Hidden Rain Village.

Hana came to the battlefield where Pain had just fought. In front of her was the place where Jiraiya had just fought, but why was there no sound?

She was slightly stunned. Could it be!

Hana ran faster. She ran towards here. Although her steps were staggering and she almost fell, she was still running.

There was still about one kilometer to go.

It seemed that Pain had also discovered Hana. Seeing her look like she had just returned from a battle, he was also a little surprised.

"Little Hana, why is she back?" Tiandao asked in confusion.

At this time, Jiraiya sneaked towards Shuradao, and took advantage of this gap to carefully observe everyone in the Six Paths of Pain.

Yes! That's right! He had seen all these people!

It was indeed like this! These guys were all ninjas who had met him once.

Jiraiya suddenly realized at this time that he finally knew the true identity of Pain.

But he was so shocked that the other four Pains jumped up.

Kanon was moving very fast. Seeing Pein suddenly jump up 300 meters away, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he was underwater, Shurado pinched Jiraiya's neck and flew out backwards.

His throat was pierced instantly and he couldn't make any sound.

"You found it too late!" Tiandao roared.

Four figures with black sticks fell from the sky and directly pierced Jiraiya's back.

The sound of piercing the flesh came, and Kanon's pupils shrank to the extreme when she finally arrived here.

She staggered and collapsed to the ground. Because it had rained, the mud on the ground splashed on Kanon's delicate face.

It happened. Her teacher was executed by Pein in front of her!

Five black sticks pierced Jiraiya and nailed him to the ground.

"Lecherous Immortal!!!" Kanon let out a heartbreaking roar.

Let all the Peins turn their heads and look at Kanon.

Hana's footsteps seemed particularly heavy on the cold ground, and her heartbeat was almost synchronized with her rapid breathing.

She finally arrived at the center of the battlefield, but the scene before her tore her soul apart like a nightmare.

In the center of the ruins, Jiraiya, the man who once taught her ninjutsu and gave her strength and courage, was being ruthlessly nailed to the ground by Pein.

Hana's world froze at this moment. She felt her heart being cut by an invisible blade, and every heartbeat reminded her of this cruel reality.

Her knees softened and she almost fell to the ground, but she forced herself to stay standing, unwilling to show a trace of weakness in front of her master.

Her lips trembled, and she tried to shout, but found that the sound was trapped in her throat, and she could only make silent sobs.

Tears blurred her vision, but she still clearly saw the scars on Jiraiya's face and the countless blood around him, which was the proof that he fought to the last moment of his life.

Kanon's heart was filled with endless pain and anger. She wanted to rush forward and cut Pein into pieces.

But her body seemed to be frozen and unable to move.

She knew that even if she could defeat Pein now, she could not save Jiraiya's life.

At this moment, Kanon deeply felt the cruelty and impermanence of the ninja world.

She lost her family and her master.

Her mind collapsed at this moment.

Kanon's pain made the three magatama shrink to a point again. Such pain almost suffocated her. This was not physical pain, but her heart was being torn.

Jiraiya felt his vitality gradually disappearing. He had to convey Pein's true identity to Fukasaku, otherwise all this would be meaningless.

But the tinnitus made it impossible for him to hear Fukasaku's words clearly, and his eyes were blurred.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make any sound.

The severe injury to his neck made Jiraiya unable to speak.

The five Pains stood up and looked at Kanon, who was trembling and staggering. They understood that Jiraiya could not be saved, so they retreated and left this scene to Kanon.

Jiraiya's bloodshot eyes saw Kanon, who was in the distance, with tears and blood, and her expression was almost distorted. Her three-magatama Sharingan shrank into a needle shape, was staggering towards him.

"No... I'm starting to lose consciousness."

"Am I going to die?"

"Have I failed?" Jiraiya's body was also shaking constantly, and he kept asking himself in his heart.

At this moment, Jiraiya recalled his life.

The value of a ninja's life is not determined by how to survive, but by what he did before death.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's life seemed to be full of failures? !

No matter what you do, there is always a little bit short.

The self who pursues love has alwaysRejected by Tsunade.

In pursuit of friendship, he could only watch Orochimaru defect from Konoha.

He respected teachers and education, but not only did he fail to protect his teacher, his disciples also died because of the Nine-Tails incident, and the youngest disciple also chose to defect from Konoha because of the darkness of the village.

It seems that he has only done a few insignificant things in his life, compared with the Hokage who are famous in history.

What he did is not worth mentioning at all, they are all boring things.

Even at the last moment, he died in the hands of his own disciples, and the youngest disciple needed to worry about him.

He felt Hanane's painful crying and even roaring, and Jiraiya's heart was also complicated.

He also wanted to die like the previous Hokage, whether the story is exciting or not is always determined by the ending.

Failure is also a kind of fun. Jiraiya firmly believes that this trial can hone himself and survive to this day.

In contrast, he wants to complete a great feat that can offset all past failures.

As a great ninja, he should at least leave a strong and colorful mark for this final chapter, but it seems a bit ugly.

He should have defeated Pain, stopped Akatsuki, and saved the ninja world.

As a result, even this choice failed. His youngest disciple, Uchiha Kanon, once again suffered unbearable pain in front of him because of his death, and burst into tears.

Blood and tears kept dripping on Jiraiya's white hair, dyeing his hair red.

It's really embarrassing. Didn't expect that this is the ending of Jiraiya's heroic story? What a boring story.

But thinking back to the protagonist Naruto of "Perseverance Ninja Biography", he is a man who stands tall and upright. His deceased disciple Namikaze Minato passed on this perseverance and spirit of never giving up to his children.

He also passed on this ninja way to Kanon, who was sitting next to him, crying loudly because of despair and shaking her body.

Jiraiya watched them grow up, Naruto's spirit of doing what he said and sticking to his ninjutsu, and Kanon's great dream of leading to a peaceful flower field...

Looking back now, Kanon and Naruto are just like the protagonists of "Perseverance Ninja Legend".

Speak your mind, never break your promise, and never give up easily at any time. You must find the peaceful flower field in your dream where you can be friends with everyone.

If this is your ninjutsu, Naruto, Kanon... How can I, as a master, not lose to my two disciples!

If you want to ask why, it's because the ninjutsu of the disciples is destined to be taught by the master!

Right, Kanon...

Looking at Jiraiya holding on to his body, Kanon's blood and tears kept flowing out. She wanted to hug Jiraiya, but she knew that Jiraiya must have something to say to her.

Fukasaku saw Jiraiya holding on with perseverance, and instantly understood Jiraiya's intention.

Jiraiya, who had just gotten up, raised his hand tremblingly and wiped the blood and tears from the corners of Hanane's eyes. Looking at her rose-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan, Jiraiya actually smiled.

"Little Jiraiya!"

Pain, who was about to leave, saw Jiraiya get up at this moment, and said indifferently: "His heart should have stopped beating."

Jiraiya used his last strength to look at Fukasaku, condensed his remaining chakra on his fingers, and wrote a number on his back.

He looked at Hanane who was stunned beside him, and a smile appeared on his trembling mouth.

Never give up easily, this is the real choice he should make. In front of his youngest disciple, this is the last lesson Jiraiya taught her.

"Little Hanane will become hollow, we will deal with him, and the toad too." Pain said lightly.

"Very good, I did receive it." Fukasaku nodded, and just as he was about to leave, Shurado in the sky had already released missiles.

But at this moment, the red skeleton protected everything.

The blood and tears in Hana's eyes overflowed again, but this time, it was Susanoo under her extreme pain and repression.

Suddenly, the Susanoo behind her grew bones and even had legs, becoming the fourth form of Susanoo.

The terrifying chakra instantly blocked Shurado's missiles. Pein looked directly at Hana's bloody Mangekyō Sharingan. Except for the Heavenly Path and the Shura Path, the other three were wiped out by Susanoo's sword.

Looking at Hana with blood and tears and an extremely distorted expression, a morbid madness emerged, which was hatred and anger.

The Heavenly Path and the Human Path actually retreated at this time.

Because in the face of such hatred in Hana, let alone his own Six Paths Pein, even if the main body growsEven if he went to the door, he might not be able to defeat Hanaon.

Less trouble is worse than more trouble.

Feeling Hanaon's Susanoo wrapping him up, Jiraiya felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Hanaon... you and Naruto are the children of prophecy without any surprise.

Jiraiya opened his eyes wide and looked at Hanaon. A relieved smile came out, but there was no sound. Then he lay on the ground and smiled at Hanaon firmly.

"Sexy fairy... Jiraiya teacher!!!" Hanaon's legs were weak and she knelt on the ground. Facing this master who appeared in her darkest life and left a strong mark in her beautiful memories, Hanaon burst into tears.

Jiraiya used up his last strength to write a few words on the ground.

[Hanaon, it's great to be able to accept you as a disciple. From now on, I will entrust everything to you and Naruto. 】

I entrust it to you.

Looking at this line of words, Kanon completely collapsed. She and Jiraiya collapsed to the ground together. She was still the same as before, accomplishing nothing.

Feeling Jiraiya's vitality gradually disappear, Kanon's Susanoo finally disappeared, and her tears of blood dripped on Fukasaku's back.

Fukasaku naturally knew Kanon.

"Little Kanon..." Fukasaku was about to say something when he saw the rose vortex sucking him in and teleporting him away.

This was Jiraiya's last wish, Kanon would save Fukasaku no matter what.

Seeing that Fukasaku had been taken away by Kanon with the pupil technique, Jiraiya finally felt relieved, and he squinted his eyes. He wanted to see the disciple in front of him more at the last moment.

Suddenly, the Shurado behind him fired missiles again. Pain could not allow Jiraiya to live. What if Kanon really had the ability to cure him?


The stones under Kanon and Jiraiya's feet were instantly blown to pieces.

Hanako's body entered the hollow, while Jiraiya's body gradually fell into the sea.

"Hahahaha!!!" But at this moment, Hanako actually laughed.

She laughed up to the sky, with blood and tears in her eyes.

Then Hanako broke down and cried, and once again watched an important person die in front of her, and she was still as powerless as before.

Hanako was very dissatisfied with what she had done. This time, she had no one to hate, but just hated herself for not being strong enough.

"Nothing has changed!!!"

"Uchiha Hanako!!! You have a Mangekyō Sharingan, what's the use!"

"You didn't do anything!!!"

"Still the same as usual!"

Listening to Hanako's roar of collapse, Six Paths Pein shook his head and left. This was a question of position, and no one was wrong.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole!" Hanako stabbed the back of her hand crazily with the Kusanagi sword.

She wanted to punish herself with this pain, but every time she stabbed the back of her hand, the Kusanagi sword would be hollowed out.

"Teacher Jiraiya!" Finally, Hanane roared, and with a splash, she jumped into the water. She couldn't let Jiraiya sink to the bottom of the sea!

At this moment, Jiraiya, who was slowly diving into the sea, still retained some consciousness.

He felt the cold sea water and his body gradually stiffened.

"Jiraiya's Heroic Story, now it's a bit more decent, right?"

"The final chapter, the frog in the well disappears in the volume of the sea?"

"Hahaha, it's quite decent."

"Stop writing and sign, it seems that I should think about the name of the sequel."

"What should I use for the title of the sequel?"

As Jiraiya's body continued to sink, suddenly a slender hand grabbed him.

He seemed to see who grabbed him, a girl with twin ponytails and a mask.

Who is she? Thinking of this, Jiraiya also smiled softly, and the last ray of consciousness gave the answer.

"Oh, right, let's use "The Uzumaki Tale of Kanon and Naruto."


At this time, Naruto, who was chasing Sasuke, was extremely anxious, but suddenly he felt as if someone patted his shoulder from behind. This feeling was the same as before, it was the feeling of Jiraiya patting him.

But when Naruto stopped and looked back, there was no one.

Tsunade, who was sitting in a pavilion in Konoha, looked at the frog that was still on the water but jumped into the water again, with a meaningful expression.

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