Zabuza and Bai had just recovered from their shock when the space around them suddenly twisted and a figure gradually emerged.

The two immediately became alert. When they saw that the person coming was Haruno Sakura, they were a little surprised.

Haruno Sakura waved at them, "Hey, long time no see! This is not a place to talk, follow me out first!"

Bai and Zabuza did not hesitate, followed behind Haruno Sakura, passed through an invisible wall, and instantly left the illusion.

Opening their eyes, they saw the familiar blue sky and white clouds, and the people of Kirigakure who were in a daze not far away.

Bai and Zabuza knew that it was Haruno Sakura who saved them with the illusion.

Bai supported Zabuza, and he was also very happy to see Haruno Sakura again.

"Sakura, it's been a long time since we last met!"

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise Zabuza and I might have died here. Thank you so much!"

Haruno Sakura also felt a little familiar when she saw her old friend.

"It's just a small favor. I'll give you some simple treatment first!"

Zabuza, who was standing by, seemed a little embarrassed to accept Haruno Sakura's help again and again. He spoke stiffly.

"Thank you very much. If everything goes well this time, please let us know if you need any help in the future."

Haruno Sakura raised her eyebrows, "You said it! I also need your help."

Both Bai and Zabuza were stunned for a moment.

Although they didn't know what Haruno Sakura needed them to do, they nodded without hesitation.

After she healed their wounds a little, she said to them.

"Let's leave here first! Although my illusion can trap them for a while, it's not safe here either."

Bai nodded carefully after hearing this. There was indeed a possibility that there would be pursuers.

He put one of Zabuza's hands on his shoulder, and helped the still weak Zabuza to keep up with Haruno Sakura's steps.

Bai and Zabuza followed Haruno Sakura and ran all the way. When they felt that they were some distance away from the chasing Mist Ninjas, they gradually slowed down their pace.

Haruno Sakura suddenly felt that someone seemed to be staring at them nearby.

She turned her head and looked around, but did not find anything unusual.

She did not give up and released her mental power again, but still found nothing.

Was it her illusion?

After answering the doubts in her heart, Haruno Sakura asked the two of them.

"According to what the Mist Ninja leader said, are you going to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage?"

They wanted to kill Yagura who was controlled by Obito, and they were really lucky not to be caught on the spot.

Bai sighed a little heavily.

"In fact, there were several people who went with us. They were all rebel ninjas recruited by Lord Zabuza with a lot of money."

"But they failed to escape and have stayed in the Hidden Mist Village forever."

Bai felt a little reluctant. Although those people died for money, they were all living lives.

Having lived with them for such a long time, she died in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Zabuza knew that Bai's kindness had revived. He had recovered a lot at this time and no longer needed Bai's support.

He stood up straight and said coldly.

"Ninjas are all tools. For the mission, they died for a good reason. Bai, you don't have to sympathize with them."

Although Haruno Sakura knew that he wanted to enlighten the kind-hearted Bai, but this made her mouth twitch.

Just because you like to be a tool doesn't mean others want to be one too!

So she complained directly.

"Zabuza, you are still the same, talking about tools all day long. I think you have been fooled."

"If a ninja is a tool, first of all, you must cut off the seven emotions and six desires. Who can do this? Isn't it harder than being a saint!"

Haruno Sakura felt that Zabuza was like being brainwashed by a cultist, and his view of ninja was very problematic.

However, the view of ninja in this world is very strange, and Kakashi seems to have said the same thing.

Zabuza was choked by Haruno Sakura's words. He wanted to refute but couldn't find a reason to refute.

But he was very unconvinced.

Bai was originally stimulated by Zabuza's cold words, but now he saw Zabuza choked by Haruno Sakura.

He looked like he had eaten a fly, and couldn't help wanting to laugh, but tried hard to hold it back.

Haruno Sakura looked at Zabuza's frustrated expression and didn't sympathize with him at all.

The main reason was that Zabuza's personality was really not very pleasing, and only Bai could tolerate him.

Zabuza held it in for a long time, and really couldn't refute, so he said angrily.

"Since you don't agree, I would like to know what you think of ninjas."

Bai heard Zabuza ask this, and was also a little curious about Haruno Sakura's opinion, so he looked at her.

Haruno Sakura pouted and replied.

"My opinion is that ninjas have extraordinary powers."Are you a part-time worker?"

"Doing tasks is just to make money, so there is no difference from ordinary people working to make money."

"It's just that ordinary people sell their labor, and ninjas sell their lives. High risks are accompanied by high returns."

"What's a tool or not? Tools don't need to wear clothes or eat, and they don't have emotions. If ninjas are tools, I guess there are no qualified ninjas in the world."

Haruno Sakura looked at Zabuza as if he were an idiot, and her eyes were full of contempt for you not understanding such a simple truth.

These words made both of them open their mouths in surprise. They didn't expect Haruno Sakura to look at ninjas like this.

Although some of the arguments are far-fetched, they seem to make sense.

This has caused an unprecedented impact on their ninja views.

Haruno Sakura glanced at Bai and continued to criticize Zabuza.

"Since you haven't given up assassinating the Fourth Mizukage for so long, it proves that you are not a qualified tool."

"So please give up being your so-called tool and be a good person! "

Her words were somewhat meaningful, and Zabuza felt that Haruno Sakura seemed to have some connotations towards him, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

It's no wonder that she always wanted to criticize Zabuza.

The main reason is that every time she saw Bai following him, she felt like a good cabbage was being eaten by a pig.

If she could recruit a loyal subordinate like Bai, she would at least make him speak humanely, even if she didn't say that she would worship him.

Besides, this person is not very smart and has a hard mouth, which makes people angry just by looking at him.

Haruno Sakura felt that their topic was a bit far away, so she quickly got back to the point.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about your experience of this assassination! "

When Shiro saw that Haruno Sakura finally let Zabuza go, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for Zabuza.

It seemed that every time he talked nonsense, Lord Zabuza was speechless.

But he could feel that Haruno Sakura said these things just to speak up for him, and his heart was surrounded by warmth.

He liked her even more, so he told her about their experiences in the past few days.

It turned out that Zabuza and his friends had been planning to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage again after they robbed Cardo's company with Haruno Sakura.

Relying on the windfall, they recruited a group of men.

A month ago, they sent people to the Land of Water to inquire about the news.

A few days ago, Zabuza and Shiro took a few men to officially sneak into the Hidden Mist Village.

They were lucky enough to find the Fourth Mizukage Yagura.

But what was strange was that there was a strange masked man next to Yagura, who seemed to have alarmed him.

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