"You brat, just take the blame for me."

Mizuki looked at the fainted Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Just as he was about to pick up the sealed book and leave, several golden chains suddenly swept toward him.

Shuimu was shocked, and he didn't even bother to pick up the book of seals and used a teleportation technique to avoid it.


The golden chain hit the ground, instantly creating a deep pit.

But Uzumaki Naruto, who was supposed to be unconscious, slowly stood up.

The blood on his face has not completely dried up, and there is still blood dripping from his chin.

But Uzumaki Naruto stretched his waist. The most surprising thing was that the wounds on Uzumaki Naruto were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Nine-tailed chakra, this is better. 】

[Mobile blood bank, automatic super recovery, it is a super powerful plug-in. 】

Chu Ran looked at his palms, and the pain caused by controlling his main consciousness also disappeared.

Facing Mizuki in front of him, he also showed a smile.

"What's going on? Why can you still stand up?"

Shuimu's pupils trembled slightly, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

After all, the injuries suffered by Uzumaki Naruto were not something that a seven-year-old child could bear.

Death must not be far away. Let alone standing up, it is incredible to even breathe.

[Teacher Mizuki, what’s wrong? 】

[Aren’t you happy to see your beloved student standing up? 】

Chu Ran looked at the confused Mizuki in front of him, spread his hands and said with a smile.

But the more this happened, the more abnormal Mizuki felt.

Because this didn't look like Uzumaki Naruto, or the Uzumaki Naruto in front of him made him feel a dangerous aura.

"What kind of ninjutsu was that golden chain just now?"

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it so much. The longer it takes, the more likely someone will come looking for us."

"We can't delay it any longer!"

Mizuki looked at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He took out the kunai from his waist and rushed towards Uzumaki Naruto in a flash.

His speed is so fast that he may be considered the best among Chuunin.

[Wind Escape·Fire Wind Palm! 】

Chu Ran clapped his palms and used the C-level ninjutsu Gale Wind Palm in Wind Release.

Taking the opportunity of clapping, a violent gust of wind spurted out.

It swept towards Mizuki in front of him. Mizuki, who originally sprinted in a straight line, was too late to turn around and avoid.

In just an instant, it was blown several meters away by the strong wind and hit a big tree heavily.

"Wind escape?"

"When did you learn Wind Escape?"

Although it is only a C-level ninjutsu, it still makes Mizuki feel a little incredible.

Some of Uzumaki Naruto's basic ninjutsu were taught by him, and he knew for sure that Uzumaki Naruto must have never learned other ninjutsu.

Thinking that Uzumaki Naruto might have been pretending all along, deliberately showing weakness.

The emergence of this idea immediately made Mizuki feel that his hands and feet were cold.

【Wind Escape? It's quite simple, I just learned it not long ago. 】

[Teacher Mizuki, even if he died, the village probably wouldn’t think it was me who killed him. 】

The corners of Chu Ran's mouth raised slightly, and a strange and bloodthirsty smile appeared.

This look on Uzumaki Naruto's face was something that no one else could imagine.

A seven-year-old child with a demon-like mind and such forbearance made Mizuki instantly frightened.

But he no longer held back his hands, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Fire Release·Fire Bullet!"

Mizuki's chest suddenly swelled, and a huge fireball spit out from his mouth.

Flying quickly in the direction of Chu Ran.

[It is best not to use King Kong Blockade, use Wind Escape to solve it quickly. 】

[Otherwise, other ninjas will come over later. 】

Chu Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, not panicking at all when looking at the huge fireball in front of him.

He has Uzumaki Naruto's exaggerated amount of chakra, and he has enough chakra no matter what.

And this huge fire bomb is enough to attract the attention of other ninjas.

If a Jonin is attracted, even Chu Ran will not be an opponent.

It would be better to deal with Mizuki earlier, so that the future layout will be easier.

[Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave! 】

Chu Ran formed a seal with one hand and quickly spit out several air blades formed from the air from his mouth.

A sharp aura similar to that of a sickle and weasel emanated from it.

Compared to the flight speed of the flame bullets, the speed of Wind Escape is faster and sharper.

Several wind blades of the vacuum wave also instantly cut the flame bullets into several groups of flames floating around.

"call out!"

The speed of the wind blade was so fast that even Mizuki couldn't react.

He could only see the flame bullets he released being cut open instantly.

A wind blade invisible to the naked eye struck towards him.


Mizuki's chest directly hit the sharp wind blade, and in just a moment, a large amount of blood poured out of his chest.

The wound was even more bone-deep, and Mizuki's pupils began to turn white.

[How does it feel like when you want to kill someone but are killed instead? 】

[I’m very happy. He was originally supposed to be the rebellious ninja who snatched the sealed book. 】

[But because of his own death, he became a hero who protected the sealed book and fought against outside ninjas. 】

Chu Ran approached Mizuki step by step, squatted down and looked at Mizuki, whose breath was gradually weakening, and mocked mercilessly.

There is a high possibility that Umino Iruka is dead.

Uzumaki Naruto will definitely be investigated by the ANBU, but because of his relationship with the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And because he is the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, he should not be punished too severely.

On the contrary, in order to cover up the scandal, it is very likely that the fact that the Sealed Book was stolen will not be announced at that time.

"Damn it! You brat!"

Blood continued to pour out of Mizuki's mouth, but his expression was even more ferocious than before.

He is clearly one step away from becoming the freest and most powerful ninja.

But he didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto, whom he considered a pawn, could hide so deeply.

Unfortunately, Mizuki never imagined that the Uzumaki Naruto he knew was indeed like that.

He just didn't know that in Uzumaki Naruto's body lived a man who thought about how to darken Uzumaki Naruto all day long.

And this man would not show mercy to anyone, let alone someone who wanted to kill the person he had blackened.

[Goodbye, Teacher Mizuki. 】

Chu Ran raised the corners of his mouth slightly and picked up the kunai that fell next to Mizuki.

The Wind Release Chakra began to condense on the kunai and went straight to Mizuki's neck.

Without any hesitation, the sharpness of the Wind Release Chakra cut open Mizuki's neck in an instant.

Blood spread all around, and Mizuki's aura disappeared. He died in pain with his eyes wide open.

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