Chapter 380 The last source of the world

Hearing the words of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, the bald-headed and white-robed Five Elders and the long-haired and white-hued Five Elders both looked stunned. Then he stopped talking, and stared at the image of Mukuro in the video phone worm.

Next, first was the battle between Mukuro and Five Elders, and finally the Five Elders died in the acid that Mukuro condensed. Then Mukuro played against Five Elders in a blond suit, but the killing scene was even more bizarre.

The mansion of the World government…

Including Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, all three of them were silent…

Although the flat hat and curly hair Five Elders has foreseen this happening. However, it was one thing to foresee, but another thing to see with my own eyes. How could the three of them not hate Mitarashi Mukuro when they watched the death of their 800-year-old old friend! ? I can’t wait to have the thought of eating his flesh and blood!

However, no one uttered a suggestion to kill Mukuro immediately!

Because… the strength that Mitarashi Mukuro showed is so powerful!

At this time, Five Elders couldn’t help but feel a trace of sadness, a sense of sadness and sadness! Especially the long-haired white Hu Five Elders, who is the fifth oldest!

His strength is weaker than that of Five Elders with a round face and a white beard and Five Elders in a blond suit. Since Mukuro can easily kill two people who are stronger than himself. Then if you face yourself… it’s not a problem that will be solved if you meet each other! ?

After a long while, it was still bald and white robe Five Elders broke this weird calm…

Bald white robe Five Elders looked at the flat hat and curly hair Five Elders, and slowly asked: “Boss, are you sure to beat this Mitarashi Mukuro!?”

Hearing the words of Five Elders in a bald and white robe, Five Elders with a flat hat and curly hair thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:

“No… even me, there is no way to defeat the third and fourth so easily. And… the strength he showed, who can confirm that he has done his best!? In my opinion, this Mitarashi Mukuro’s strength has surpassed the old fellow of Celestial Dragons Victor. Even…or can compete with Obelisk!”


“Impossible! There can be such a strong man in the world!?”

Bald white robe Five Elders and long-haired white beard Five Elders knows better than anyone else who are these two people in the mouth of Five Elders! Three old Celestial Dragons that survived 800 years ago! ! !

In order of strength from low to high… in order:

Rozwald, Victor… and Obelisk! ! !

Eight hundred years ago, there was naturally a reason why only these three Celestial Dragons survived.

The first is Rozvard. The reason why he can survive is entirely because of his strength…too weak! In the final World War, Celestial Dragons was not sure of victory, so Rozwad was not allowed to participate in the war to ensure that the blood of his own world could be inherited after the worst happened, so that the entire world would not be completely cut off. !

Secondly, Victor can survive. It’s because he is the controller of Ancient Weapon-“Uranus”! ! ! Only survived because of the peculiarities of “Uranus”!

Finally… Obelisk! ! !

He survived entirely by his own strength, as the leader of a group of people who escaped from the world of the Dragon of Heaven! Before the Heavenly Dragon World was destroyed, he was already the strongest in the entire world!

In the final World War I, he was the leader of the royal family of D and the three elders of the royal family of D alone! In the end, it was the super terrifying powerhouse who killed all four of them one after another. At that time, he almost didn’t break the whole world! !

Obelisk’s combat power can be worth all the Celestial Dragons! !

In front of Obelisk, Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair couldn’t even think of struggling to resist! This is why, Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair will say that they have five people against Celestial Dragons and there is no chance of winning a chance!

Even the idea of ​​resistance can’t rise… How can we talk about victory! ?

And now… there is a super strong man who can contend with this kind of terrifying existence without any warning!

This makes Five Elders bald and white robe and Five Elders long-haired and white how can they accept it!

“Then… Boss, what shall we do now!?”

Long-haired white beard Five Elders asked worriedly…

The Celestial Dragons problem has not been solved yet, and now there is such a big trouble again. How could he not worry about it! ?

The bald white robe Five Elders’s complexion was not much better.

Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair flashed a sharp light in his eyes, with a cruel smile on his face, and said, “Huh, since this Mitarashi Mukuro is so powerful, then let Celestial Dragons fight with him! Let them both lose in the fight, and then We reappear and end them! The world is still in our hands!”


Five Elders nodded and said, “This Mitarashi Mukuro killed the rubbish in Rozwad. The character of Celestial Dragons is bound to be furious, and the battle between them is bound to break out!”

“But this is not enough, let me add another fire to them!”

Flat hat curly hair Five Elders gritted his teeth with a distressed look on his face. A mysterious and profound aura escaped from the body, escaping to Naval Headquarters at a speed faster than the speed of light!

Looking in the direction of Naval Headquarters, Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair muttered 4.7:

“The last trace of the origin of the world, such a big bait, I don’t believe you are not tempted… Obelisk…”

Another corner of Marlene Vando.

Luxury palace.

Sitting at the top, Obelix suddenly opened his eyes, and his golden eyes revealed endless prestige! An aura of looking at the world could not help but exude.

Victor on the side was also awakened by Obelisk’s momentum!

“Did something happen!? Obelisk.” Victor asked aloud.

“The last trace of the origin of the world appeared… interesting, actually in Naval Headquarters.” Obelisk showed a playful smile on his face.

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