Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 399 Indra and Ashura, Sasuke and Naruto

Time passed quickly. After Xia Li told others how to absorb natural energy and convert it into chakra, it was already evening.

Looking at the practice that was basically over, Xia Li nodded.

Xia Li was not worried that the way of nature would spread out in a short time. After all... Xia Li showed a cold smile on his face.

If it really was "stolen", it was no wonder that he did not remind people of the danger.

One of the reasons why the natural energy in Konoha was so mild was because he was there. Otherwise, Xia Li would not have to stay here all the time and could have handed over the task of waking up the practitioners.

So, if someone else "stole" the practice method of the way of nature, it would take a lot of sacrifice and a long time to figure it out without Xia Li's help.

Before they figured it out, the road to unification of Konoha had already been completed.

Of course, Xia Li could not be by their side every time they were practicing, but by that time, the number of people practicing the way of nature had increased, and there were other people to look after them.

Even if Xia Li is not here, the risk will be much greater, but as long as you are careful and have the care of the seniors, you can still accomplish it.

Most importantly, Xia Li also believes that sooner or later they will also develop a safer and simpler systematic learning method, and there will be no need to use Xia Li's practice method that is simply deduced by combining the practice method of Myoboku Mountain.

As for why Xia Li wants to make his practice method public, the reason is actually very simple.

First, it is a sense of accomplishment that changes the trend of the whole world with one person's power. This sense of accomplishment is very attractive to a person.

The second is to gather ideas from all sides.

Xia Li does not want to follow the path of Kaguya Otsutsuki, relying on his innate advantages to stop learning how to fight, etc. ...

Even if Xia Li can now deduce different methods of using natural energy directly to use similar ninjutsu at the fastest speed, and each of its power may be no less than S-level ninjutsu.

But Xia Li still believes that his wisdom alone cannot compare with the wisdom of the world.

After Xia Li spread the Way of Nature, they would probably convert it into chakra for more familiar ninjutsu in a short period of time, but once the time is extended.

Someone will definitely start to study the "ninjutsu" with natural energy as the core.

Xia Li also believes in the collective wisdom of mankind. At that time, he only needs to sit back and reap the benefits. At his level, there is no power that he cannot see the principle, so if others study it, it is equivalent to learning it.

What's more, Xia Li smiled at the corner of his mouth, and there is a research madman like Orochimaru.

Xia Li is already looking forward to it. With Orochimaru's personality, he will definitely step into the path of studying natural energy from the beginning. At that time, what kind of "ninjutsu" Orochimaru will study, Xia Li is very much looking forward to it.

So, instead of cherishing it and relying on his own thinking to explore ninjutsu, it is better to promote it and let people all over the world brainstorm. He will definitely be the one who gains the most.

Xia Li smiled, and then a black space hole appeared beside him. It was Yomi Hirasaka.

It has to be said that Kaguya Otsutsuki's spatial ability is still very convenient to use. It is much faster and more stable than the spatial ripple he used before.

On the other side of the black space hole, Naruto and Sasuke have been waiting here for a long time.

They were called by Xia Li, but they didn't know what Xia Li wanted to find them for.

After Xia Li walked out of Huangquan Birasaka, he looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm late. Their training speed is slower than I thought."

"It's okay, we haven't been here for long." Sasuke said.

Naruto, who should have asked about the matter enthusiastically, looked a little worried at this time. I don't know what he was thinking.

"Naruto, are you still hesitating?" Xia Li also saw Naruto's obviously uninterested attitude and said.

Naruto scratched his head, showing a smile that was obviously fake at a glance, and said, "No, I have made a decision before, but, but..."

As he spoke, Naruto couldn't speak.

"If you really don't want to, you can choose to rest later." Xia Li said.

"No!" Naruto shouted immediately, "Because the sooner this war ends, the fewer casualties will be, right?"

Xia Li nodded and looked at Naruto in silence.

"So I must participate, and I will definitely end this war as soon as possible!" Naruto clenched his fists and said firmly.

"So now that you have decided, don't show that hesitant look anymore." Sasuke glanced at Naruto and said unceremoniously.

"Ah? Why is it like this..." Naruto scratched his head.

Xia Li also nodded at this time and said, "In this case, I don't need to comfort you anymore. Let's get straight to the point. Have you heard the story of Ashura and Indra?"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and shook their heads.

Xia Li showed an expression of "as expected", and could only start from the beginning.

"Ashura and Indra are the two sons of the Six Paths Sage, and they both inherited the Sage's body and Sage's eyes respectively." Xia Li said as he looked at Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto didn't react at all, but Sasuke showed a thoughtful expression. Combined with Xia Li's previous statement that they were descendants of the Otsutsuki clan, there was no need to think about the result.

Xia Li continued, "Indra is the elder brother. He inherited the Sharingan when he was born and has powerful eye power. He is a genius. Even ninjutsu was created by him."

"Asura is the younger brother. He didn't seem to be born with the talent of the Six Paths Sage. He was not as good as Indra in everything he did in the beginning."

"The personalities and ideas of the two of them are also completely different. Indra believes that relying on his own personal strength is enough to solve all problems. No matter what difficulties can be solved with personal strength, he believes that strength is everything. Asura, on the other hand, Believing even more in the power of love, Asura believes that only mutual love can bring peace to the ninja world."

"And...Although Asura's talent is not good, Asura continues to become stronger with the help of others."

Naruto was already a little dizzy after hearing this, and didn't quite understand why Xia Li said what he said, while Sasuke listened very seriously, and he probably understood something.

At this time, Xia Li probably finished introducing Indra and Asura, and then continued, "In his later years, the Immortal of Six Paths set a test for Asura and Indra in order to choose a successor. And the two of them They completed this test with their own personalities and ideas. Indra relied on his own strength, while Asura completed this test with the help of others. "

Xia Li paused as he said this, seeming to have thought of something.

"Then what? Asura should have inherited the power of the Six Paths Sage, right?" Sasuke made a guess.

Xia Li nodded and said, "Yes, the Six Paths Immortal finally left all his power to Asura, but this also aroused Indra's dissatisfaction, because in his opinion, his younger brother was inferior in both strength and talent. Far inferior to his."

"At this time, Hei Jue took advantage of the situation and continued to encourage Indra and provoke the relationship between him and Asura. The final result was...the battle between Asura and Indra began. Of course, they inherited the Six Paths Asura, who had the power of an immortal, also successfully defeated Indra, but... Indra was not convinced, and he said that he would continue to be reincarnated to defeat Asura. "

"Reincarnation?" Sasuke was startled.

Xia Li smiled, looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said, "The reincarnations of Ashura and Indra in the previous generation were Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama."

After Xia Li said that, Sasuke's pupils suddenly shrank, but Naruto still squinted his eyes and couldn't quite understand. After seeing Sasuke being so surprised, he couldn't help but ask, "What is going on? Why can't I understand..."

Xia Li sighed helplessly and said, "So Indra's reincarnation in this life is Uchiha Sasuke."

When Xia Li said this, Naruto completely understood it. He also opened his eyes wide, looked at Sasuke, and then looked at Xia Li, and asked in a trembling voice, "Then I am the reincarnation of Asura." ”

Xia Li nodded in Naruto's eyes, and he also became stunned, not expecting such a result.

Xia Li did not continue beside him. He was waiting for Sasuke and Naruto to digest the news.

Soon, Sasuke finally took a deep breath and said, "Then what? Does this have anything to do with us?"

"Sasuke..." Naruto looked at Sasuke blankly.

"The conflict between Asura and Indra is a conflict between them. It does not mean that Naruto and I need to follow their script in this life." Sasuke snorted coldly. He was concerned about this kind of reincarnation and then continued with them. He is very dismissive of things that are enemies of his will.

After Sasuke finished speaking, Naruto was stunned for a moment and then nodded firmly and said, "Yes, that's right, Sasuke and I are not enemies, and we have no conflicts!"

"No, there are still conflicts." Sasuke said suddenly.

"Huh?" Naruto was surprised.

"I will compete for the position of Hokage, because even if Xia Li completes the unification, there must be many positions below, and among them there must be the position of Hokage." Sasuke said at this time.

"No, the Hokage must be me!" Naruto said seriously.

Sasuke glanced at Naruto without saying anything more, looked at Xia Li and said, "Although I will compete with Naruto for the position of Hokage, even if I fail in the end, I will not be unconvinced, nor will I Enemy with Naruto."

"Me too, me too!" Naruto shouted, raising his hands.

Xia Li laughed and nodded, saying, "That's good, but I don't want to say that this time. Before I fought against Otsutsuki Kaguya, the Sage of Six Paths gave me his power."

After Xia Li said that, Naruto and Sasuke were surprised again. They were surprised that the legendary Sage of Six Paths could still be in the world, and they were also surprised that Xia Li had obtained the power of the Sage of Six Paths.

"But I didn't use the power of the Sage of Six Paths in the battle with Kaguya Otsutsuki." Xia Li continued.

Suddenly, Naruto and Sasuke were speechless. After all, when Xia Li said this, they subconsciously thought that Xia Li relied on the power of the Sage of Six Paths to defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki. As a result...

At this moment, one word came to mind for both Sasuke and Naruto, that is...pretend!

Xia Li continued with a smile, "The Sage of Six Paths also asked me that if I don't use his power, then after I defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki, I will give his power to you."

"Is the power of the Six Paths Sage useful to you?" Sasuke frowned and asked. Although he wanted it a little, he still had a few questions.

"It was useful when I fought Kaguya Otsutsuki, but it was completely useless after I defeated her." Xia Li replied.

"So, if we inherit his power, will it have any impact on our own development?" Sasuke asked again.

"No, there is no mark in the power of the Six Paths Sage. They will only enhance your power, but this kind of power is probably only temporary and will be gone after it is used up." Xia Li said, then he stared at Sasuke and Naruto and continued seriously.

"So, I don't want you to use the power of the Six Paths Sage, but to seal them up to experience the power of the Six Paths level and transform the power of the Six Paths Sage into your own."

Sasuke nodded when he heard this, which was in line with his expectations, and Naruto also nodded. Since Xia Li said so, he would just do it according to Xia Li's requirements.

Naruto also believed that Xia Li would not harm him.

"So, do you want to inherit the power of the Six Paths Sage?" Xia Li asked as usual.

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, come forward and hold out your hands." Xia Li said, raising his two palms, each with a pair of golden sun marks and white moon marks in his palms.

Xia Li has completely mixed the Yin and Yang escape of the Six Paths Sage together, not leaving only Yang escape to Naruto or Yin escape to Sasuke as in the original work.

Perhaps that would indeed allow them to obtain the peak power of the Six Paths for a while, allowing them to have a higher combat power for a while.

But that has its own shortcomings, so it is better to mix them and let them realize the subsequent path by themselves.

After all, there are no particularly powerful enemies who need to use their power later. As for unification, to be honest, even if they don't use the power of the Six Paths Sage, there is no problem at all.

However, even so, it is not a problem for the power of the Six Paths Sage to allow Naruto and Sasuke to break through to the Six Paths level.

Soon, Naruto and Sasuke also stretched out their palms and placed them on Xia Li's palm.

The next moment, in the back mountain, white and golden light burst out with powerful power fluctuations. (End of this chapter)

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