Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 171: Being Exploited

In the next few days, Xia Li finally understood the impact of what Tsunade announced at the succession ceremony.

Now he is basically the number one person under the Hokage. Even the consultants basically recognize Xia Li, so they are treated with great courtesy.

Above ten thousand people, one person is inferior!

Then, Xia Li was called to the Hokage's office.

Xia Li looked at the desk in front of Tsunade that was already covered with a large pile of documents, almost covering Tsunade's whole body by those documents.

Moreover, Shizune seemed to be moving a lot of files here.

This is why Xia Li is unwilling to take over as Hokage now.

"Tsunade-sama." Xia Li looked at Tsunade who was still working and shouted actively.

"Oh, here we come." After Tsunade saw Xia Li, she finally stopped the office pen in her hand and stretched.

Xia Li couldn't help but glance at it, it was so big.

Xia Li didn't feel any guilt. Is there any man who wouldn't peek at such a scene?

"I have read the suggestions you made in the old man's ward before. They are indeed very good." Tsunade said, "However, I don't think the team needs to be so rigid. There may be some teams that are not suitable for you."

"I don't agree with this. Every ninja has his own personality. Not to mention that a familiar team can allow them to exert stronger strength, but it can also avoid mistakes, and random combinations may cause some conflicts." Xia Li also thought about these issues and said directly.

"That's true." Tsunade rubbed her head, feeling a little headache.

"However, it would be no problem if it's someone you know well, such as Konoha's twelve heroes." Xia Li thought for a while and said.

"The Twelve Little Strong?" Tsunade was stunned for a moment, why hadn't she heard of it?

Xia Li also named the specific personnel of the Twelve Xiaoqiang, and then said, "They are all familiar with each other, both as teachers and students, so they can do the method you just mentioned."

"Well, Twelve Xiaoqiang is quite appropriate." However, at this time, Tsunade was still holding the information of these twelve people and thinking about this code name.

Suddenly, Xia Li was speechless. Did he ask you to think about this?

"You seem to be in the same class as most of them, right? Then what are you? A powerful person?" Tsunade suddenly said this...

Xia Li felt black lines popping up on her forehead.

Tsunade didn't hear a response for a long time before reacting. She couldn't help but laugh. After exposing the matter, she said, "Then let's do it according to your arrangement. You are worthy of being the sixth generation Hokage I chose." , consider it clearly.”

"So, is this the only thing that called me here this time?" Xia Li relaxed when she saw Tsunade's complete lack of dignity and spoke more casually.

"Of course not." Tsunade suddenly smiled again and handed Xia Li a file.

After Xia Li took it, she started to flip through it, then her eyes shrank, and she continued to flip through it...

"So, what is Tsunade-sama trying to express?"

"What does it mean? This is a mission, an S-level mission!" Tsunade said seriously.

"I don't think there are any S-level missions in my information." Xia Li couldn't help but said after looking at the information in her hand that clearly investigated her.

"Uh..." Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then she saw that there was indeed a scroll in her hand. Suddenly, Tsunade's eyes widened.

After a long while, Xia Li looked at the real mission scroll in his hand.

"Ahem, don't pay attention to what happened just now. So, Xia Li, the quasi-sixth Hokage, as a small pillar of Konoha, do your best for the reputation of Konoha!" Tsunade said seriously.

"After the chuunin exam, I did a lot of things. Whether it was the joint march with the Suna ninja, or the sudden search for Tsunade-sama to return to the village to be the Hokage and then have a fight with Orochimaru. If the task level is assessed, it's all It won’t be a mission lower than S level,” Xia Li said, those he mentioned were for others, not for himself!

However, Tsunade seemed determined to let Xia Li accept the mission.

In the end, Xia Li had no choice but to agree. Who said the other party had a higher position?

Alas, Xia Li didn't expect that she would be exploited by the company in her previous life, and now she would be exploited by Tsunade again... Really, the longer she lives, the more she will go back!

Fortunately, he had nothing to do later on, so he just continued to absorb natural energy to transform his body, and then resume his tasks.

Tsunade looked at Xia Li's back with a smiling expression on her face, and her eyes showed the shape of money. She saw how efficiently Xia Li completed the task.

Coupled with the opponent's Flying Thunder God, the production team's donkeys didn't dare to rest like this!

Why don't you get up quickly and make money for her, no... for Konoha!

Then, after Xia Li left completely, Tsunade finally suppressed the smile on her face and looked at the scroll in her hand that she had given to Xia Li by mistake.

Naturally, she would not make such a low-level mistake, it was intentional. Now it seems that the other party actually knew or guessed that the third generation had investigated him, and judging from the other party's attitude, he didn't seem to care too much about it.

This made Tsunade breathe a deep sigh of relief. In fact, the third generation's investigation went beyond this. After Tsunade took over as Hokage from the third generation, she discovered more information about Xia Li.

The level of detail is absolutely abnormal. It's almost as if he wanted to dig out all eighteen generations of Xia Li's ancestors.

Tsunade felt that this was a bit too much. Was the old man really that worried about teaching another Orochimaru?

Fortunately, Xia Li didn't care much about this, but it was also because of this.

Tsunade recalled her contact with Xia Li, and then looked at the pile of information. Xia Li was basically classified as one of the people who could be completely trusted in her mind.

If this kind of investigation could still be wrong, then Tsunade felt that this world might be too crazy! If you are deceived, you are deceived.


Regarding this S-level task, Xia Li was not in a hurry to complete it, because Xia Li felt that even if he finished it and went back, Tsunade would definitely give him another task scroll.

However, he couldn't drag it on, so Xia Li's experience in his previous life was used, and he had the experience of slacking off in what to do so as not to be laid off!

So, Xia Li moved his Flying Thunder God himself. Of course, he still had to use it if necessary in battle, but it was just a general process of rushing on the road.

For example, now, Xia Li is on his way back after completing the mission, walking and stopping, enjoying the scenery, and absorbing natural energy to continue the long transformation work.

If Xia Li wants to go home for dinner, he can use Flying Thunder God to go back for a meal, and then use Flying Thunder God to come back.

The same is true for visiting Ino.

He is going back to eat and see his girlfriend, not to Konoha!

As long as this process is not discovered by too many people, then there is no problem~

However, even so, Xia Li is very sure that his efficiency in completing S-level tasks is definitely in the very high group, so he is so fearless.

Finally, no matter how long the journey is, it will be completed. Xia Li looked at the Hokage office in front of him and walked in.

"Hey, you are back from slacking off, our quasi-sixth-generation Hokage." Tsunade looked at Xia Li who came in, and a well-shaped character suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"You are talking nonsense, I have worked hard to complete an S-level mission, how can it be said to be slacking off?" Xia Li replied.

"But this is much less efficient than your previous missions!" Tsunade said loudly.

"Did I complete the mission?" Xia Li asked.


"What was the evaluation given by the client of the mission?"

"Very good..."

"Among all the teams that accepted S-level missions, how efficient was I in completing the mission?"


Tsunade was silent by Xia Li's consecutive questions. Well, although Xia Li did not use Flying Thunder God to rush back, in fact, Xia Li was still one of the most efficient ones.

However, this was much less efficient than she imagined!

However, Tsunade looked at Xia Li's stubborn look, and couldn't help but sighed and said, "Okay, I promise not to assign you consecutive tasks, so don't waste time halfway."

"It's not a waste of time. I think it's actually a good thing to walk more in nature now." Xia Li replied. This was not a lie. He really felt that there seemed to be more natural energy in nature.

"It's up to you." Tsunade glared at Xia Li.

Then, Tsunade threw another mission scroll to Xia Li.

"Hmm?" Xia Li was a little surprised. Didn't they just say that they wouldn't assign him tasks in succession?

"This is the task Naruto accepted. Jiraiya is not with him now, so you need to watch it. Anyway, you are just slacking off wherever you are. It's better to slack off there. You shouldn't need to do anything." Tsunade said.

Xia Li nodded and looked at the task scroll.

Soon, Xia Li frowned, because this task seemed to evoke some vague memories in his mind.

Especially the words "Snow Country", "Fuji Fuyuki", "Princess Fengyun", especially the photo of Fuji Fuyuki in the scroll, slowly his vague memory became clear.

Xia Li remembered that this... should be the plot of the theater version, right?

"Why, you like her?" Tsunade looked at Xia Li who was lost in thought, and couldn't help but asked with a smile, "But I have to remind you that you have a girlfriend, and Ino is a good girl."

"What and what? Don't talk nonsense." Xia Li came back to his senses and heard Tsunade's words, and couldn't help but glared at Tsunade.

"Haha, so why are you so fascinated by it?" Tsunade asked with a smile.

"Oh, I just remembered one thing, about the Princess Fengyun in the mission." Xia Li said.

"Well, are you her fan?" Tsunade said in surprise.

"No, come with me."

Tsunade did not refuse, and followed Xia Li to a data room, where the information about the Anbu was stored.

Ordinary people are not allowed to enter, but unfortunately Xia Li and Tsunade are the fifth generation and the future sixth generation, respectively, and no one dares to stop them.

Xia Li started looking for something at this time, which surprised Tsunade a little. It seems that Princess Fengyun has had contact with Konoha before?

Just when Tsunade was confused, Xia Li also found the information he wanted and threw it to Tsunade.

"This is... the information about Kakashi's mission to the Snow Country during the Anbu period?"

Tsunade was a little surprised. Why is Kakashi involved? And it seems that it happened when Kakashi was very young!

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