Kakuzu is a well-known miser.

If he finds her, he will definitely target her and want to take her body for a bounty.

With her current strength, it will be difficult for her to win against the two of them.

Haruno Sakura does not want to clash with them.

She does not want to do such a thankless job.

The only solution now is to hide and hope that the two plague gods will leave quickly.

At this time, Kakuzu has already found his target and immediately quickened his pace towards Yokoi Daichi.

Seeing that Kakuzu suddenly quickened his pace, Hidan hurriedly shouted: "Hey, wait for me!"

He hurriedly caught up with Kakuzu.

Just as he was about to complain, he suddenly saw Yokoi Daichi in front of him.

Hidan pointed at him with a surprised look on his face and shouted at Kakuzu.

"Hey, that guy, isn't he the guy who escaped from you before?"

Kakuzu said in a low and deep voice with a hint of danger warning.

"Don't do it later, I want to deal with this guy myself!"

Hidan was gloating.

"Haha, it seems that you are still upset about him escaping from your hands!"

"Don't worry! Although I regret that I can't offer him to the evil god, I won't fight with you."

At this time, Yokoi Daichi didn't know that he had been targeted by Kakuzu, and was walking leisurely on the road.

When they crossed the street, Kakuzu was ready to take action.

Haruno Sakura also found that Kakuzu's target seemed to be Yokoi Daichi.

She was speechless. Is the helper she just booked going to fly away so soon?

Although she felt that the success rate of her recruitment was very low, at least let her try!

Seeing Yokoi Daichi's unaware look, Haruno Sakura couldn't help but worry about him.

So she secretly followed these people.

When they came to an empty suburb, Kakuzu and Hidan appeared in front of Yokoi Daichi.

They blocked his way on the left and right.

Yokoi Daichi's face changed drastically when he saw Kakuzu and Hidan suddenly appear.

Cold sweat flowed down his face, and he kept thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

Kakuzu took a step forward.

He looked at Yokoi Daichi and said coldly.

"I was careless when you escaped last time. This time it won't be so easy. I want your heart!"

Kakuzu met Yokoi Daichi before and wanted to catch him to collect the reward, but he didn't expect him to run away cunningly.

This is a great shame for him.

Hidan was a little unwilling to be lonely. He looked at Yokoi Daichi and turned to ask Kakuzu boredly.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?"

Kakuzu glanced at him coldly and didn't say anything.

Hidan shrugged helplessly and stepped aside consciously.

Yokoi Daichi decided to strike first.

So he waved the repaired sword in his hand and quickly attacked in the direction of Kakuzu.

Haruno Sakura, who was watching secretly, only saw a shadow passing by, and in an instant, Yokoi Daichi had arrived in front of Kakuzu.

The big knife in his hand had already chopped on Kakuzu's shoulder.

A crisp sound was heard, as if it was chopped on a hard rock.

Sparks even flew from the blade.

It turned out that Kakuzu had already completed the seal and used the earth escape earth spear at the moment when he swung the knife.

He hardened the skin on his body and took the blow.

Yokoi Daichi was a little anxious.

His injuries had not yet fully recovered, and he met Kakuzu, the killing god again.

He suddenly felt a little desperate, maybe he would really die here this time.

Seeing this, he quickly retreated and distanced himself from Kakuzu.

After standing still, he stretched out his hands and quickly formed seals, "Wind escape·Wind cutting technique."

Suddenly, countless wind blades attacked in the direction of Kakuzu.

Kakuzu snorted coldly and immediately jumped away from the center of the wind blade attack.

He directly reached out and blocked the remaining wind blades with his arms hardened by the earth spear.

After resisting this attack, he stretched out his palms and aimed at Yokoi Daichi.

Black lines surged on his arms, and his arms flew out in an instant.

The black tentacles connected to the body continued to extend, and flew towards Yokoi Daichi's chest at a rapid speed.

Yokoi Daichi saw his tentacle fist attacking, and quickly turned sideways, narrowly avoiding the danger of being taken out by a palm.

Kakuzu saw that the attack missed, and the black tentacles at the broken arm squirmed and contracted, retracting the flying arm.

Yokoi Daichi stabilized his body, he looked at Kakuzu in shock, and then looked at Hidan behind him.

Hidan saw Yokoi Daichi looking at him, and immediately waved his hand.

"Oh my, don't worry about me, he's your only opponent!"

Hearing what Hidan said, Yokoi Daichi didn't dare to believe it completely.

If Kakuzu couldn't stop him, this Hidan would definitely take action.Thinking of this, Yokoi Daichi felt more solemn.

Kakuzu also became serious at this time.

He took off his outer robe and put it aside, and a mask appeared behind him.

Black tentacles continued to condense, and a tentacle monster wearing a mask separated from his body.

Kakuzu quickly completed the seal with his hands, "Fire Style: Head Hard Work."

The mask opened its mouth and suddenly spit out a large sea of ​​fire from its mouth.

With the momentum of a prairie fire, it rushed towards Yokoi Daichi.

Yokoi Daichi immediately began to seal, "Wind Style: Suppress Harm."

He opened his mouth and spit out a high-pressure wind ball, and the extremely fast storm swept the rushing sea of ​​fire, making the fire more fierce.

In an instant, it turned around and rushed towards Kakuzu's position with the fire.

Seeing this, Kakuzu hurriedly kicked his feet and jumped away quickly, away from the center of the sea of ​​fire.

There was a loud bang, and the wind pressure ball hit the place where Kakuzu was standing, and it exploded immediately.

A huge pit was blown out on the spot.

Kakuzu didn't expect that he would have such a powerful wind escape ninjutsu, and was blown away by the aftermath of the explosion. It was difficult for him to stabilize his body.

However, he was more satisfied in his heart, and he was determined to get this heart.

It just so happened that he was short of a heart with wind attributes.

The sutures at the joints of Kakuzu's body suddenly split open, and a large number of black tentacles stretched out from his body, forming several huge black tentacles.

Like an octopus monster, the tentacles attacked Yokoi Daichi one after another.

Yokoi Daichi hurriedly jumped left and right to avoid the attack of the black tentacles, and was about to be tied up by the tentacles.

Suddenly, the scene in front of Kakuzu's eyes turned, and the ground he was on turned into a swamp with no end in sight.

At this time, his body was gradually sinking.

He struggled for a while, but found that he was sinking faster and faster, so he stopped struggling immediately.

He made a seal with his hands, "Remove!"

He opened his eyes and found that the illusion was not lifted.

At this time, Feiduan's whining voice came.

"What the hell, what's going on? Why can't I remove it?"

Kakuzu glanced at Feiduan and said nothing. It seems that this is really not an ordinary illusion.

However, that Yokoi Daichi actually knew illusions, which was beyond his expectations.

It was really unfortunate that neither of them was very proficient in illusions.

Feiduan saw that Kakuzu didn't say anything, and started complaining again.

"Hey, Kakuzu, think of a way quickly, we are almost trapped!"

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