After last night's rest, most of her injuries were healed by her palm magic.

Her mental strength and chakra were also restored, so she moved faster.

What she didn't know was that a hunting team from the root had already followed her.

Not long after Haruno Sakura left, they came to the bustling neighborhood where she had stayed.

There was a person among them who was good at tracking.

Although Haruno Sakura covered up the traces along the way, she was caught by the clues left behind and followed all the way.

The person who was good at tracking carefully observed the surroundings and said to the other two teammates.

"It seems that she has recovered a lot after a night's rest, and her speed has increased."

This is really not good news. It seems that this mission will fail.

Both of them were a little depressed.

However, the man did not reveal any emotions. A pair of pure white eyes under the mask looked at the two and said.

"Don't be discouraged yet. Judging from her route, she should be heading towards the Kingdom of Waves or the Kingdom of Water."

"Based on her previous experience, she must be heading towards the Kingdom of Waves."

The two immediately looked at Hyuga Taichi, "That means we can go directly to the port leading to the Kingdom of Waves."

Hyuga Taichi nodded.

"Seeing that she is walking on the main road, she should be following the route she remembered, so we can take a shortcut and intercept her there."

Now both of them had no objection, so the three of them jumped and disappeared on the spot.

Haruno Sakura didn't know that her route had been discovered by the Root Pursuit Team and was heading towards the port leading to the Kingdom of Waves.

A few days later, Haruno Sakura was finally about to reach her destination and was about to continue moving forward.

A burst of air-breaking sound suddenly sounded.

Dense kunai and shurikens flew out from the woods on both sides of the road, shooting at Haruno Sakura like raindrops.

In an instant, Haruno Sakura was shot into a sieve.

However, before the three people in the dark could feel happy, Haruno Sakura, who was shot, turned into a wooden stake with a bang.

At this time, Haruno Sakura hid behind a tree and observed the three people who were ambushing here.

They should be the root team that came to hunt her down.

In the past few days, she would open her mental perception from time to time, so she found that someone had set an ambush when she first arrived here.

Under mental perception, there was actually another person from the Hyuga clan.

So it was likely that she was exposed because of him.

Haruno Sakura no longer hesitated, and immediately formed seals with both hands, and at the same time flashed behind the three of them.

The water blade spit out from her mouth cut across the direction of the three people.

Hyuga Taichi opened his Byakugan at this time, and found Haruno Sakura when she flashed over.

He immediately shouted to the other two: "Get out of the way!"

All of them reacted quickly, and without looking back, they jumped away from the spot.

The water blade of Haruno Sakura passed through the arm of the man with a black patterned mask on his face, but he barely dodged it.

Hinata Taichi felt a chill in his heart.

This Haruno Sakura was really powerful and too fast.

Before they could react, she had already arrived behind them.

And she seemed to have a perception ability comparable to the Byakugan.

In addition, the illusion that caused so many Root members to fail was simply not something they could match.

Thinking of this, Hinata Taichi's face was a little heavy.

Seeing that the attack missed, Haruno Sakura immediately took out a few shurikens and shot at the three of them.

While they were dodging, she quickly condensed water droplets in her hand and joined the wind escape.

After the water cannon shell was formed, she quickly pointed her finger in the direction of Hinata Taichi and shot it out.

The ability of the Byakugan was not good for her actions, so she had to get rid of this guy from the Hyuga clan first.

Hinata Taichi watched helplessly as a drop of water shot into his chest with a sharp gust of wind.

He only had time to turn his body to the side before his shoulder was pierced, and blood gushed out.

But he managed to avoid the vital parts.

However, the excessive blood loss made his face pale under the mask.

The other two saw him injured and realized that they could not just sit there and wait for death.

So the one wearing the fox mask drew the long sword on his back and attacked Haruno Sakura.

Haruno Sakura immediately fought with him. Although the long sword was superior to Haruno Sakura's kunai, her speed was better than his.

After a while, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

But Haruno Sakura was a little confused.

Although the Hyuga clan member was seriously injured by her, why didn't the other guy wearing the black patterned mask take action?

Haruno Sakura ducked to avoid the man's slash.

Turning around, she quickly came behind him and kicked him in the waist with a whip kick.

ThatThe man seemed to feel the strong wind on his side, and his reaction was not slow. He immediately did a reverse somersault to avoid the attack range.

Haruno Sakura immediately stopped her momentum, rushed forward, and followed with a fierce attack.

The two quickly exchanged a few moves, and the shadows of swords and sabers crossed each other.

Haruno Sakura's speed advantage became more and more obvious, and she almost sent the man to accompany the Six Paths Sage several times.

Finally, Haruno Sakura finally caught the flaw and turned around to send the kunai into the man's chest.

Suddenly, she noticed the movements of the black-patterned masked man's hands.

She was startled, she was very familiar with this gesture, but it seemed too late at this time.

Haruno Sakura suddenly felt that her consciousness seemed to be pulled out by a force.

She forced herself to suppress the panic in her heart and immediately stepped back to distance herself from the fox masked man.

She gathered all her mental power to help herself start wrestling with that force.

Seeing that the fox masked man rushed towards her again with a long knife in his hand.

Sakura Haruno directly condensed her mental power into a ball to wrap her own consciousness, and dragged it in the opposite direction.

The struggle between the two sides became more and more intense.

After her unremitting efforts, she finally got rid of the control of that power.

All this happened in just a moment.

Because of the excessive force, the reverse impact when the consciousness returned made the caster fall into a coma.

Sakura Haruno, who finally broke free from the mind-turning puppet seal technique, hurriedly dodged it sideways at the moment when the long sword attacked.

Then she came in front of him instantly, and took advantage of his inertia to wipe the kunai in her hand on the man's neck.

The man fell to the ground and died instantly.

Sakura Haruno wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the black-marked masked man who had fainted on the ground not far away with some fear.

She finally recognized him now.

Orange-yellow hair, high ponytail, and the secret technique of the mountains.

It should be him, Danzo's right-hand man, Yamanaka Feng.

But he didn't team up with Aburame Tone, and he was wearing a mask.

As a result, she didn't recognize him and almost got tricked.

But these are no longer important.

Yamanaka Feng and the Hyuga clan member must stay here, otherwise her whereabouts will be exposed and she will definitely face endless pursuit.

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