Boom— the earth wall fell, revealing the Senju Tobirama and the middle-aged ninja behind.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield at this time, even the usually calm Senju Tobirama couldn't help but be moved.

With the arrival of more than a dozen ninjas such as Hagoromo Ishihara and Hagoromo Tai, the advantage on the battlefield quickly turned to the Yuhi clan.

Although on the top elite jonin side, even if Hagoromo supported two more ninjas of this strength, the Senju side would not be at a big disadvantage.

But in other aspects, the addition of five elite jonins and a dozen jonins directly made the Yuhi clan, which was originally at a disadvantage, become the advantaged party.

Because of the long battle, both sides were a little tired, but at this time, the Yuhi clan suddenly had reinforcements.

This direct impact, like a heavy punch, hit the heart of the Tsuruta ninja hard, making the Tsuruta clan couldn't help but feel fear.

And the most intuitive change brought about by fear is the reduction of fighting will.

"Damn it! How could this happen?……"

Senju Tobirama clenched his fists and cursed inwardly.

No wonder after the Yuhi clan was at a disadvantage, Hagoromo Chihan had no intention of retreating, it turned out that there was a backup plan.

Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama's anger contained some self-blame.

Why didn't he think of the possibility that the other party had reinforcements? He was so careless!

Of course, this can't be blamed entirely on Senju Tobirama.

After all, supporting the Tsuruta clan to attack the Yuhi family and complete the three-sided encirclement of Hagoromo was originally his plan, and this plan was also favored by Senju Butsukan and supported his implementation.

However, now that the layout has been in place for a year, it is time to reap the rewards, but Senju Butsukan suddenly sent someone to urge him and gave a deadline of three days.

Therefore, in his haste, it is inevitable that Senju Tobirama was not thoughtful and made some omissions.

At this moment, compared to Senju Tobirama's anger and self-blame, Hagoromo Chihan was in a completely different mood.

"Uncle Tai, you are finally here."

Looking at the Yuyi Tai beside him, Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help but grinned.

It was worth it that he had been fighting with Senju Tobirama and the middle-aged ninja for so long, the reinforcements he had been looking forward to finally came.

Yuyi Tai smiled:"After receiving the letter from the young clan leader, the clan leader immediately sent us to support.

Of course, in order to be faster, Ishihara and I brought the current people here first.

As for the remaining dozen special jonin and twenty or so chunins, it will take another hour to arrive."

Yuyi Qianhan laughed:"It doesn't matter, these people are enough now!"

Yuyi Tai glanced at the battle situation around him, and then nodded.

That's right, although the top elite jonin of Senju did not appear at a disadvantage, the ninjas of the Tsuruta clan had already shown a faint trend of defeat after the arrival of the Yuyi reinforcements.

So, there is nothing wrong with what the young clan leader said.

""Tobirama, what should we do now?"

The middle-aged ninja on the opposite side stared at Yuyi Qianhan and Yuyi Tai cautiously, and at the same time asked Senju Tobirama's opinion in a low voice.

In the eyes of the Senju high-level, although Senju Tobirama is still young, his vision is no less than that of adults, and sometimes he can even think about problems from the perspective of the clan leader.

Therefore, facing the current situation, the middle-aged ninja is still more willing to listen to Senju Tobirama's opinion.

Hearing his uncle asking him, Senju Tobirama looked around, then gritted his teeth:"Retreat, retreat to the Tsuruta clan first!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and then shouted:"Retreat!"

The next second, facing the Yuhi clan with reinforcements, the Tsuruta ninjas, who had long lost confidence, rushed to flee in the direction of the clan after receiving the order.

Seeing this situation, Yuyi Qianhan's previous suffocation when facing Senju Tobirama and the two was instantly swept away, and then shouted:"Want to leave? Have you asked me? Everyone chase them and kill them!"

Hagoromo Chihan's voice, enhanced by chakra, instantly spread to every corner of the battlefield.

Hagoromo Tello, who had just been beaten up by two Thousand Hands Ninjas, took the lead and rushed forward:"You two felt great about bullying the weak with your numbers just now, right? If you have the guts, don't run!"

However, he had just chased out a few steps and then stopped, then turned his head and looked:"Hey! Why aren't you chasing me!"

Hagoromo Ishihara laughed:"I'm just watching you show your power."

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me!" Yugi Tro looked at Yugi Ishihara with an unhappy face.

Seeing this, Yugi Ishihara stopped teasing him and said"I am coming", then followed him.

The Tsuruta clan ninjas did not retreat in a disorderly manner. They let the younger Genin and Chunin retreat first, followed by the remaining Chunin and Genin. After all, for a ninja clan, the bottom-level combat power is very important. You can't ignore the bottom-level combat power when retreating and let them be slaughtered by the enemy.

After the Chunin and Genin, it was the Jonin and the elite Jonin. They slowly retreated while blocking the pursuit of Yuhi Yugi's pursuers.

Finally, they blocked the enemy The ones who were there were the remaining elite jonin of the Tsuruta clan, as well as the Senju Tobirama and the four top elite jonin.

Of course, the Senju ninjas were willing to stop the pursuers at the last moment. On the one hand, it was because they did not want the Tsuruta ninjas to suffer too much loss, and on the other hand, they were confident that the other party would not be able to stop them.

But if the pursuers of the Hagoromo and Yuhi clans threatened their lives, they would definitely abandon the Tsuruta clan and run for their lives at the first opportunity.

After all, the Tsuruta clan, a third-rate clan, was not worth the Senju ninjas staying and fighting for their lives.

Soon, the Hagoromo ninjas joined forces with the Yuhi ninjas to chase over a mountain. After crossing the mountain in front,���It was the clan territory of the Tsuruta clan.

Originally, Yugorichi Han wanted to continue chasing, but when he looked back, he saw that everyone was exhausted after a long battle.

At the same time, as a top elite jonin, Yugorichi Tello was also exhausted and injured after fighting one against two.

Although these injuries were not fatal, it would not be a good thing to delay.

So, after some consideration, Yugorichi Han decided to withdraw first, and after a few hours of rest, he would rush to the Tsuruta clan territory and kill the Tsuruta clan.

Anyway, Senju is now fighting with his old rival Uchiha, and the two sides are fighting fiercely, and there is no extra force to support this side. Therefore

, even if they delay some time, it will not be a big deal.

After expressing their ideas, Yugorichi Tello and the others thought about it and agreed with Yugorichi Han's point of view, and the head of the Yuhi clan naturally would not sing any opposite tune at this time.

After all, among the four people present, each one was as strong as him, not to mention that their Yuhi clan had already decided to become a subsidiary ninja clan of the Yuyi clan.

Therefore, at this juncture, he didn't need to argue with Yuyi Qianhan, the young clan leader, about this issue.

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