Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 24 Uzumaki Naruto’s hatred

Chu Ran subconsciously saw such a good opportunity.

Immediately without any hesitation, he started attacking and bewitching people's minds.

【Ding! Uzumaki Naruto's mood fluctuated greatly! 】

【Ding! The degree of blackening increases by 7%! 】

【Ding! When the blackening level reaches 10%, open the blackening mall! 】

【Ding! When the blackening level reaches 10%, you will get a blackened treasure chest! 】

【Ding! When the blackening level reaches 10%, obtain blackening points x200]

Betrayed by the person closest to him, by one of the people he trusted the most.

Uzumaki Naruto was on the verge of emotional collapse at this moment, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

If Chu Ran hadn't used King Kong to seal it in advance, it would have sealed the leaked chakra of Nine Tails.

I'm afraid that Uzumaki Naruto will be affected by the Nine-Tails chakra at this time and fall directly into a state of rage.

[I didn’t expect that just a water tree would have such an effect. 】

[System, open the blackened treasure chest. 】

Chu Ran watched everything happening in front of him subconsciously, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

In this current state, Mizuki was like a kind mentor to Uzumaki Naruto.

Being betrayed by such a person was a huge blow to Uzumaki Naruto's young mind.

It will be even harder to trust other people in the future. Although exposing the chess piece Mizuki so early has advantages, it also has disadvantages.

But Chu Ran still chose to arrange a break between the two people first, so that everything could be darkened faster and to a greater extent before the night of annihilation of the Uzumaki Naruto.

【Ding! The blackened treasure chest is open! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Wind Release Chakra and Ninjutsu! 】

Feng Dun's chakra and ninjutsu are equivalent to Chu Ran's after opening this blackened treasure chest.

That is, he has the ability to directly control all wind release ninjutsu, including the wind release spiral shuriken created by Uzumaki Naruto in the future.

But just according to Uzumaki Naruto's existing body and chakra, it is still not enough.

But now, it is enough for Chu Ran to use.

"Mizuki! Naruto!"

Just when Uzumaki Naruto was on the verge of going berserk, a shout appeared in the distance.

Panting heavily, Umino Iruka came between the two of them.

Looking at his friend Mizuki, Umino Iruka had a look of confusion on his face.

"Naruto, return the sealed book quickly!"

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"By committing such a theft, you will bring shame to the entire school!"

As soon as Umino Iruka saw Uzumaki Naruto, he was constantly blaming him.

And among these words, Uzumaki Naruto's face became even more ugly, and tears couldn't stop flowing from the corners of his eyes.

"Iruka-sensei, are you here to kill me too?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Umino Iruka, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this man had always been biased against him.

Mizuki and Umino Iruka are good friends, and they are very good friends who grew up together.

"What are you talking about? I'm a teacher."

"I'm doing this for your own good. Give me the sealed book quickly and go back with me to admit your mistake."

Umino Iruka was slightly startled, looking at Uzumaki Naruto's hateful eyes, he was also a little confused for a moment.

But this is clearly the teacher's words to persuade the students.

But it made Uzumaki Naruto even more annoyed and angry.

"call out!"

Several kunai were coming towards Uzumaki Naruto and Umino Iruka like a heavy rain.

Umino Iruka reacted immediately and started to resist using the kunai behind him.

Uzumaki Naruto dodged to avoid it, but he was stabbed by several kunai at the same time and fell to the ground.

"Iruka, why do you still act like a hypocrite?"

"Don't you hate Naruto?"

"Now there is a chance to give your parents a chance to take revenge."

"How about it, do you want me to leave it to you?"

"As we have been friends for more than ten years, I can do this."

Mizuki threw a kunai in his hand and said to Umino Iruka with a smile on his face.

The reason why the two became friends was because Mizuki once sympathized with Umino Iruka.

His character is cruel by nature, and he is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

At this time, everyone in the village was searching around Konoha Village.

No one would have thought that Naruto Uzumaki, who had stolen the Sealed Book, would be hiding in the back of the school.

Mizuki has always hated Umino Iruka.

I don't want to kill Iruka Umino yet, but I want to tease him and completely expose his hypocrisy.

"What are you doing, Mizuki, why are you doing this?"

Umino Iruka looked at Mizuki in shock, wondering why Mizuki would suddenly act like this.

But what Mizuki said made Umino Iruka's heart move.

The faces of his parents appeared in his mind again, when he looked at Uzumaki Naruto.

There was a trace of hatred instinctively in his eyes, and it was this trace of hatred that made Uzumaki Naruto completely despair.

Completely despairing of the two people in front of me.

Mizuki's betrayal and Umino Iruka's hatred made Uzumaki Naruto struggle to get up.

The hatred in his eyes became more and more obvious. After taking one look at the two of them, he planned to run away.

"Want to run?"

Seeing this, Mizuki was too lazy to talk nonsense, and rushed towards Umino Iruka first with a kunai in hand.

In just two or three rounds, the kunai was stabbed into Iruka Umino's chest.

Blood spattered out, Umino Iruka's pupils began to tremble continuously, his consciousness gradually dissipated due to pain, and he fell to the ground.

Mizuki chased Uzumaki Naruto.

Soon, Uzumaki Naruto was found at the corner of the back mountain.

Because Uzumaki Naruto was carrying the Book of Sealing, he did not choose to use ninja tools to attack immediately.

Instead, he used two quick teleportation techniques to close the distance with Uzumaki Naruto.

With one kick, it hit the injury on Uzumaki Naruto's waist.

The severe pain made Uzumaki Naruto almost faint, and his body flew away into the distance.

After crashing into a big tree, Uzumaki Naruto had no strength to get up.

"Smelly brat."

Mizuki's eyes were extremely cold. He looked at Uzumaki Naruto who could no longer stand up but kept holding the sealed book, and looked at him with such hatred.

His expression immediately became unhappy, and he didn't care about Uzumaki Naruto's injuries.

Fighting with fists and kicks, Uzumaki Naruto was constantly greeted.

But Naruto Uzumaki still held the sealed book tightly and refused to let go.

"Go to hell, you brat!"

"Let me go!"

Mizuki yelled impatiently, and at the same time, the force in his hands became heavier and heavier.

Finally, Uzumaki Naruto's hand loosened and the sealed book rolled down.

The sealed book was also mixed with blood dripping from Uzumaki Naruto's body.

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