Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 172 Disagreement (asking for monthly votes)

While Tsunade was checking the information, Xia Li was not idle either, looking for information about the Snow Country, after all, he couldn't remember most of it.

Compared to Kakashi's information, the Snow Country is a small country, but it is still a country, so Xia Li quickly found all its information and checked it.

After a long time, the two had returned to the Hokage's office, and Xia Li also put all the information on the Hokage's desk for her to check.

"So, what does this have to do with this mission? The daughter of the former daimyo who Kakashi rescued in the Snow Country is in this escort mission?" Tsunade said, and she also had a guess in her heart, but this guess made her a little absurd.

"Well, you should have guessed it, right, Fuji Fuyuki Hui is the actor of Princess Fengyun, and she is the princess of the Snow Country who Kakashi rescued that year." Xia Li said.

Sure enough, Tsunade rubbed her forehead and felt a little speechless. Who could have thought that such a small task actually contained such a big problem.

"So this time we escort them to the Snow Country for filming..." Tsunade had a headache.

"Well, there will definitely be problems." Xia Li said.

"Hey, Team 7 hasn't gone far yet, should we call them back?" Tsunade asked.

"That's not necessary." Xia Li said, "The current ruler of the Snow Country, Feng Hana Nutao, is a daimyo with great ambitions, so if Konoha wants to buy some chakra equipment from the Snow Country, it may cost a lot."

"Chakra equipment?" Tsunade was a little confused.

Suddenly, Xia Li was a little silent, and said, "You don't know the characteristics of the Snow Country, right? It's the kind of armor that can increase the combat power of ninjas. Although it's useless for the strong, it can also make the Chunin have a combat power close to that of ordinary Jonin, which is a good improvement."

"Is it so powerful?" Tsunade was a little surprised.

Xia Li recalled the information he had just seen.

"Well, because the output is not high, they usually consume it internally and will not export it to other countries. If they want to get some from the middle, they will inevitably be cheated, and it is not only Konoha that can obtain these equipment."

"So, if we can protect Fenghana Xiaoxue to take the position, we can gain the favor of the next daimyo. Not only will we have a greater chance of obtaining channels to purchase equipment, but we will also have a greater chance of obtaining more than other ninja villages."

Tsunade looked deeply at Xia Li at this time and said seriously, "It is not a good idea to think about pulling down a country's daimyo for some equipment."

Xia Li was speechless, then looked at Tsunade, and then said, "Tsunade-sama, although it is not a good thing to calculate, as a Hokage, it is best not to be too emotional and think more about Konoha."

"Does thinking more about Konoha mean using unethical methods that damage other countries?" Tsunade asked back.

"Tsunade-sama, you can probably guess how Fenghana Nutao came to power, right?" Xia Li looked at Tsunade.

"That's someone else's family affair, not our business." Tsunade said.

"Okay, let's put it another way." Xia Li thought for a while and said, "You should be able to guess what this commission means at this time, right? Fenghua Xiaoxue's path to return to the Snow Country must be pushed forward, and she will definitely embark on that path, whether she is willing or not."

"So, we are just helping a poor girl whose father was killed by her uncle when she was young and whose position as daimyo was taken away by her uncle." Xia Li said, "Besides, in the final analysis, if you want to shoot a movie, you need a living Princess Fengyun, so for this mission, we also need to keep Fenghua Xiaoxue."

Tsunade was silent for a while, thinking about what might happen in these two statements, is there any difference?

Although Tsunade didn't want to admit it, the final results they led to are likely to be the same.

"So, Lady Tsunade, all we need to do is protect Fenghua Xiaoxue. The rest is just waiting for the natural development of things." Xia Li continued, "So from this point of view, we don't have any moral burden."

"Have you made a choice since you accepted this mission?" Tsunade probably understood.

"Yes, of course it hasn't happened yet, everything may be different, maybe Fenghua Nutao won't attack Fenghua Xiaoxue." Xia Li shook his shoulders and said.

Tsunade didn't say anything, because she also knew that this was impossible. Fenghua Nutao has been looking for his niece's whereabouts for many years. Of course, the other party wants to kill Fenghua Xiaoxue. Now he is still looking for her, and there will definitely be no good.

Tsunade rubbed her temples. In this short period of time, she suddenly felt that she was more tired than dealing with those things before.

Xia Li looked at Tsunade. To be honest, many of Tsunade's ideas were probably too idealistic. This was inevitable. After all, although the story went astray later, the original work was indeed positioned as a passionate anime, so Tsunade's personality was not strange.

As for whether the Naruto world or the original work came first, it was like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Xia Li was too lazy to think about it.

But it was precisely because of Tsunade's personality that the decision was made at the Hokage succession ceremony, right?

Xia Li was also thinking at this time. Since he had discovered that Tsunade had some mental mysophobia, should he not be so straightforward in his speech in the future and start from some good aspects?

"Then do it according to your idea." Finally, Tsunade sighed and said, "But if Fenghua Nutao didn't take action, we would definitely not take the initiative to cause unrest."

"No need, in fact, Naruto will not go berserk so easily, and it is enough to leave this matter to Team 7." Xia Li also said at this time. Since Tsunade was not satisfied, he would not intervene. Anyway, there would be no surprises in the final result.

It was just right to let Tsunade see the result that would happen if he did not intervene.

Tsunade paused, then nodded and said, "Okay, you go back and rest first, I will notify you if there is a mission."

Xia Li nodded in agreement, and then pushed open the door, saw Shizune behind the door, nodded to Shizune and left.

Shizune returned the salute and was a little nervous. She had been listening in front of the door for a long time, and felt that the two seemed to have a big disagreement! What if this developed into a conflict?

After Xia Li left, Tsunade leaned back on the chair, her expression a little gloomy, and said, "Shizune, do you think I am not suitable for this position?"

"Of course not, Tsunade-sama is just not very familiar with this position." Shizune hurriedly comforted.

"Is Xia Li familiar with it?" Tsunade asked back.

Suddenly, Shizune was also a little silent, as if it was right, but... Shizune thought for a while, and still said, "In fact, I feel that many of what Xia Li said are not wrong, but I also like Tsunade-sama's ideas more."

Tsunade was stunned, then slowly smiled and shook her head. Yes, she couldn't be discouraged here. After thinking for a while, she stood up.

"Tsunade-sama, where are you going? There are still many things to deal with!" Shizune shouted.

"I'll go and consult the old man." Tsunade replied.

This time, Shizune did not refuse, because she knew that Tsunade-sama should be very confused now.

Soon, Tsunade found the third generation who was fishing in a hurry and told him what had just happened.

The third generation exhaled a puff of smoke and thought. He just saw Tsunade's impetuous look and thought it was a big deal, but... that's it?

However, he seemed to have some impression of what happened at that time.

After organizing his words, the third generation asked.

"Is what Xia Li said helpful to Konoha?"

"Yes, but..." Tsunade wanted to refute.

"Is it right to protect the mission target?"


"If Fenghua Nutao didn't target Fenghua Xiaoxue, would he be in trouble?"

"Probably not..." After thinking for a while, Tsunade also found that Xia Li never mentioned actively killing Fenghua Nutao, but only said to protect Fenghua Xiaoxue, but the words between the lines expressed a meaning that Fenghua Nutao would definitely take action.

"So, what does it matter?" The third generation asked back.

Tsunade was silent, and the third generation continued at this time.

"Xia Li is actually very smart. He has understood many principles since he was a child, including how to gain greater benefits for himself, but he has never really done anything unethical for this."

Tsunade suddenly realized, and recalled the information about Xia Li, and slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The third generation looked at Tsunade who had figured it out, and smiled and shook his head, and then continued to fish. It was still good to be retired, fishing and relaxing.

"If you understand, leave quickly, my fish have been scared away by you."


Soon, Team 7 completed the mission and returned, and Kakashi also reported this mission to Tsunade.

However, what puzzled Kakashi was why Xia Li was there at this time.

Tsunade listened to Kakashi's report, a little stunned, looked at Xia Li over there, and then asked directly, "Kakashi, did Xia Li appear during the mission?"

"No..." Kakashi scratched his head, looked at Xia Li who was yawning over there, a little puzzled, so these two people had a conflict?

Suddenly, Tsunade didn't know what to say, because Kakashi's report was actually no different from what Xia Li said.

Fenghua Nutao did attack Fenghua Xiaoxue, and in the process of protecting Fenghua Xiaoxue, Team 7 had a violent conflict with Fenghua Nutao, and finally Fenghua Xiaoxue became the new daimyo of the Snow Country.

Tsunade looked at these reports and felt that Xia Li had intervened, otherwise how could he be so accurate.

"So, it should be okay now, right?" Xia Li asked at this moment.

Tsunade could only nod in the end, looking at Kakashi and said, "Kakashi."

"Yes." Kakashi always felt that something troublesome was about to fall on his head.

As expected, Tsunade handed over the communication between the Snow Country and Konoha to Kakashi in order to promote trade between Konoha and the Snow Country.

What else could Kakashi do? He could only accept it. He couldn't refuse the direct assignment of the Hokage, and this matter probably wouldn't be too difficult.

"Kakashi, some things are better not to be made public. If they are discovered by other villages, it will not be good for us and the Snow Country." Xia Li reminded.

Kakashi nodded. Of course, he could understand that Konoha's goal must be those armors, but he didn't feel anything. It was normal.

However, Kakashi stared at Xia Li with his dead fish eyes. It was indeed this guy who proposed it.

"Also, Kakashi, you seem to be single, right?" Xia Li suddenly asked.

Suddenly, Kakashi's body stiffened and he said directly, "Well, I have other things to do. I have reported that I have finished reporting. I'm leaving first!"

With that, Kakashi left the Hokage's office directly without giving Xia Li a chance to continue.

"You're a bit too much, Xia Li." Tsunade also glared at Xia Li and said, "I wanted to arrange a new task for him, but you scared him away."

"I just said it. After all, no matter how much you want human feelings, it is impossible to be as reliable as family affection. But I didn't think of forcing it. If it can be done, it would be the best. If it can't be done, it doesn't matter. Who knew that he was so scared." Xia Li said a little aggrievedly.

"I don't care about that. Since you scared Kakashi away, I'll leave this mission to you." Tsunade said with a smile.

Xia Li paused, then looked at Tsunade who had recovered, slowly smiled, nodded, and took the mission scroll. Missions are actually trivial matters.

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