This guy is pretty good, he has reached the level of a jonin.

But he is still a little bit worse than the hedgehog-headed uncle she met before.

So Haruno Sakura didn't spend too much effort to take his head.

After putting his body into the storage scroll, she went to the gold exchange.

When she got the bounty and walked on the road away from the gold exchange, she was thinking about whether to recruit some men.

After all, the base she was going to build had to be safe enough.

Otherwise, if the equipment she bought at a high price was smashed or robbed, she would be heartbroken.

Thinking about it this way, her funds were not enough to form a force.

And the way to buy the equipment was not settled yet, but she thought it was simple.

Haruno Sakura only now realized that her network seemed a little thin.

But there was no way, she was now a rebel ninja, and she was simply alone.

Thinking of this, she was a little discouraged. Did she have to go to Uchiha Itachi or Orochimaru?

She shook her head quickly.

Uchiha Itachi was just a worker in the Akatsuki organization, and he was in Cao's camp but his heart was with Han, so he just passed.

Not to mention Orochimaru, he was a human trafficker.

Not only did he kidnap handsome men and beautiful women, but he also asked them to count the money for him after selling them.

And he was very good at brainwashing, and he could really fool people, such as Kimimaro.

Although she was not afraid of brainwashing, she was afraid that the venomous snake would stab her in the back.

She would not know how to cry when that happened.

Haruno Sakura was very sad!

Just when she couldn't help feeling sad for herself, she suddenly sensed a large group of Mist Village ninjas chasing her in her direction.

After a closer look, she found that the two people they were chasing were her old acquaintances.

Haruno Sakura quickly hid.

She really didn't expect to meet Haku and Zabuza here, and their situation didn't look good.

I don't know what they did. Did they stir up a hornet's nest in the Hidden Mist Village?

My goodness, there are more than 20 people chasing them.

The leader, who was wearing an eye patch and a pair of talismans on his ears, should be Qing, the Byakugan holder from the Hidden Mist Village.

Zabuza seemed to be seriously injured.

Bai supported Zabuza while covering his retreat. It was obvious that two fists could not beat four hands, and he was surrounded by many Mist Ninjas in a short while.

At this time, Qing stepped forward.

He stared at the seriously injured Zabuza and spoke.

"Zabuza, I didn't expect you to be so evil that you dared to come back and assassinate the Mizukage!"

"Now you have no way to escape, so you'd better surrender!"

Zabuza sneered.

"You talk too much nonsense. Even if it happens again, I will still kill him."

"Don't you think it's strange? That guy is very strange. Do you think he is still the same as before?"

Zabuza has always been confused about why the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura has changed so much.

He personally abolished the blood mist policy before, and then he suddenly continued to implement it for some reason.

It even became worse.

There must be some unknown tricks in this.

Although he didn't know why, Zabuza thought that as long as he killed him, all this would end.

Haruno Sakura didn't expect Zabuza to assassinate the fourth generation Mizukage again. It seems that Yagura was still controlled by Obito's illusion at this time.

However, Zabuza could actually sense something. It seems that he should have seen Yagura this time.

Being able to escape from Yagura, the three-tailed Jinchuriki and Obito, this luck is not ordinary!

Qing fell silent when he heard him say this.

He remembered that Mei Terumi had told him about her suspicion that the Fourth Mizukage might be controlled by illusion.

It's just that they haven't been able to find a chance to get close to Yagura.

Maybe this time is an opportunity.

Suppressing his thoughts, Qing raised his hand to the Mist Ninjas who surrounded Zabuza, "Catch them."

Seeing that the Mist Ninjas were about to take action, Bai immediately put Zabuza on the ground and blocked him.

"None of you can hurt Lord Zabuza."

Haruno Sakura felt that she should take action, so she released her mental power and pulled dozens of people present into the illusion.

The people present only felt a breeze blowing, and the fallen leaves fluttered in the wind.

Then they were in a trance, and the sky suddenly dimmed a lot.

They were shocked to find that they didn't know what was going on, and they were already in a place full of weirdness.

A huge round stone pillar was rolling towards them quickly behind them, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Without time to think, everyone started running for their lives.

After running for a while, theyOnly then did they realize that they were on a hollow circular stone pillar.

There were bottomless cliffs on both sides.

The center of the circle was connected to the circular stone pillar behind them, which was moving in a circle with the center as the axis and rolling forward.

They were like ants falling in front of a giant pendulum.

Only by running around the center of the circle could they escape the fate of being crushed.

Qing was also a little flustered. He certainly knew that they were under an illusion and tried to solve it.

But the result was obvious. He found that this was not a simple illusion.

Suddenly, one of them fell down in a hurry and tried to get up and continue running.

But in just a moment, the stone pillar behind them had already crushed them.

The heart-wrenching screams made them feel cold in their backs.

Everything here was too real, and of course the pain was no exception.

No one wanted to experience the pain of being crushed into a meat pie, so they ran even harder, not knowing when they would be free.

At this time, Zabuza and Haku were standing on the center of the circle, looking at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't calm down the shock in their hearts for a long time.

They looked down at the giant pendulum in front of them.

As the center of the circle turned, they looked at the Mist Ninjas who were desperately running on the circular track being chased by the roller pointer, like ants being crushed.

They looked at each other, and they all saw the same shock in each other's eyes. Such illusions were indeed unprecedented for them.

But what they didn't know was that this illusion was just a dilemma.

The person who was crushed before was not any of them.

Such illusions were just to scare them so that they couldn't think, so that they could be led by the nose.

The stone pillars behind them could never catch up with them.

Once someone was exhausted, they would leave the illusion and fall asleep directly.

But the scene seen by the remaining people in the illusion was not so wonderful.

That tragic scene would definitely scare people's hearts.

Essentially, it is to make the donkey pulling the millstone be whipped by the whip called fear behind it, so that it can only run as fast as it can.

It's just a little bit unethical.

Well, running more helps to exercise the body!

This is also what Haruno Sakura suddenly thought of and wanted to try out the effect.

They just happened to catch up.

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