Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1052:

The audience under the stage was confused, and the judges on the judges seat were also embarrassed. Fortunately, Alice Nakiri took the initiative to explain her cooking at this time:

"The block below is actually a mousse made of foie gras powder and turmeric mixed with foie gras powder after rapid freezing, and the white object in the center is a mashed potato made of six kinds of cheese and potatoes, which were all crushed before. It becomes nano-sized particles, so it will dissolve quickly and delicately on the tongue~?"

"After the temperature in the mouth drops, the pie cakes with coriander seeds and other spices on the side will appear more crispy, just enough to give the tip of the tongue a rest~?"

"The molecular gastronomy thinking that uses various differences in temperature to compose dishes, I named it..."Thermalsense"! "

"Pfft..." The front was fine, but when it came to the end, Yang Ming couldn't help laughing. It is a special attribute of the Eastern Ying people to speak so serious English... After all, Alice has stayed in Europe for so long, and she still speaks Japanese-style English in tune, Japanese-style How deep is the poison of English!

However, after Nakiri Alice's explanation and what he saw with his own eyes, Yang Ming almost understood the meaning of the so-called molecular cuisine.

It is not required to accurately describe the taste of food, but more to grasp the feeling of things at a certain time. To some extent, it deviates from the specificity of the object and highlights a certain characteristic of the selection of materials.

The food you taste, every minute and every second, is unique. This is the essence of the brilliantly fluid and varied taste of molecular cuisine.

In the glimmer of light, take a single scoop.

"Is the cooking... scientific?" Yang Ming murmured, this kind of cooking method similar to the Impressionism in painting is really refreshing.

Insiders watch the doorway, laymen watch the fun. While the judges on the jury table and Yang Ming from the audience were still thinking about this dish, the audience's voice was getting louder and louder. The host could only interrupt the judges' thinking and ask the audience what they thought. doubt:

" this dish delicious?"

"Dang...of course it's delicious! But I have no way, no way to describe the taste!" The biggest pain of food writers is probably that they have eaten something delicious, but they are incapable of describing it.

"Excellent food, little girl, are you interested in visiting our food club in the future?" The uncle of the food club, following Yuki Yoshino, sent another invitation.

Yang Ming murmured in his heart, how does he feel that this uncle is like a MLM cheater...

In the end, it was Qiantao Zhijiang's conclusion, "This dish uses spices as the main axis, and freely expresses the ever-changing taste and temperature..."

"This is a work that revolutionizes the field of cuisine!" she said earnestly.

"Revolutionary work"! This dish can actually make the Queen of Curry make such a review! The audience who could only watch but not eat off the field felt that their hearts were about to be scratched by cats.

"Nineteen points!"

"Nineteen points!"

"Five nineteen points! Nakiri Alice's final score is - ninety-five points!"

Those old diners who have tasted thousands of ingredients and all kinds of flavors have given scores close to 19 out of 19 points...! Even if he was mentally prepared, Yang Ming was still a little surprised.

The audience under the stage was boiling, "It's amazing! The highest score last year was only 86 points, right? Are there three more than 90 points here?"

"Shouldn't this be the highest score in the history of the fall selection?"

"No no no, the highest score in the history of the autumn selection is 96 points, which was created by the current chef Dojima Gin of Togetsu Resort."

"Now Miyoko Hojo will have a final vote with Takomi's younger brother... Even with 87 points, she can't make it into the top four. I didn't expect this competition to be so intense."

"Next, let's invite Yang Ming to appear!" The host's voice stopped the audience's discussion.

"Eh—the game isn't over yet?"

"Huh...fortunately I caught up." Isshiki, who rushed back from Division A, heard the host's voice to let Yang Ming play, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and slowed down.

In the whole autumn selection, his most optimistic candidates were two people, Soma Kopei from Group A and Yang Ming from Group A. After knowing that Yang Ming was the last player in the group, he patiently accompanied Chita Orijiang to watch it for a while, and then went to the A division to watch Kohei Soma's match.

To his surprise, Ye Shanliang, who did not know where he came from, actually got a high score of 94 points, which abruptly suppressed the 93 points of Kopei Chuangzhen.

Fresh Holy Basil Spice...Curry Omelette Stewed Rice Combining Omelette and Stewed Rice...The battle between dragons and tigers in Division A really made him addicted to watching.

But when he saw the big screen in the competition area, he realized that the development of things seemed to be beyond his imagination.

"Nakiri Alice - ninety-five points?"

It actually has a higher score than the two in Division A! It seems that he really underestimated Yuanyue's students this year.

I really want to know what kind of cooking the girl named Nakiri Alice cooked... It's a pity that he came a step late, but fortunately, he can at least see Yang Ming's cooking.


Holding a tray in his hand, under the watchful eyes of the audience, Yang Ming walked forward slowly, his thoughts flying down like snowflakes.

After returning from the trip, for more than half a month, he was thinking about what kind of curry he wanted to make.

Spicy Thai curry? Fresh and soft Sri Lankan curry? Thick and dark Oriental curry? After reading through countless cooking guides and reading countless curry recipes, he couldn't find an answer.

It was only later that he realized that it was because his answer was not in the book at all.

One day, while talking on the phone with Erina Nakiri, Yang Ming accidentally mentioned that he didn't know what to cook, but the other party replied without hesitation, "Isn't it okay to use your own advantages?"

This sentence made Yang Ming suddenly enlightened.

But, what is his biggest advantage?

Is it the grasp of the food? Or are you proficient in vegetable and fruit cooking? Is it the perfect control of the heat when cooking? Or is it a swordsmanship that has reached the realm of transformation?

No, no, neither.

His greatest advantage lies in the system in his body and the food culture rooted in his blood.

He wants to make a curry that makes people feel the characteristics of Chinese cuisine! It can make people feel the breath of the land where he grew up, and can put it in his mouth, and the scene of the ancient oriental country that he has never been to before emerges.


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