At noon, the Yuhi clan and the Hagoromo clan returned to the Yuhi clan's territory, talking and laughing.

The Hagoromo clan's renewed support temporarily resolved the crisis faced by the Yuhi clan. Therefore, under this circumstance, the Yuhi ninjas felt a lot more relaxed.

Facing the Yuhi ninjas who were full of relaxed smiles, the Hagoromo clan had also experienced the desperate crisis of extinction, so they could more or less empathize with them at this moment.

However, unlike the Yuhi clan, the Hagoromo clan survived the crisis of extinction by themselves, rather than relying on the rescue of other ninja clans.

Therefore, looking at these Yuhi ninjas who were talking and laughing, every member of the Hagoromo clan felt a little proud, but they did not show it on their faces.

In the Yuhi clan's meeting hall, Hagoromo Qianhan sat at the top, and the others sat in order.

The head of the Xiri clan sat in the first position on the left row:"Young clan leader, the wounded have been arranged for treatment. What should we do next?"

Yuyi Qianhan said with a smile:"After the battle in the morning, everyone is tired, so after lunch, let's take a rest.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we will launch an attack on the Tsuruta clan and strive to kill the Tsuruta clan before the evening."

At this time, the Tsuruta side had only four top elite ninjas, and on their side, Yuyi Qianhan could hold back one of the other side.

Therefore, the advantage in the next battle is mine.

As long as they can kill the bottom combat power of the Tsuruta clan, then the Senju clan will see that things are impossible, and the probability of retreating next will be very high.

After all, the Senju clan is now fighting with the Uchiha clan. For a small Tsuruta clan, the Senju clan will only stay with so many combat forces to fight with Yuyi unless they are crazy.

Seeing Yuyi Qianhan say this, the head of the Xiri clan smiled and nodded:"Everything is up to the young clan leader."

The specific time for attacking the Tsuruta clan was agreed upon, and this meeting that was not considered a meeting ended.

These newly-supported Feathered Ninjas went to have lunch under the arrangement of the Yuhi Clan, while Feathered Chihan returned to his own house.

"" Woof! Idiot!"

Standing at the gate of the yard, he heard the dog's voice before he saw it.

Hearing the noise, Yuyi Qianhan was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead. He reached out and took off the scabbard from his waist:"You stupid dog, today I must let you know what the master's majesty is!"

Yuyi Qianhan kicked the door open and was about to hit the stupid dog with the scabbard.

However, just as he was about to do it, the stupid dog suddenly spit out two thumb-sized scrolls from his mouth, and then lay on the ground with his tongue sticking out, looking at Yuyi Qianhan with an expression waiting for praise.

Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan put down the scabbard that he was going to use to teach the stupid dog a lesson with some suspicion, and then picked up the two scrolls.

This is not a rare scroll, but a small scroll used to convey messages.

After looking at the scroll, Yuyi Qianhan judged that this scroll should have been used recently, and it would not be more than a week at the longest.

With a sense of anticipation of opening a blind box, Yuyi Qianhan opened one of the scrolls.

"Hmm? What does this mean?"

There is only a pattern that looks a bit like a fork on the scroll, and other than that, there is nothing.

Looking at this pattern, Yuyi Qianhan felt that it was somewhat familiar, but he was also confused and couldn't figure out what this scroll wanted to express.

With doubts, Yuyi Qianhan opened the second scroll:"This is it!"

Yuyi Qianhan's pupils shrank instantly, and saw a few crooked words written on the scroll: suspected Thousand Hands.

It can be seen that the person who recorded the scroll at that time should have faced a very dangerous situation, so after hastily writing these four words, he did not continue writing.

Now combined with the scroll just now, isn't that half of the Thousand Hands family emblem?

No wonder the pattern looks so familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it. It turns out that this is it!

At this moment, Yuyi Qianhan didn't care about teaching the silly dog a lesson. He picked up the soft meat behind the silly dog's neck and asked aloud:"Silly dog, where did this thing come from?"

The silly dog shook his head to signal Yuyi Qianhan to let him go, then stood up and ran out.

Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan followed with a serious look.

Soon, the man and the dog arrived at the center of the Xiri clan.

This was a house that was slightly different from the surroundings, and the gate was closed.

Just when Yuyi Qianhan was hesitating whether to go in, the silly dog rushed up and pushed the door open with his head.

"I……"Yuyi Qianhan wanted to say something to express her feelings at the moment.

"Young Clan Leader Qianhan?" A pleasant voice came from the yard.

Yuyi Qianhan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young girl sitting under the eaves, holding a dagger in her hand, a whetstone at her feet, and looking up at her. Seeing this, Yuyi Qianhan ignored the silly dog and asked,"What are you doing?"

Xiri Chiyue smiled and said,"The battle in the morning made the weapon a little blunt, and now the meal is not ready, so I will sharpen it first."

As she spoke, she shook the dagger in her hand.

At this time, Silly Dog had run to a house and sat down, then turned around and stuck out his tongue at Yuyi Qianhan.

Xiri Chiyue saw that Yuyi Qianhan was standing at the door and didn't come in, so she put down the dagger and stood up:"Young Clan Leader Qianhan, do you want to come in and sit down?"

Hearing this, Yuyi Qianhan nodded and walked in

"I really don't know how to thank Young Clan Leader Qianhan for saving my life this morning."

Seeing that Yuyi Qianhan had no intention of speaking, Xiri Chiyue took the initiative to bring up the topic.

Yuyi Qianhan smiled and said,"You're welcome. Just call me Qianhan."

Then, he turned and walked towards the silly dog.

"What is this room?" Yuyi Qianhan pointed to the house in front of Shagou.

Xiri Chiyue said,"It is father's study. Father usually handles family affairs here."

"Is that so?……"Yuyi Qianhan nodded thoughtfully.

In the study of the Xiri clan leader, it seems that the Xiri clan leader really knows something.

The two scrolls are probably the information sent back by two different people.

Different information, but both target the Senju clan. This is almost ironclad evidence, but the Xiri clan leader is stubborn and insists that he knows nothing.

Moreover, in order to prove that what he said is true, the other party even sent his children to follow Yuyi Qianhan to the Tsuruta clan to explore for information. This guy is really dirty!

However, what Yuyi Qianhan can't understand is that since the Xiri clan leader has made up his mind to tell himself that he knows nothing, why would he leave such fatal evidence as the intelligence scroll?

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