Daichi Yokoi noticed that the tentacles that attacked him suddenly stopped.

Kakuzu and Hidan also stood there motionless.

He suddenly felt confused and looked around cautiously.

Suddenly he found the figure of Haruno Sakura behind him.

He was a little surprised.

Could it be that the abnormality of Kakuzu and the others was caused by her? He was a little uncertain.

After all, he wanted to kill her to collect the bounty before.

Although he was almost killed in the counterattack, he didn't think she would be so kind to help his enemy.

Haruno Sakura saw Daichi Yokoi looking at her defensively, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Hey, do you still remember me? Don't be so defensive against me, I'm here to help you!"

She waved to him.

"Let's leave here first, you don't want to wait for them to wake up and play a tentacle war with them, do you?"

Seeing Haruno Sakura turn around and leave, Daichi Yokoi paused and followed.

He thought that since she hadn't attacked him just now, she wouldn't attack him again.

After the two walked a distance, Yokoi Daichi asked.

"Why did you save me? I wanted to kill you for the bounty before, but I don't believe you are a saint who repays evil with virtue."

A true saint can't be a rebel ninja, and even if he is forced to be a rebel ninja, he won't live long.

Obviously, the pink-haired girl in front of him doesn't belong to this group.

Seeing that he asked directly, Haruno Sakura didn't want to beat around the bush.

So she said to him: "Since you asked this, I'll tell you the truth. I did have another purpose for saving you!"

"I'm going to form a force and want to invite you to join. I wonder if you are willing?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Haruno Sakura continued to persuade him.

"Look, if you fight alone outside, you will not only have to sleep in the open air, but also have to avoid being hunted down. Bounty hunters can be killed if they are not careful."

"Look at Kakuzu and Hidan."

"It is because they are a team that they act so recklessly."

"They joined the organization, and they can ask for help if they can't win."

"If you join my organization, not only will your life be guaranteed, but you will also have companions."

"In a situation like today, two-on-two is always better than one-on-two. What do you think? Consider it!"

Yokoi Daichi was moved after hearing what she said.

But then he thought that if he joined the organization, he would definitely not be as free as he is now.

He rebelled against the village because he hated being controlled.

So he forced himself to suppress the impulse in his heart.

"Sorry, I don't want to join any organization."

"Of course you saved me today, I am very grateful, and you can tell me if you need my help in the future."

His attitude was very firm, and Haruno Sakura was very sorry.

As expected, the art of talking is not suitable for her. She is not Naruto's material.

This is just like recruiting people for a startup team. Those who can't draw cakes will definitely not be able to pull up even the basic team.

And the target of deception cannot be such an old-fashioned person who has been struggling in society for many years.

The innocent young people who are not familiar with the world should be the main target.

Orochimaru is the best example.

Haruno Sakura did not force it. After everyone left, she returned to her residence.

She understood that if she wanted to build a power, she needed not only financial resources but also absolute strength.

This is not so easy to build.

And it is best to start talent training from childhood.

Adult uncles like Yokoi Daichi are strong.

However, their values ​​have been established and their sense of autonomy is relatively strong.

Even if they are forced to join, their loyalty is limited.

Haruno Sakura thinks this is not okay.

Unless she can at least improve her strength to the level of Pein.

Otherwise, even if she builds a power, it will be a mob.

Unfortunately, the improvement of strength is not that fast, so this road is not feasible for the time being.

On second thought, maybe she could find a powerful person to cooperate with.

At this time, she needs a noble person in trouble to solve his predicament, and then both sides get what they need.

This is the most reliable alliance.

Sure enough, dreaming is faster.

She decided to be honest and take one step at a time, and take it slowly.

Anyway, there are still three or four years before the Fourth Ninja World War, so it is the right thing to do to improve strength.

Haruno Sakura no longer thinks about it, sits on the bed and starts to meditate and practice the Body Refining Heart Sutra.

She tried to mobilize the natural elemental power of her body.

But no matter how she guides it, it only flows in the body and can never be led out of the body.

She is a little discouraged.

For so many years, she has been trying to use the natural elements cultivated by the Body Refining Heart Sutra in her body, but she has tried countless ways but can't use them.

It really makes her a little helpless.

I always feel that her golden finger is a broken version..

Thinking of this, she was shocked and frowned.

She couldn't remember how she got the Body Refining Heart Sutra.

She never felt anything wrong with such an important thing.

But after a while, her expression calmed down again.

As if she had never thought about this problem, she began to meditate and practice.

As for Kakuzu and Hidan.

After Haruno Sakura and the others left for a while, Kakuzu and Hidan's illusions were automatically lifted.

The two looked at each other in silence, feeling a little aggrieved.

I didn't expect that they would be suffocated to death by sinking into the swamp.

At this time, White Zetsu popped his head out of the soil, and he said with some gloating.

"You finally woke up. I didn't expect that you would all be under an illusion. You are so unlucky. Hahaha."

Hidan was very annoyed. "Damn it! That guy attacked me when I was not prepared. I must offer him to the evil god!"

White Zetsu asked with a smile, "The illusion you were under is very strange. I wanted to help you solve it, but I couldn't."

"Who did you meet?"

Kakuzu was also a little annoyed, but his face was calm and he just replied.

"A rebel ninja from the Hidden Rock Village."

"You must have a mission to convey. Don't waste time, tell me!"

Hearing Kakuzu's question, White Zetsu curled his lips and felt that Kakuzu's reaction was really boring.

"The mission issued by the leader requires you to pull Konoha's new rebel ninja Haruno Sakura into the organization."

"She is in the Land of Water now. I will help you find her."

Hidan was immediately interested when he heard what White Zetsu said.

"Haruno Sakura? I haven't heard of her. Who is she?"

Bai Zetsu said excitedly with a grin on his face.

"I'll tell you another explosive news. That Haruno Sakura was Uchiha Itachi's former lover!"

Hidan's eyes widened immediately.

I didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi, the taciturn guy, would be the first person in their organization to be single.

But then he was relieved.

He had to admit that Uchiha Itachi's face was indeed popular with those young girls who were not very experienced in the world.

Although Kakuzu was surprised for a moment, he quickly put it behind his mind.

He narrowed his eyes and recalled the information of Haruno Sakura in the bounty book.

"Haruno Sakura, a 13-year-old A-level rebel ninja from Konoha, was listed as a rebel ninja for killing ninjas from the same village. The bounty is 5 million."

"Not too valuable, but it's okay."

He paused and said with some doubts.

"It is said that she was only a Genin when she rebelled against the village, and she was too young. Could it be that she has some special bloodline limit?"

Bai Zetsu couldn't help but admire Kakuzu's sharpness, and suddenly smiled a little obscenely.

"She is just a civilian, and she doesn't have a bloodline limit."

"But she can control the tailed beasts, has a strong illusion ability, and is not bad."

After these words came out, both of them were silent.

They had just been hit by an illusion and had been blowing in the cold wind for a long time.

Just tell them that they are going to face another guy who is good at illusions.

Are you sure you are not playing with them?

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