Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 151 Three Holy Places, Three Immortals

The next day, Xia Li used the Flying Thunder God to come to Miaomu Mountain.

Now that Xia Li has carved the Flying Thunder God Teleportation Formation in her own home, she no longer needs to use reverse psychic techniques.

Along the way, Xia Li greeted familiar toads and successfully found Fukasaku Sennin under the guidance of many toads.

"Huh? It's Xiao Xia Li. Why do you have time to come here today?" Fukasaku Sennin was a little surprised when he saw Xia Li and asked.

"Well, the recent events have almost come to an end, so I came over to take a look and learn some magic skills by the way." Xia Li replied with a smile.

"Well, I guess you came here specifically to learn celestial arts." Fukasaku Sage also said with a smile.

"Hehe." Xia Li smiled and scratched his head.

"Okay, since you want to learn the magic of immortality, come with me." Fukasaku Sennin said as he led Xia Li to a familiar pool.

"Generally speaking, when you come here to learn senjutsu, you first need to achieve a state of integration with nature, but you have already achieved this state, so you can directly proceed to the second stage and use toad oil to practice." Fukasaku Sennin As he spoke, he also began to introduce toad oil and magic.

Toad oil, a treasure of Mt. Myoboku, has the power to attract natural energy. Just apply toad oil to the human body to attract natural energy to the inside of the human body.

At this time, the cultivator needs to mobilize his own physical energy and spiritual energy to combine with the natural energy entering the body, and the ratio of the three energies must be mixed correctly one-to-one.

If there is too little natural energy, the chakra will not change. If there is too much natural energy, the practitioner's body will turn into a frog, or even more seriously, it will directly turn to stone.

Fukasaku Sennin pointed to the stone frogs over there and said, "Those are the toads that accidentally absorbed too much natural energy and turned into stone when absorbing natural energy.

So remember that you must not absorb too much natural energy, but the absorption of natural energy is not stable, so you need to prepare enough chakra in advance to balance it. This is why you were not allowed to absorb natural energy before. "

"So it is not so easy to practice senjutsu successfully. Only by perfectly mixing the ratio of natural energy and chakra can the real senjutsu chakra be formed, and the ninjutsu used with senjutsu chakra can be It’s called Immortal Technique, and it possesses far beyond ordinary power.”

Xia Li also listened very carefully. Although he also knew some knowledge about immortal arts, he was also worried that he had made some mistakes in his memory.

"Grandpa, I want to try it without toad oil first. I think I can actively absorb natural energy." Xia Li said after listening.

"Well, that's okay." Fukasaku Sennin stroked his beard and said. Using toad oil to practice Sage Mode is just a shortcut. It would be better if the other party doesn't need it. Originally, he would have to do it after he learned it. There is no need to use toad oil.

"Then, just sit here and give it a try. If there are any changes in your body, I will interrupt your state in time and break away from nature." Fukasaku Sage said seriously.

"Okay." Xia Li nodded. In fact, he didn't need to sit down to absorb natural energy, but obviously, he still had to be more disciplined when learning for the first time.

Xia Li sat there cross-legged and entered a deeper state of emptiness. The next moment, the natural energy permeating the air appeared in Xia Li's perception again.

Xia Li has seen these natural energies for a long time. He has never tried to absorb them before. He just felt that he could absorb them. Now, Xia Li finally tried to absorb them for the first time.

Sure enough, when this idea came to Xia Li's mind, the natural energy rushed towards Xia Li.

"?!" Fukasaku Sennin opened his eyes wide at this moment, feeling the natural energy that was pouring into Xia Li's body as if it had found a home. It was acceptable for Xia Li to absorb the natural energy, but for the first time Why so many.

Was there an accident? This was bad. When Fukasaku Sennin wanted to wake up Xia Li with the ruler in his hand, he found that the ruler in his hand was gone, and the person who came to it was the Toad Sennin.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Fukasaku Sennin looked at the Toad Sento who was still standing upright even though he still looked old, and was filled with shock.

The Great Toad Immortal didn't reply, but looked at Xia Li over there, his eyes full of shock.

And, not only that, the moment Xia Li began to absorb natural energy...

Longdi Cave.

The White Snake Immortal, who was curled up on the huge and majestic throne, also opened his eyes at this time and looked into the distance. First, doubts appeared in his snake eyes, and then he showed shock and a hint of displeasure.

What's shocking is that such people can still appear in this world. What's unpleasant is that such people were discovered by Miao Mushan in advance!

However, even so, the White Snake Immortal still stood up, and then the entire snake disappeared into the Longdi Cave.

Just like the White Snake Immortal, the Slug Immortal in the Shitbone Forest also opened his eyes and looked into the distance. After thinking about it, he left most of his body behind and disappeared into the Shitbone Forest. .

Miaomu Mountain was still on the square. Fukasaku Sennin stared blankly at the huge white snake and slug in front of him, his eyes wide open. Could this be...

The White Snake Immortal and the Slug Immortal who are as famous as the Big Toad Immortal? !

At this time, the Great Toad Immortal was not surprised by the arrival of the White Snake Immortal and the Slug Immortal. Instead, it breathed a sigh of relief and saw that the three great Immortals seemed to be looking in the same direction.

Fukasaku Sennin next to him also looked around, but found nothing, which made him even more confused.

After a long time, the three immortals each breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other and returned to their normal state.

"Gamamaru, long time no see, leave this human to me." White Snake Sage said directly.

"This is not something I can decide. He needs to make his own choice." The big toad fairy replied. As for the slug fairy, it has been too lazy to move or talk since it returned to its normal state.

"Tsk, you are in trouble here. How long do you think it will take for him to wake up?" asked the White Snake Immortal.

"It should take a while, Fukasaku." shouted the great toad sage.

"Please tell me." At this time, Fukasaku Sennin didn't know that the three great immortals were all attracted by Xia Li's practice of the immortal mode, but why did Xia Li attract the three great immortals? Fukasaku Sennin was a little puzzled.

"You ask a communication frog to go to Konoha to inform his family that he needs to stay in Mt. Myoboku for a few more days. Please don't worry." The Great Toad Sage ordered. At this time, the Great Toad Sage had completely lost his stumbling speech in the past. look like.

"Yes!" Fukasaku Sage looked at Xia Li over there with a little worry, and then immediately did what the Great Toad Sage ordered.

Things here have completely exceeded its expectations and are beyond its control.

As for Xia Li, who was involved, when he just started to absorb natural energy, he felt that the amount absorbed seemed to be more than he imagined, and... he couldn't stop.

This frightened Xia Li. At this level, he would definitely be petrified, right? So why hasn't Fukasaku Sennin awakened him yet?

Just when Xia Li was confused, he saw that the natural energy seemed to have found its home and began to integrate into every part of his body. This made Xia Li feel a little sluggish. This situation seems to be different from what Fukasaku Sennin said, right?

So what is the situation now? Before Xia Li had time to think, he suddenly felt a terrifying gaze falling on him.

Yes, it was just a look, but Xia Li felt that he was completely out of breath at this time. Even though the other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions, the huge gap made him instinctively afraid.

He was afraid of the gaze that could strangle him to death at any time, but this gaze did not last long and dissipated, but it still left an indelible shadow in Xia Li's mind.

That kind of life could be taken away at any time, and the feeling that he had no ability to resist made Xia Li feel very bad at this time.

Before Xia Li had time to think about who the owner of her eyes was, she felt a pain coming from various parts of her body. Although it was bearable, it also made Xia Li a little confused, what happened to her body?

Soon, Xia Li discovered that the natural energy entering his body seemed to be transforming his body.

Transformation? Xia Li's expression suddenly changed. Could it be that he was about to transform into a frog?

At this time, Xia Li wanted to open her eyes and escape from this state, but found that she could not escape from this state at all. She could only watch her body being transformed by the inhaled natural energy.

At this moment, Xia Li suddenly felt that the gentle natural energy he usually felt was a wolf in sheep's clothing. It felt very docile on the outside, but when it entered the body, its fangs were exposed!

However, there is another point that makes Xia Li a little confused. If it is impossible to escape from the inside in this state, then it should be possible from the outside, right?

After all, Xia Li remembered that Naruto must have been awakened by Fukasaku Sennin many times, so why? Maybe it was because he didn’t absorb the toad oil from Mount Myoboku, so Fukasaku Sennin didn’t notice it?

At this time, Xia Li was thinking about the reason and was not too desperate. He always felt that things seemed a bit strange.

The first is the inexplicable influx of so much natural energy, the second is the terrifying gaze, and the last is the transformation of the body by natural energy...

Maybe his body had undergone some unknown changes, and this change was not necessarily a bad thing.

In this way, in this state, Xia Li felt that his body was being transformed bit by bit by natural energy. On the seventh day, Xia Li's spirit finally became more energetic, because he felt that the transformation was about to be completed.

The truth was just as Xia Li felt, and the moment it was completed, Xia Li finally felt that she had control over her body again.

However, when Xia Li opened her eyes, she saw three huge figures.

Xia Li looked at these three figures, wiped his eyes, and then confirmed again. It seemed that he had not admitted it just now.

He could still accept the Great Toad Immortal being here, but why were the White Snake Immortal and the Slug Immortal also here? Isn't this Mount Miaomu? !

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