"Lady Tsunade, what should we do now?"

Shizune said to the somewhat mature woman, looking at Tsunade's chest, and then looking at herself, why even the person that Lady Tsunade transformed into was so big.

Tsunade's current identity is Kato Shizune's sister, and because Tsunade is too recognizable, she had to use the transformation technique to become like this.

Kato Shizune is the niece of her former lover Kato Dan. Since Tsunade suffered from hemophobia, she has brought Shizune with her to teach.

As for the reason why Tsunade left Konoha, was it because of the death of her lover or because of the darkness of the village, I'm afraid only Tsunade herself knows.

Anyway, she is already alone, it is better to leave this place that makes Tsunade sad.

"Don't be anxious, didn't the person before say that they would arrange for us soon? But you, it seems like you've already enjoyed yourself a little bit!"

Tsunade rolled her eyes at Shizune, whose hands were now covered with cream. It must be said that this organization attaches great importance to talents. When the two of them arrived, they attracted great attention from the person in charge after their self-destruction ability!

The two of them forged their origins to be the Kingdom of Rivers, and their mothers had helped a medical ninja from the Kingdom of Whirlpools, so in order to repay them, they left them some medical ninjutsu.

Although there are many loopholes, no one has confirmed that some citizens of the Kingdom of Whirlpools did drift into the ninja world.

Moreover, in the ninja world, there are many people who have obtained the training methods of ninjas and embarked on the path of wandering ninjas.

"Hehe... Lady Tsunade, the food here is really good!"

Shizune said a little embarrassedly.

Having followed Tsunade for these years, most of the money was taken by Tsunade to gamble, so the food was naturally a bit worse. Besides, even if it was delicacies from land and sea, it was not as good as the food here at Umbrella. Naruto

's arrival brought not only ideas, but also delicious food!

This is also a good way to make money!

After all, food, clothing, housing and transportation, people basically cannot live without these!

The two were still communicating, and suddenly a voice came from a distance:"Lady Shizune, we need your help!"

A man in his thirties ran over, sweating profusely.

"What happened?"

Shizune asked in surprise.

"The old man in our village broke his arm and injured his internal organs! We need your help. If it were a normal case, we wouldn't bother you, but this…"

"Stop talking, let’s find out the situation when we get there, the most important thing is to save people first!"

Shizune said hurriedly. In the past few days, Shizune accidentally treated several ordinary people and promised that anyone who was injured could come to her.

Unexpectedly, something really happened!

Those people were ordinary people recruited by the Umbrella Organization and belonged to the Umbrella Company.

In the Naruto world, there are also companies and other systems, such as the Cardo Group that appeared in the original work!

Shizune followed the man to the place where the old Sentou had an accident.

On the way, the man told Shizune what happened.

The man was called Yamamoto and had no surname. It turned out that the old Sentou wanted to make more money and work in the Umbrella Company. The salary was quite generous, and overtime could be paid for overtime work, which made the old Sentou, who was originally living in poverty, particularly happy.

Every time he worked very hard and often worked overtime. Today, didn't the old Sentou, who often didn't have a good rest, have an accident? He fainted and fell off the bridge! The old Sentou's original name is no longer known, and everyone likes to call him Old Sentou!

Since the location was not very far away, the two arrived at the scene in a short while. Everyone gathered together, and Shizune hurriedly called out to everyone to leave quickly.

"Don’t gather together, keep the air circulating!"

""Quick! Listen to Master Shizune, get out of the way!"

These people also knew that Shizune was a ninja, so they quickly stepped back and made room for him!

Shizune stepped forward and saw an old man who was about fifty years old lying on the ground with a pool of blood.

Shizune hurried forward, first straightened his bones, and finally used healing techniques to connect the bones. What made her frown was that the other party's internal organs were damaged!

And there was dirty blood blocking it!

After a careful inspection, Shizune used the chakra scalpel to quickly cut open the patient's chest. In order to prevent the other party from waking up, Shizune had used chakra to paralyze half of the other party's body.

Ordinary people's injuries are not very difficult for Shizune, who studied under Tsunade.

Soon, the old man's wound was sewed up again!

This series of operations dazzled everyone present. No wonder they said he was a ninja!

Seeing everyone showing a look of relief, Shizune couldn't help but show it. Smile!

Perhaps this is the reason why she chose to become a medical ninja!

In the distance, Tsunade leaned against a tree, looking at Shizune in the distance with a smile!

In the past few days, he also knew that these people were all poor villagers recruited by the Umbrella Organization. Some had some skills, and some could only do some hard labor, but the remuneration was quite good!

Although it is not worth mentioning for ninjas, it is already a very generous existence for ordinary people!

Is this so-called umbrella organization really an umbrella for the people?

Tsunade once again became very interested in this organization, and then Tsunade took out the book issued for joining the organization from the scroll she carried with her.

There were a few big words written on it, Red Thought!

Opening it, you can see that practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

Science and technology are the primary productive forces!

There are also some words that are specially marked, saying:"Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it!"

There is also a pacifist policy!

There are some small stories on it!

In short, it is very detailed, and the content above is all deafening speeches, such as practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

And science and technology are the primary productive forces!

Tsunade didn't understand what science and technology were, but what shocked Tsunade was the next Ming said, who is Ming? Did he propose the red thought?

In short, this person named Ming profoundly summarized the root causes of war in the book!

War does not come from hatred, but from the uneven distribution of interests!

This sentence alone made Tsunade stunned as if she had been enlightened. Tsunade is not stupid. Years of experience made her understand this sentence instantly and fell into deep thought!

The book also introduces multiple countries and multiple ideas. The uneven distribution of interests will lead to the seeds of disputes. At the same time, the book also implicitly mentioned that if there is only one country in the world, then it can agree to allocate resources, instead of some places having excess resources and some places being poor. Down!

Tsunade's book fell to the ground with a bang. Does the owner of this book think that the one country, one village system of the great grandfather is wrong?

Suddenly, Tsunade picked up the book again and read it again.

Tsunade spent the whole day reading!

Some of the views in it made her feel greatly shocked, even to the system!

Tsunade and Shizune were temporarily classified as blue-level talents, because the red thoughts they issued were different from the previous level, and they began to introduce the existence of ninjas!

But there was not much introduction!

But one sentence in it made Tsunade agree very much. Ninjutsu originated from life and also from war. Since it can be used for fighting, it can naturally be used in life!

And it comes with a ninjutsu, the technique of turning the soil!

The name is very simple. It is a ninjutsu related to farming, and it comes with a chakra refining method!

This once again made Tsunade's heart churn!

What is the purpose of the umbrella?!

Is it to make the chakra practice method public!

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