Tsunade was mixed in the crowd, but she was not too conspicuous, because everyone present focused their attention on Tanaka Shingo, and was obviously attracted by everything Tanaka Shingo said.

Only Shizune noticed Tsunade's arrival, and was signaled by Tsunade with her eyes not to say anything.

The two continued to listen to what Tanaka Shingo said.

"For those who perform well, the organization will give you many benefits and even help you build a more beautiful house!"

"You will have a house and you will have money. As long as you work hard and contribute to the organization, one day you will live in a big house of your own. Remember the tycoon Gen Hoshino? You can also live in the same luxurious house as him!"

Tanaka Shingo became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he was infected.

Gen Hoshino was a well-known figure in the surrounding area. He was considered a rich man, but in fact he was just a small landlord!

No one knew him outside the area. Shingo Tanaka used him as an example to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm!

They were very excited to think that they could live in the same house as the tycoon! They all said,"Shingo, are you serious? Can we live in a big house like that?"

Shingo Tanaka saw this and couldn't help but feel satisfied. The adult who taught him in the organization said that if you want others to work hard with you, you must not only talk about benefits, but also learn to paint a rosy picture!

Shingo Tanaka deeply agrees with this. Although what he said was a bit exaggerated, the treatment is real, and it is also true that you can live in a big house, but only for a few people. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be an elite!

However, even the most ordinary people can save money for a big house in a few years, which is better than being exploited by landlords or even nobles here all day long!

Children can also have a better learning environment and become a more useful talent, and even become a ninja!

In this world, the number of ninjas is actually not that large compared to ordinary people.

And the power of ninjas also makes ordinary people very awed!

"Everyone, how could I lie to you! It's all true, but the adults are willing to help you, you also have to work hard, the adults are willing to lead everyone out of poverty and into prosperity, we may be the villains who forget their principles for the sake of profit!"

Tanaka Shingo warned, with a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other, so that they would know how valuable this opportunity is!


In the following days, Tsunade and Shizune followed Tanaka Shingo secretly and witnessed Tanaka Shingo promoting the red ideology!

At first, Tsunade was a little confused, but later she gradually discovered that the organization behind Tanaka Shingo seemed to be really not simple.

The red ideology also shocked Tsunade!

At the same time, he also learned about the levels of members of the Umbrella Organization, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple!

In Tsunade's discovery, it seemed that every villager around had joined the Umbrella Organization and became the most ordinary purple member.

Tsunade didn't know what the purpose of this organization recruiting these ordinary people was, and it didn't seem to care about them. It seemed that only the indigo-level members were worth contacting!

Tsunade kept following Tanaka Shingo and found that this person seemed to be really just for the good of these villagers. The behavior shown by the whole person also made Tsunade very appreciative. Although he was not a ninja, his heart was still admirable!

This made Tsunade more and more curious about this organization that she had never heard of.


Wave Country...

Uchiha Shisui is having a meeting with Uchiha Yu, Zabuza and some other key members.

"How's the expansion going recently?"

With the passage of time and the growth of the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce, Umbrella began a steady expansion policy under the guidance of Naruto and the leadership of a group of leaders such as Shisui!

Zabuza stood up and spoke slowly:"It's satisfactory. Some places have been promoted smoothly, but some places are still not so easy. Some civilians don't trust us very much!"

"In addition, the speed of recruiting ninjas is getting slower and slower, and the ninjas we trained ourselves have not grown up yet!"

Zabuza briefly introduced the situation he was responsible for!

After Zabuza finished speaking, Uchiha Yu stood up again and said happily:"The situation here is very good. The number of members has greatly increased, and at the same time, several mechanical talents have been recruited."

"And in some areas, our ideas have been regarded as the light of hope!"

"In addition, we have recruited two special talents, Kato Shizune and Kato Shizuka, who are medical ninjas who have mastered the Palm Immortal Technique!"

Uchiha Yu looked at Zabuza and smiled proudly, squinting his eyes, as if to say, I performed better than you!

But Zabuza didn't care about his mood, which made him curl his hands.

"Have you checked their backgrounds?"Yu!"

Shisui nodded with satisfaction. They were in great need of medical ninjas, especially those who had mastered the Palm Immortal Technique. There were not many such ninjas in the five major ninja villages, so Shisui was a little worried that they were spies sent in by others!

"No, aren't there enough homeless people in the ninja world? My subordinates just reported it, and I haven't had time to investigate it yet!"

Yu said helplessly.

Shisui nodded and said,"Leave these two people to me for personal investigation!"

Senior members of the Umbrella Organization must be tested to prevent spies from other ninja villages or other organizations from infiltrating!

And the structure of the entire organization is in an umbrella shape, with the central umbrella being the absolute position led by Naruto!

Then it will gradually spread!

Each level will not know too much information across levels, and many small bases have been established, with funds coming from the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce.

The main reason for doing this is to spread the red ideology and slowly change people's thinking, not to bring them all into the organization.

This makes some people depressed, such as Tsunade. She originally wanted to infiltrate the Umbrella Organization to find out who can create such a shocking theory and see through the essence of the ninja world in the most fundamental way! Tsunade thinks it might be a wise man who has studied for a long time, or a very old man!

But now, what makes her most helpless is That is, she can't contact the upper level at all.

They said they had to wait for notification because they didn't know the existence of their superiors!

Most of them were in single-line contact, and they had a set of secret codes for contact!

Such a meticulous operation method made Tsunade panic, because you don't know whether any ordinary person around you is a member of this organization. No one will pay attention to an ordinary person unless this ordinary person is particularly different!

This organization is like a big net spread in the ninja world. When the net is closed, it will definitely burst out with unimaginable power!

Tsunade was thinking about the power and meaning behind this organization. As for Shizune, in addition to being shocked by the concept, he also thought that this organization was good because he saw many ordinary people being helped by the Umbrella Organization. To their surprise, the Umbrella Organization seemed to have a vague connection with the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce. It was not conspicuous, but it definitely existed!

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