Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 152 The Real Immortal

"You're awake, boy, let me ask you, are you willing to join Longdi Cave?" Immortal White Snake asked immediately after Xia Li woke up.


Xia Li blinked, and then couldn't help but look at the Great Toad Immortal.

Although he was not very familiar with the Great Toad Immortal, it was obvious that compared to the White Snake Immortal and the Slug Immortal, the Great Toad Immortal could still be considered an acquaintance.

"Xia Li, come with me to the main hall. I know you have a lot of doubts now. We can talk about it later." The Great Toad Immortal also understood Xia Li's confusion at this time and said.


Xia Li's heart tightened, and she realized that the state she had just been in was definitely not what normal immortal mode should be, and that look in her eyes was definitely not simple, so she immediately responded.

Then, the three great immortals took Xia Li towards the main hall. This time, Fukasaku Immortal was also prevented from entering by the Great Toad Immortal.

Obviously, what happened to Xia Li this time was considered to be extremely confidential in the eyes of the Great Toad Immortal. Even Fukasaku Immortal had to keep it a secret.

Soon, Xia Li followed the three immortals to the main hall. There were the White Snake Immortal and the Slug Immortal, but the Big Toad Immortal did not return to his throne.

"Xia Li, do you know how chakra is formed?" asked the Great Toad Immortal.

"Huh?" Xia Li was a little surprised as to why he suddenly mentioned this, but still said based on what he knew, "The chakra we normally extract is the power formed by the combination of physical energy and mental energy obtained through cultivation."

"Well, have you heard that humans in the past did not have chakra?" The Great Toad Immortal did not let Xia Li answer any more, but continued.

"In this world, there was no chakra at the beginning. The only energy that existed was actually natural energy. But one day, a tree called the sacred tree came to this world. It was able to absorb natural energy and produce chakra. The product is chakra.

At this point, the power of Chakra has appeared in this world, but it is obvious that Chakra still does not exist in the living creatures at this time. It was the first time since the man ate the fruit of the sacred tree that Chakra began to be produced in the body.

Later, the Sage of Six Paths, as you know, distributed chakra to other people. From then on, all living creatures were able to produce chakra by themselves through the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. "

Xia Li was filled with shock as he listened to this horrifying past event. He was actually not surprised. He also knew that the person the Great Toad Immortal was talking about was Kaguya Otsutsuki.

At this time, Xia Li's heart moved and she recalled her state at that time. Could it be...

The Great Toad Immortal didn't know what Xia Li was thinking, and continued, "Actually, before chakra was formed, the creatures here were already exploring the use of natural energy, and they have achieved certain results."

"Immortal mode?" Xia Li thought for a while and said.

The Great Toad Sage nodded and then shook his head, saying, "The Sage Mode is actually just a mode formed after the subsequent birth of Chakra. It itself requires the addition of Chakra, so it is far from being considered a mode. separate system."

"Hmph, boy, let's put it this way, the previous path will not be called the immortal mode, because when the cultivation is successful, it will be a real immortal, not just a temporary mode." The White Snake Immortal was also at this time. said.

"Then are there any real immortals now? Can we still cultivate to become a real immortal?" Xia Li continued to ask, thinking of the Six Paths Immortal.

The Big Toad Immortal and the White Snake Immortal looked at each other at this time, and both sighed. Finally, the Big Toad Immortal said, "Actually, no immortal has ever been born in this world. That's just a level of our speculation. At least in this world. No one had reached that level before the divine tree came.”

"But although the three of us did not reach this level, we got a glimpse of the power of that level, so we are very sure that level exists. Unfortunately, when the sacred tree came, the hope of reaching that level was completely shattered. ”

"Why?" Xia Li couldn't help but ask. He speculated that his state at that time might be the cultivation mode before the emergence of chakra. If it was really a dead end...

"That's of course because the natural energy in this world has almost been converted into chakra." White Snake Immortal said with a sneer while spitting out the snake letter, "It can be said that the remaining natural energy in the current world cannot support a true person at all. The birth of the immortal."

Xia Li was a little silent.

"Speaking of which, boy, you probably understand what happened to you just now, right?" White Snake Immortal continued to sneer.

"Well, I probably found the path to immortality by mistake."

"Yes." The Great Toad Immortal also nodded and said, "Actually, even we were surprised when we sensed that you had completed your cultivation, because it was not like the time when the sacred tree had not yet descended. Not to mention your accomplishment now, even It is no longer possible to take this path, at least as far as we know, you are the only one who has truly taken this path.”

The Great Toad Immortal said seriously that he also knows that there are still some special powers left in this world, such as the witches in the distance, but that kind of power can only be said to be leftover, and it is fundamentally different from this road.

"So will all the three great immortals come here?" Xia Li couldn't help but ask.

"Hmph, of course, otherwise you think who would pay attention to a weak little guy like you." The White Snake Immortal snorted coldly.

"Well, apart from that, of course there are other reasons." The Great Toad Immortal became much gentler.

"Is it the reason for that look?" Xia Li was also thinking quickly, and finally revealed the look he sensed.

Suddenly, the three great immortals were startled, including the Slug Immortal who had been half asleep. At this time, he opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Xia Li until he looked a little embarrassed. .

Immortal White Snake sighed, "Maybe this is the reason why he can embark on this path."

The Big Toad Immortal and the Slug Immortal also nodded one after another, and they could actually feel that person's gaze. Before he learned the Immortal Mode, no one had a stronger sense than him, so they were able to restrain him and force him to walk on the quilt again. Blocked road.

The Great Toad Immortal thought for a while and said, "Indeed, the reason why the two of them came here is because of that look, but you don't have to worry, that person will not make things difficult for you, a junior. Maybe this time it is just out of curiosity. Because this is probably the first time he has seen someone walking this road."

The Great Toad Sage did not name the specific person, but Xia Li could probably guess who it was. It was Kaguya Otsutsuki's son, the Six Paths Sage who distributed chakra to everyone.

But after guessing it, Xia Li couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that he would be noticed by such a big boss at this time. If such a big boss wanted to kill him, then he really wouldn't resist at all. There is no room for it.

Maybe people don’t even need to come over, just look at him like this, and then maybe he’ll be gone...

In fact, Xia Li had guessed before that Chakra must have its own training mode. After all, the Sage Mode of the Six Paths Sage at that time was taught by the Great Toad Sage.

If the Great Toad Immortal had not mastered the path of the Immortal at that time, how could he possibly have taught the Immortal of Six Paths?

Xia Li doesn't believe that my apprentice actually mastered the exercises I randomly made up, so the only explanation is that the Great Toad Immortal mastered special powers at that time.

Now it seems that it is probably the special state formed by the combination of the Six Paths Sage and Chakra based on the previous cultivation methods. Then the three major holy places also developed their own sage modes based on the Six Paths Sage's sage mode.

Since then, the real immortal path has disappeared, and there are only paths in the immortal mode.

After thinking for a while, Xia Li also asked the question about her body being transformed by natural energy, hoping to get an answer.

However, the three great immortals all looked at each other, then shook their heads, and finally it was the Great Toad Immortal who spoke.

"Although we don't know, according to my guess, the bodies of our creatures have actually been transformed once when they received chakra, and now that you have embarked on the previous path, maybe they are transforming your body Change it back."

"However, this is just a conjecture, and we are not sure. After all, we have already switched to a path similar to the immortal mode, and we cannot understand your experience."

Xia Li nodded, this guess was reasonable, but fortunately, if he was transformed, it would be in the direction of human beings, instead of suddenly transforming him into other creatures.

"Boy, keep walking on this road. Although it may be a dead end, its end point is already much higher than you imagined. Does Senju Hashirama know?" White Snake Sage said.

"Of course I know." Xia Li was startled.

"If you take this path, even if you can't take the last step, it will push you to the same level as Senju Hashirama, and this level is enough for you." White Snake Immortal said coldly. His eyes fell on Xia Li and he said.

Xia Li was silent, and then a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes. To be honest, even if he had always had a plan, he never thought that he could reach the level of the first Hokage. But now the White Snake Sage actually told him that he could take this path. Reaching that level…

How could this not surprise Xia Li, so Xia Li also nodded, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The White Snake Immortal also sneered when he saw this. Sure enough, humans are like this when they see rabbits and are short-sighted. Thousand-armed pillars... well, that guy is indeed strong enough.

But I am still short-sighted and have never seen a more powerful existence!

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