Naruto God-level System

Chapter 847: Terror of time

"Weird, weird, it's okay for an old man to be stupid, why this little girl is still in a daze here. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, although I destroy Long Yin is not a gentleman, how can I let a little girl get cold outside." He just wanted to hold the girl's chest, a sudden, cold and merciless right hand clasped his wrist fiercely!

"What are you doing!"

Ye Liang's eyebrows were cold, and his big watery eyes stared at the old man in front of him.

"I...I..." Rui Longyin looked at Ye Liang vaguely. He wanted to draw a hand, but found that if his arm had been smelted by steel, he couldn't escape!

His old face blushed on the spot: "I just want to help this girl up, there is no other meaning."

"Really!" Ye Liang asked, he slowly stood up from the ground.


His forehead flashed, and he covered his head in a daze: "Who am I? Why am I here?" He looked at the man in front of him, a little confused.

"No! I'm Ye Liang! My name is Ye Liang! What's wrong with me!" He looked around again and began to inspect. Seeing Ye Liang let go of his hand, Destruction Longyin immediately pulled his arm back and hid aside.


He quickly backed away a few steps to prevent Ye Liang from starting an attack again.

Ye Liang stayed in the same place for a long time, and didn't observe anything. He lowered his head and swept the system incarnation before finally waking up.

"I want to leave this world, but lost consciousness?" He quickly picked up the system and shook his hands, and the latter woke up from his arms.

"Host, what are you doing?" The system grabbed her eyelids. She seemed to have lost her mechanical identity, and she actually showed a trace of the calmness of a little woman.

"No! I seem to have been invaded by a mysterious!" She quickly awoke from Ye Liang's arms, wrapped her arms around her body...Chapter 847 Time Horror (page 1/4),. Going up and down: "Host, while spending this time with you, my system seems to have produced a human situation. She started to be slack, lazy, and finally gave up calculations. I suspect that everything around here is hidden The power of measurement."

"It's not a doubt, it's affirmation." Ye Liang said deeply: "The power of time! Time can not only kill people, but also make all inorganic matter metamorphose and transform! If I guess right, we are both by time. The power of it is affected!"

Speaking of this, the two people who have completely lost their clues have fallen into thinking again.

This wait is an hour!

"Wake me up!"

The sound of Destruction Longyin blew up in his ears, and Ye Liang had a sudden pause, and once again woke up from the pause: "I was numb again just now?"

He looked at the rumble of destruction next to him incredulously, and the system woke up from thinking.

Destruction Longyin shook his head and carefully reminded: "Don't let yourself fall into any state of uniform speed, like running, resting, or going to work. Once you get into this kind of thing, you will be prolonged indefinitely by time! I Having lived here for so long, I don’t know how long it has been!"

"How to solve that?"

"Awake! Sober! Sober again!" Doom Longyin shook his head and said, "Don't look at me bluffing, but it is this way that allows me to live safely here."

After Ye Liang listened to it, he instantly understood that he kept a certain degree of spiritual power in his body scurrying, because it was irregular, so there was no need to worry about being affected by the power of time.

He closed the system again and then relaxed.

The system went to her own knowledge of the sea, as long as she had a problem, she could always remind herself. This can be regarded as an insurance for himself.

"Where is that little girl?" Longyin looked around as he saw the destruction of the system. Ye Liang shook his head, and then dragged him to the ground...Chapter 847 The Horror of Time (page 2/4). on.

"Who are you?" Ye Liang sat cross-legged.

"Who am I? I am Destruction Longyin." Destruction Longyin asked puzzledly. He was an old man, he was originally beautiful, but his long hair and gray beard made him look terrible.

It's like a tramp who nobody wants.

"Destroy Long Yin?" Ye Liang thought for a while, and suddenly felt that the name was a bit familiar, and the system's voice immediately rang in his mind: "Host, do you remember the great saint in the land of the North Ming." He said his brother is called Long Yin."

"Do you know Luster?" Ye Liang asked.

"Haha, you mean my brother! That little guy is a disciple just received by the master. He is only a little older. When I saw him last time, he was pestering me for the candy gourd under the mountain."

"Last is still young?" Ye Liang became weird.

Not small?

Last time I saw Luster, he was already a mature saint.

"No! There is a problem with this guy's memory!" Ye Liang clearly remembered that Luster once said that it was the brother who gave him his saint's intentions, and let him break through the saint.

His brother also began to be hunted down.

How could Destroy Longyin give the meaning of a saint to a little kid, there is a problem with his memory!

"How long have you been kept here?" Ye Liang asked.

"Three years." Rui Longyin replied: "I can't remember, anyway, it seems that many people have been chased and killed, and then escaped and came here."

"How old are you three years ago, and this hairstyle?" Ye Liang pointed to Destroy Longyin's head. The long, knee-length hair on it seemed to be chic. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Why do you talk so much? Of course I am a fresh and beautiful, holy land arrogant." Rui Longyin contemptuously said.

Ye Liang pulled his hair and laughed immediately: "The appearance is refined, it is a...Chapter 847 The Horror of Time (page 3/4). An old man with chicken skin."

As soon as this paragraph was finished, Ruoyin Longyin became dumbfounded. He touched his skin, and quickly transformed a mirror from his palm, and took a few shots, completely dumbfounded!

"No! This is impossible! I clearly remember that I have only been here for three years, how could I have become such a ghost! Lao Tzu is still a childish little chick!" He yelled as if to follow. The temperament of this seven-year-old eighty does not match.

Ye Liang shook his head and finally understood.

Destroy Longyin was also caught in time stretch like himself, but he would wake up from his deep sleep from time to time. The three years he said are probably his conscious three years.

It is estimated that the unconscious time can no longer be counted with your fingers!

"Senior, you finally found out." He patted Ruoyin on the shoulder. At this moment, Destruction Longyin suddenly stopped moving. His pupils were trembling, and a wave of energy fluctuations were emanating from his body. Ye Liang hadn't reacted, and the whole person came to a halt.

This time, he clearly kept his head awake, but he was still made dull by this energy! ?

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