visiting card in his hand to Nara Shikaku next to him.

"Yes!" The Anbu left directly.

"This is..." Nara Shikaku's eyes lit up after seeing the content of the visiting card. If it was true, then this would reduce too much killing.

Nara Shikaku had also thought about this possibility, but when making plans before, it was impossible to pin everything on possibilities. He had to consider the worst case scenario and then consider it based on Konoha being enemies with the whole world.

And now it seems that the situation is much better than Nara Shikaku thought.

"Well, that's about it. The daimyo of the Land of Fire is really a good daimyo, and he is quite aware of the current situation." Xia Li also remembered that in the original work, when the five daimyo were together, there was a very obvious contrast between them.

The most outstanding one is of course the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. He can be said to be calm even when faced with problems and handle things in an orderly manner...

Moreover, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is probably the one who understands the power of ninjas the most among the Daimyo of the Five Great Countries. After all, the ninjas of Konoha... all understand.

But, even so, the fact that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire was able to make a decision so quickly was beyond Xia Li's expectations.

It seems that although the Daimyo of the Land of Fire looks lazy and easy-going, he should have firmly grasped the power of the Land of Fire in his own hands. Otherwise, even if the Daimyo of the Land of Fire himself has this idea, it is impossible to do it so quickly through layers of obstacles.

Just like when Xia Li announced the day before yesterday, he clearly saw that there were many people who were wavering, but although they had very high power, they could not be the masters of the house completely. They needed to go back to discuss, and the final result was still uncertain.

"Indeed, this term of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is very powerful in both ability and means." Nara Shikaku nodded after thinking for a while.

"Let's go to the conference room. Facing the first important guest who came here, we must show enough attitude." Xia Li did not look down on the Daimyo of the Land of Fire because he had no strength.

Soon, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire came to the conference room alone and met Xia Li.

"Long time no see, Lord Hokage." The Daimyo at this time was smiling, still very easy-going, but lacked the lazy temperament of absolute certainty in the past.

"Hehe, it's better to call me Xia Li. After all, your identity is more valuable now." Xia Li said after a laugh.

"Tsk tsk, identity is not important. After all, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire was able to be above Konoha Village in the past based on the system proposed by the first generation Hokage." The Daimyo shook his head and said.

"Well, it's really not important. From my perspective, everything in this world is still respected by strength." Xia Li also nodded.

"That's right. Even in the past, although my Daimyo's mansion had countless guards, I still felt that some ninjas could easily take my life if they wanted to." The Daimyo sighed and said.

"But, isn't it?" Xia Li asked back.

"That's because you Konoha is here. Konoha's strength is top-notch in the whole world, so naturally no one dares to touch me." The Daimyo praised Konoha at this time.

Xia Li didn't say much. This time, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire changed a lot. The previous state of being a little hard of hearing has completely disappeared, and instead, he has become very talkative.

"Okay, let's not talk so much, Daimyo, what is the purpose of your coming to Konoha this time?" Xia Li was too lazy to deal with these relationships and asked directly. (End of this chapter)

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