One day later.

In the flower domain.

Next to the crystal coffins of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto, another coffin appeared.

Jiraiya lay peacefully inside. The wounds on his body had been healed by Hanain with the palm fairy technique. He was no longer as embarrassed as before, as if he had fallen asleep.

Hanain stood in front of the three crystal coffins, lowered her head, and tears filled her eyes.

Shinobu beside her also lowered her head. At this time, she was also overwhelmed with emotions. Shinobu reached out and hugged Hanain in her arms.

Hanain burst into tears, and a sense of guilt and powerlessness surged up.

She still didn't do anything. Her teacher died at the hands of her senior brother.

She and Naruto could do nothing. Thinking of this, Hanain recalled the words Jiraiya wrote on the ground.

[Hanain, it's great to be able to accept you as a disciple. From now on, I will entrust everything to you and Naruto. 】

Thinking of this, Hanako staggered to her knees, as if something was missing in her heart.

At this moment, she could empathize with Shikamaru who lost Asuma at that time.

Losing a loved one is so painful.

In the Hidden Rain Village, Hanako walked like a zombie. It was meaningless to seek revenge on Pein. It had nothing to do with right or wrong, but just a matter of position.

Even if she killed Nagato, Jiraiya would never come back.

A wave of memories came, that was the time when she practiced with Naruto and Jiraiya when she was a child.

She remembered that Jiraiya had shared a popsicle with her before going to the Hidden Rain Village.

He clearly said that he would not die, why...

"Teacher are a super liar..."

"You clearly said that you would not die."

Hanako gritted her teeth, and Jiraiya's last moment was like a blade that cut her heart.

She felt exhausted physically and mentally, and a feeling of exhaustion surged in her heart, causing her to stagger to the ground.

Konan, who was following Hanako in the distance, also ran over and carried her on his back.

Konan naturally understood what Hanako had endured, and she was also heartbroken at this moment.

As Jiraiya's disciple, she couldn't help but feel sad when Jiraiya died, but Konan knew that Hanako's pain was greater than hers.

Because Jiraiya was a very important person in Hanako's heart from beginning to end.

But at this moment, even Jiraiya left her.

Hanako had a very long dream, but it was a memory of the past.

On that afternoon filled with warm sunshine, on the outskirts of Konoha Village, under a wide shade of trees, Jiraiya, Hanako, Naruto and his three disciples found a perfect place to rest.

The light spots between the leaves looked like falling golden butterflies, gently dancing on their quiet faces.

"Hoo... hoo..." The breeze blew by, bringing a hint of coolness and the laziness of summer.

11-year-old Kanon and Naruto fell asleep peacefully leaning on Jiraiya's back. That time was one of the few times Kanon felt the love of family.

And Konan, who was beside the bed, saw tears falling from Kanon's eyes, and lowered her head. Jiraiya's incident was related to Nagato, and she didn't know how Nagato would face Kanon in the future.


Konoha Village.

Hokage's office.

"Tsunade-sama, Danzo-sama is back."

"Really?" Tsunade was about to get up when she saw Yamanaka Feng walk into the Hokage's office.

"Where's Danzo?" Tsunade asked.

Yamanaka Feng was startled, then knelt on one knee: "Tsunade-sama, this time the attack on Sound Village, the Root suffered heavy casualties, and Danzo-sama has gone to the Root to handle affairs."

When these words came out, Tsunade was dumbfounded. Why did a Sound Village suffer heavy casualties?

"Where is Uchiha Kanon? Have you caught her?"

Yamazaki Feng shook his head: "Danzo led everyone to search the entire Sound Village and found no trace of Kanon, but those four ninjas seem to have some relationship with Uchiha Kanon."

Ten minutes later, Tsunade frowned. Jirobo, Sakon Ukon, Tayuya and Kidomaru from Sound Village killed more than 30 Anbu ninjas.

It took so many people to kill the four people, which made Tsunade's expression gradually solemn.

After learning all the news, Tsunade whispered to Yamazaki Feng: "Okay, I know, you go down."

Looking at Yamazaki Feng's back as he left, Tsunade sighed softly. The news of [Akatsuki] was cut off again. As for a small ninja village, it is impossible for the Hokage of Konoha to pay too much attention to it.

Since there is no news about [Akatsuki], we can only hope that Jiraiya will come back.

Tsunade stood up and stretched. It was already noon, and time for lunch.

Just as she was about to leave the office, a gust of wind suddenly blew behind her.

Tsunade's pupils shrank suddenly, because in her officeOn the table, a space vortex appeared.

It was a rose-shaped pattern. Tsunade immediately recognized that this was Hana's Sharingan pupil technique, which belonged to the time-space type of flower domain!

Could it be Hana? If she came directly to the Hokage's office, what did it mean? Tsunade knew it very well.

If Hana dared to appear directly in the Hokage's office, it would have proved that she was going to launch a general attack on Konoha, and the first target would be her, Tsunade.

Watching the gradual expansion of the rose vortex, cold sweat broke out on Tsunade's face. You know, what kind of strength is Uchiha Hana now? Even she, as the Hokage and the legendary Sannin, has suffered losses repeatedly.

The Yin seal on Tsunade's forehead gradually untied, and the Hundred Healings Technique was activated. If Hana appeared, she would attack instantly.

Under Tsunade's solemn gaze, the flower domain space gradually unfolded, and Fukasaku, covered in blood, fell out.

Tsunade was shocked. She knew that Fukasaku was one of the elders of the immortal toad of Mount Myōboku, but why was he in Hanako's flower domain? !

Tsunade saw at a glance that there was a string of secret codes on Fukasaku's blood-stained body.

And this blood was not Fukasaku's. From the little chakra on it, Tsunade clearly felt that it was Hanako's blood.

What on earth is going on? Just as Tsunade was still thinking, the flower domain space closed.

"Master Fukasaku!" Tsunade was shocked and hurried up.

At this time, Fukasaku also fainted after looking at Tsunade, but his injury was not very serious.


In a forest, the masked man Afei, that is, Obito, was on his way to stop Naruto.

Beside him, the figure of Zetsu emerged from the trees.

"Obito, the winner of Pein has been decided."

"Who won?" Obito asked softly.


"Has Kanon arrived?"

"She arrived, but she only saw Jiraiya for the last time."

Obito was silent for a while after saying this.

"Can't she escape this fate? Sure enough, there is no hope or light in this ninja world, only despair..."

"The Moon Eye Plan must be implemented, and only I can launch it, because only I can depict the perfect dream world with Rin."

At this moment, Obito's eyes seemed to see the scene when Kakashi pierced through Rin, and his right eye turned from three magatama to a kaleidoscope.

"The most real Rin only exists in my dreams!"

"This boring ninja world should end, Uchiha Kanon, I will let you meet your favorite teacher Jiraiya again in the dream of infinite moon reading."

Obito's voice fell, and before he set off, he also looked at Zetsu indifferently.

"How is Sasuke?"

"Sasuke has already fought with Itachi." Zetsu said softly.

The corners of Obito's mouth in the mask gradually curled up, and he snorted coldly.

"With the foundation laid by "Brilliant Flowers" for you, will the "snake" crawl on the ground as always, or shed its skin and become an "eagle" soaring in the sky?"

"Sasuke, let me wait and see."

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