Chapter 381 The calm before the war

“Ma Lin Fanduo!? This is impossible!!”

Upon hearing Obelisk’s words, Victor retorted directly:

“We have searched every corner of the world, especially the seas near Mariejois, and we don’t know how many times we have searched for artistic conception. If the last trace of the world really existed in Ma Lin Vandor, then we should have long ago. I noticed it.”

“Nothing is impossible… and in the origin of this world, I perceive the breath of the old fox in Five Elders!” A hint of contempt flashed in Obelix’s eyes.

“That old fox? It turns out that the last trace of the world’s origin has been in his hands! I would have killed him if I knew it!” Victor said murderously.

“The last trace of the world’s origin is in his hands. I have already guessed that.”

Obelisk said lightly:

“As for the old fox, let him jump for two more days. Sooner or later I will kill him! Eight hundred years ago, secretly revealing our information to the royal family of D, which led to the death of seventeen people in the battle. He really thought he was. Is it seamless? He won’t know that after controlling most of the world’s origin, it is easy to explore the past 15 times!”

“It turned out to be because of him!”

Victor’s murderous aura was almost reduced to substance, and his face was cold and he said, “Then I will kill this bastard now!” He stood up and wanted to rush towards the World government mansion.

“Stop! Victor.”

Obelisk scolded Victor and said, “There is no need to pay attention to him. Now I am more concerned about why the old fox gave up the origin of the world in his hands! Doesn’t he know that the origin of the world is his greatest reliance? Without the power of the origin of the world, against us, he doesn’t even have the chance to struggle in the end!”

“That’s right… Could this old fox give up resistance!?”

Victor looked at Obelix suspiciously and asked. Obelisk slowly sneered and said, “Huh, he is the first person to step into Raftel! Although the strength is really not mentioned… But whether it is courage, courage, or planning, ambition. But they are all superb people, this kind of people can’t do meaningless things!”

“Lisk, you mean… there is a conspiracy in this!?” Victor said uncertainly.

“Sneez…I don’t know if there is a conspiracy! I only know that if someone stops in front of me, then I will kill him!” A glimmer of cold light flashed in Obelisk’s eyes!

“Then…what do you do now!?” Victor asked.

“Don’t worry about it, since it has been detected by me. Then I will never escape from my palm again! When I dissipate Rozvard’s death is the origin of the world swallowed up, go to the last trace of the origin of the world Take it back! At that time… the entire world will belong to our Celestial Dragons!”

Obelisk said. Victor on the side nodded a little excitedly. He didn’t have the slightest doubt about Obelisk’s words, because…

Obelisk is too powerful! ! !

Marlene Vando.

The new Marshal Marine’s office.

Mukuro looked at the pile of documents, his face a little distressed. But as if thinking of something, he immediately brightened his eyes, greeted the messenger next to him, and said, “Send all these documents to Sengoku Admiral. By the way, there are…all the things that need to be reviewed in Marine in the future. All the paper documents are sent to Sengoku Admiral! No need to hand them over to me.”


The Herald’s face was astonished, and he hesitated: “But… but these are Marshal Marine’s affairs… Isn’t it a little improper to let Sengoku Admiral handle it?”

“Does Marine have any instructions!?” Mukuro asked rhetorically.

“No…no.” The messenger thought for a while and said.

“That’s all right, listen to me, and all the documents will be sent to Sengoku Admiral from now on!” Mukuro waved his hand and sent the messenger to go out to find Sengoku of Buddha holding the documents.

Looking at the empty desktop, Mukuro couldn’t help showing a satisfied look on his face.

At the same time, I feel extremely grateful for my decision. If I didn’t keep Sengoku in the Marine high-level sequence, then I can’t imagine how terrifying the days afterwards are!

Think about Hitsugaya Tōshirō in Shinigami and he knows the result…

Suddenly, Mukuro’s expression was taken aback, the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a curve, and he muttered to himself:

“The breath of the origin of the world!? It appeared so abruptly in Naval Headquarters… Five Elders… It seems that you have calculated it on my head! But… Do you think these will be useful? If this is the case, then this I will detain the origin of the silk world here! I want to see…what tricks you are playing!”

Mukuro raised his arm and slammed 117 fists, as if holding the whole world in his hands!

Three months.

The sea fell into a strange and peaceful scene.

Whether it is between a pirate and a pirate, or between a pirate and a Marine. There was no slight conflict, and it gave people a peaceful atmosphere like… the whole sea is a family.

Marlene Vando.

Looking at Mukuro sitting in Marshal Marine’s office, being served by Nami and Robin, who is so uncomfortable.

Sengoku is so angry! When I was Marshal Marine, how could life be so cool! And… and… I am obviously just a Marine Admiral! Why do Marshal Marine’s affairs have to be done by himself! ! !

“Marshal Lord! This is this world conscription, the list of Marine Admiral’s personnel. After a preliminary screening, the eight candidates who remained at the end, please look over!” Sengoku said grimly.

“Oh, just find two strong ones.” Mukuro waved his hand indifferently and said, just like you can figure it out and don’t use it to trouble me.

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