After successfully dealing with one person, Haruno Sakura looked at the unconscious Yamanaka Feng and Hyuga Taichi who was holding his shoulder beside him.

She flashed in front of them.

Haruno Sakura glanced at the little doll with a talisman on it that Yamanaka Feng placed beside him.

Then she looked at Hyuga Taichi who was standing in front of Yamanaka Feng with some surprise.

Could there be such a person in the Root who would block the knife for his teammates?

She recalled the Root members who had besieged her before. Those people were like machines without emotions.

The death of their companions would not cause any emotional fluctuations in them, and they even had no hesitation in stepping on the corpses of their companions.

This person from the Hyuga clan really didn't look like a Root person.

This made her a little curious.

"It's rare that people from the Root would have a sense of companionship. You don't think you can stop me in your current state, do you?"

Hyuga Taichi was silent for a moment before replying.

"Just try your best. You're going to die anyway. It's a little comforting to be able to act according to your own wishes before you die."

If you can't complete the mission, you'll be worse off than dead. It's better to die here.

His words reminded Haruno Sakura of Neji. It seems that this is another poor man who is bound by a bird in a cage.

However, there are always too many things that are beyond your control in life.

Just like her.

Originally, she just wanted to protect the people around her, but the reality was contrary to her wishes.

"Your name."

Hyuga Taichi was surprised for a moment before replying: "Hyuga Taichi."

It doesn't matter if Toru doesn't reveal his name. Anyway, they are going to fight to the death today.

"Very good, I'll remember you, let's start!"

Haruno Sakura respected his choice, clenched the kunai in her hand, and started their contest with Hyuga Taichi.

Thanks to Hinata, she is very familiar with the soft fist of the Hyuga clan.

She also has some experience in how to avoid being acupunctured.

In addition, he was already seriously injured, so there was no suspense in this duel.

After a few rounds, Haruno Sakura blocked his palm attack with her arm and appeared behind him with a spin.

She thrust the kunai in her hand forward and hung it on his neck, "Don't move!"

She suddenly changed her mind and was about to use her mental power to cast an illusion on him.

Unexpectedly, after Hinata Taichi paused, he quickly gathered chakra in his hand, turned around and swung a palm towards Haruno Sakura, attacking her vitals.

If she reacted a little slower, she would probably go to see the Six Paths Sage with the fox masked man before.

In the crisis, Haruno Sakura's kunai was sent out like a conditioned reflex, and the palm wind that was swung in the air suddenly stopped.

Watching him slowly fall down, Haruno Sakura felt inexplicably heavy.

Hyuga Taichi's face under the mask showed a look of relief, and he whispered, "Finally, I'm free!"

Haruno Sakura felt a little uncomfortable. How sad it was to have only the freedom of death.

She released her mental power and probed the caged bird seal in his mind.

At this time, he still had a breath, so the seal was still there.

A force gathered in his eyes.

But after a moment, the seal gradually collapsed and dissipated with his death.

Retracting her mental power, Haruno Sakura came to the unconscious Yamanaka Feng.

After hesitating for a moment, she made up her mind to end his life with a knife.

Since Yamanaka Feng would become Danzo's confidant, even if he was a diehard fan of Danzo, she couldn't let him go.

After doing all this, Haruno Sakura didn't stop and headed towards the port not far away.

When she got on the ship to Wave Country, she could be considered to have temporarily escaped the pursuit of the root.

The tight string in her mind could finally relax.

She finally had time to think about her future.

Standing by the boat, looking at the endless blue sea, Haruno Sakura fell into deep thought.

First of all, she had to improve her strength, which was absolutely the top priority.

She would definitely face endless pursuit in the future, and only by surviving could she have a future.

As for the charges issued by Konoha Village, although Haruno Sakura was still somewhat resentful, she also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and it was useless to think too much.

She was originally framed by Danzo, so she naturally had a clear conscience.

And she clearly understood that all the rules in the world were always so pale and powerless in the face of absolute strength.

In other words, if her strength could grow to a level that no one could ignore.

As long as she was tough, there would naturally be people who would do justice for her.

The second was the problem of her father.

Although Danzo said that he was rescued by someone, she didn't know whether the person who rescued him was an enemy or a friend, or whether he had ulterior motives.

But this was not urgent, and her father's life would not be in danger at least in the short term.

Her first priority is to find a place to stay., and then you can't just sit back and eat all the money.

Her savings have been consumed by the laboratory, and there is not much left, so she has to find a way to make money.

But after thinking about it, it seems that as a rebel ninja, she has only one way to become a bounty hunter.

Haruno Sakura retracted her thoughts, turned back to the cabin, found an empty seat and sat down to rest.

Halfway through the voyage, the ship suddenly shook violently, shaking the passengers in the cabin to all directions.

It is inevitable to be bumped in a panic.

Suddenly, a burst of cursing came from the passengers.

A man touched his head with anger and said angrily.

"What's the matter, what does the captain do for a living, did you drink too much?"

There was a commotion in the cabin, but no crew members came out to comfort him.

I don't know where those crew members and sailors have gone.

Haruno Sakura felt something was wrong and immediately released her mental perception.

When she saw the situation outside the cabin, she was speechless.

She didn't expect that their ship would be so unlucky to encounter pirates.

The shaking of the ship before should be caused by the rope tied to the crossbow arrow instantly stretched and pulled after the crossbow arrow on the pirate ship hit the passenger ship.

The pirates also acted quickly.

They boarded the passenger ship along the rope connected to the crossbow arrow.

After a while, they tied up the crew on the deck and the captain in the cabin.

Seeing that the situation was not good and the people in the cabin were still making so much noise, Haruno Sakura said impatiently.

"If you don't want to die, shut up, we have encountered pirates!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence for a second, and then there were continuous doubts.

One person asked her, "How do you know? Are you an accomplice of the pirates?"

Haruno Sakura didn't want to pay attention to them, thinking about the strength of the pirate gang, and didn't know how many ninjas there were among them.

But seeing that they didn't kill anyone, they were probably just looking for money.

They didn't keep everyone waiting for long.

A tall and strong man with a scar on his face rushed into the cabin with 20 or 30 men.

They all pointed their weapons at the passengers and surrounded them.

This group of people finally felt scared.

For a while, screams and sobs came one after another, and the cabin was in chaos.

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