Naruto God-level System

Chapter 846: Long time

"Where is this place?"

Ye Liang opened his eyes in the vast nothingness. There is nothing around, no objects, no space, not even the so-called time!

"Host, this seems to be somewhere weird. I can't perceive any energy from here, as if your body no longer exists."

Ye Liang looked around and realized that he had really become a touch of consciousness!

"How is it possible, am I really dead?" He wondered a little. His last memory was that he was hit by a man and then flew behind him silently.

Originally, he planned to use the strength of the man to quickly take the opportunity to escape, but when his back felt cold, he no longer felt.

"I remember that the man seemed to mention the voice of Time Changhe. I don't know the details. I am afraid this is the time Changhe he mentioned."

"Long time?" Ye Liang stunned, he heard the name for the first time. He looked to the side, not feeling the passage of time at all.

"No matter what, I must go out from here. Since my consciousness can still exist, it means that I have not really been wiped out. I am afraid that I have been sealed somewhere." Ye Liang thought about it a bit, and started. Go to a place without a goal.

In this way, he probably stayed for a long time, a long time, so long that he couldn't even notice it.

Ye Liang's beard grew.

"System, how long have I been walking? Why are the surroundings so white?"

"Without a reference, I don't know how long. But I am obsolete in my mind, it seems that we have gone for a month."

"A month!" Ye Liang said loudly, "Are you sure you didn't joking, I really went away for a month?" Although it took a long time, Ye Liang didn't feel a trace of fatigue.

He is moving in an environment of nothingness, if it weren't for a system beside...Chapter 846 Time Long (page 1/4),. By his side, he would not ask questions.

"The system, help me count them. When I reach one year, remember to remind me." Ye Liang said. He seemed to have thought of something before he commanded the system in his body like this.

The system was silent, but still agreed to Ye Liang's words.

Ye Liang began to walk around. He continued to move forward, not counting the time, but walking forward with a momentum. Slowly, his beard grew longer and longer, his hair was also lengthening, and soon reached the base of his ears.

Ye Liang didn't stop.

He couldn't feel any fatigue, he kept walking anyway, and the calmness on his face did not disappear. Just like that, it really took a long time!

But Ye Liang was like nothing, without the slightest reaction!

at last.

The system is loud!

"Host, you have reached a year's time. According to calculations, your mood has not fluctuated at all. Is there really no response?"

Ye Liang's footsteps stopped, he clenched his fists calmly, and slowly squatted down on the ground: "There really is no response. If I guess it's correct, there is no concept of time in this space, so I walked here. For a long time, I didn't notice it at all!

Without your presence, I'm afraid I would fall into endless wandering endlessly. "

After a year, I don’t know. Even after leaving for a long time, Ye Liang felt that something happened in an instant. This is the horror of this space!

Long time?

This is the so-called long river!

Ye Liang worried that he would be trapped here forever, so he hurriedly used extraordinary means. Instant flashes! Ye Liang had exhausted all means in order to get out.

At this time, Fei Lei Shen's kunai also cast out. But no matter how Ye Liang speeds up and hurries, he is surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, without objects, no living things or even the slightest bit of invisible dirt... Chapter 846 is a long time (page 2/4). No!

This is a space with nothing!

"Host, stop! You have been walking for three hundred years. If this continues, your lifespan will be completely exhausted here!" The system's voice shouted.

But Ye Liang couldn't listen to the system's words completely. He seemed to be stunned. He kept walking forward, his mouth was also absent-minded.

"I can't die, I want to leave! I can't die in this void space, there are still a lot of girls waiting for me to soak!" His pupils were raised, and the whole person was on the spot like crazy Running.

The system was helpless, she had to show her body, and with a slight grasp, she hugged Ye Liang from behind.

Ye Liang stopped immediately. The body of the system brought him back to reality. Now it is still nothing, and his heart is empty.

Ye Liang sat down.

He squatted on the ground and didn't know what he was thinking. The system did not speak, because she did not know what to say. In this way, a long time passed.

When even the system didn't know how long, an old man in ragged clothes walked over from a distance, walking on the road with a cane in his hand, his eyes numb.

He was lost too!

He can't tell the time either!

This ragged old man was like Ye Liang, he was also completely lost in this long river of time. Just as the old man was about to walk by, his leg was suddenly tripped by Ye Liang who was squatting on the ground.

Dumped directly from the ground.

"Dwarf oil, which **** dared to cheat Lao Tzu!" He yelled, and suddenly he woke up from the confusion: "Strange, why is the body so weak? Is it possible that I only took a few steps, UU reading body Is it empty?"

He looked at himself in surprise, and was suddenly attracted by his tattered clothes!

"What the **** is this? How did Lao Tzu's jade suit become this kind of hanging? And the old...Chapter 846 Time Long (page 3/4 ),. Zi’s skin! Lao Zi is smooth and smooth, how come the ice-clear jade skin has become chicken skin!"

He touched his cheek, suddenly dumbfounded.

"I'm old?"

The man was surprised. At this moment, he was suddenly attracted by the stone pier on the roadside. He was walking here, and it was the first time he saw a round stone pier. As soon as he walked over, he discovered that this was not a stone pier, but an elderly human squatting on the ground with almost rickety body.

He is the same as himself, his body is completely decayed.

"Grandpa, wake up soon. You can't sleep here. You will catch a cold when you sleep outside." The weird old man patted Ye Liang's shoulder, as if he felt wrong, and arched his hands respectfully.

But Ye Liang ignored him.

He squatted on the ground blankly, just staring at the surface blankly.

"Good grandpa?" the strange old man asked again. Seeing Ye Liang still didn't answer, he stretched out his hand and sighed the other party's snort.

"Strange, well-proportioned breathing, not dead?" He was surprised. At this moment, beside Ye Liang, he saw another beautiful young woman squatting in a daze. ?

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