Mystic Dominator

Chapter 634: Prelude

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Patricia glanced at Shesta next to her.

The face of the daughter of the leader of the cult warlock was completely undisguised astonishment.

- This is an inevitable result.

Actually not just Shesta.

Allport and his partner, other casters in the celebration venues farther away, and even the entire city close to the coast, can sense this approaching force on the sun and ocean.

The powerful magic fluctuations unabashedly announced their arrival.

Not to mention some experienced spellcasters, they can also directly analyze the strength of magic power——

The people at sea are all original holders!


Patricia turned her head to look at Allport and Shesta.

The investigators and the cult warlock girl returned to negotiation, and Shesta, who confirmed that she was at a disadvantage, did not consider fighting to solve the problem.

Compare the feud here...

Or the approaching enemy on the sun and ocean is more threatening.

Patricia still had a fresh memory of what Ronald told last night. The threat to the entire city by the wizarding forces of Fortress Mountain was definitely the crisis that needed to be solved the most at the moment.

So, Patricia didn't say a word.

Put away the cold blade and walk towards the pier.

She looked at the place where Ronald entered the water, and the sea water at night could not be seen clearly from a few meters away, only the sea water following the changes of the tides was stirring the picture in front of her.

What did Ronald encounter underwater?

Why haven't you come back now?

Patricia is very aware of her abilities. She doesn't say how much her combat power has decreased after she enters the water. Just talking about the limitation of activity time makes it impossible for her to adapt to the environment of underwater combat.

The facts are obvious.

She couldn't help Ronald.

Look at the celebration venue next door, although people are gradually withdrawing after Her Majesty the Queen announces that the celebration is over. But after all, this is not an opera performance in the theater. After the performance, people began to exit in an orderly manner.

At this moment, there are still many Springs citizens lingering near the venue.

Going home for the first time is obviously not what they intend to do now.

Some investigators who were aware of Shen Riyang's situation even in a hurry would suggest people to go home in the crowd, hoping to let ordinary citizens leave as much as possible.

As for the other casters...

Confused and ignorant of the current situation, they only thought that this was another attack by a force that was planning to challenge Queen Daantrian, so most of them still took a sidelined attitude.

- They didn't know that the person who came was Fortress Mountain.

——I don't understand how dangerous my situation is.

Once the people of Barrier Mountain come to Springs, the wizards who are busy venting their revenge will definitely bring any spellcaster into their attack range.



Patricia took a deep breath, then turned her head and walked towards the venue.

She couldn't intervene in the underwater situation, but the venue in front of her was clearly the core of the next battle.

As a large number of ordinary people gathered.

There are also places for spellcasters like Queen Daantrian.

The festival venue in the port will undoubtedly become the first target of the fortress mountain wizard's raid.

At this time, Shesta, who was clearly still arguing with Allport, swiped Patricia with a very hidden light out of the corner of her eyes.

Later, when talking to the investigator in front of him.

There was a vague confidence in her tone of victory.


On the other hand, Patricia walked to the celebration venue with steady steps.

Thanks to the efforts of the staff of the Investigation Bureau, one-third of the ordinary people here have dispersed, and garbage such as food paper bags can be seen everywhere on the ground. At the same time, there are ordinary people who are drunk in the corner.

One of the most dangerous guys.

In order to be able to vomit, he even almost fell into the sea.

As for the others...

After Patricia entered here, the crowd vaguely gave way.

The white-blond hair came into view, and the long-eyed caster saw a Nicklaus approaching, and of course he chose to give way without hesitation.

Even under this influence, ordinary people began to step aside.


"Miss Patricia?"

Patricia continued to move forward in silence, and in this case, the investigator was the first to approach.

The two greeted each other, and the investigator immediately asked in a low voice:

"You feel the situation at sea too?"

Patricia nodded rightly and said:

"In the face of a powerful enemy, Nicklaus should fulfill his duties, not to mention that Her Majesty the Queen and a large number of citizens are here, so I naturally want to come."


Hearing Patricia's answer, the investigator looked at the outsiders who were standing on the sidelines, and suddenly had a subtle feeling in his heart:

"Miss Patricia, you can board from the Queen's warship."

"The colleagues who are ready to meet the enemy are now carefully preparing there... Your Majesty is also there."


"I know."

Patricia nodded slightly and immediately walked in the direction pointed by the investigator.

The investigator who was guiding the way stood there, watching the white-gold figure gradually leave, and suddenly had some thoughts about the surname Nicklaus in his heart.

"Due to your duty..."

"Do your due diligence!"

The investigator then continued to devote himself to his work.

Patricia walked to the warship alone.

Gradually approaching the destination, there are no ordinary people around. That is, from here, someone started to look respectfully at Patricia who came to her aid.

All the way into the warship unobstructed.

Under the instructions of several investigators, soldiers, and members of the Knights, Patricia came to the deck at the bow of the ship.

Here, the absolute elite casters are neatly lined up.

Queen Daantrian stood at the bow of the boat and assigned tasks and responsibilities to everyone present. Among them, you could even see the head of the investigation department, an absolutely powerful person!

- This is a rare case.

Usually, after the queen issues an order, the next-level bigwigs will lead their subordinates to deal with various tasks for different goals.

It's like the scene where the Queen personally ordered one by one.

Absolutely outrageous situation.

However... This also shows that Datrian attaches great importance to the battle in front of him.

And how stressful the situation is right now.

After all, the queen also just learned about the news of Fortress Mountain this It is definitely a very tricky thing to work on while dealing with the celebration.


"Patricia, come here!"

Just as Patricia saw this scene, the nobles who knew her beckoned to this side. They were also descendants of old-fashioned nobles with mysterious backgrounds.

Patricia walked over and nodded slightly:

"Has Your Majesty ordered you to work here?"


"That's right."

The person in front of Patricia nodded in response.

Then he immediately stated his purpose:

"Your Majesty ordered my side to be in charge of close combat raids."

"Patricia, can you help me?"

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