Mystic Dominator

Chapter 633: beg for mercy


"Cult warlocks are the same raccoon dog!"

While Shesta was talking to herself, Allport, who was behind Patricia, scolded in a low voice. The investigator knew the skills of the Nicklaus family, and Patricia, the most powerful swordsman of his time, was even more aware of it.

So he hid behind the girl with peace of mind.

He rubbed his gloved right hand into his pocket for a few seconds, and began to cast a spell in a choir.

Just when Shesta was still looking down at her loss.

The investigator pointed at her body, took out his right hand and pointed it in the air.


"Why do you have so many tricks?"

The effect of the spell is immediate.

Although this finger did not have the gorgeous light and shadow that the naked eye saw, the real magic curse hit Shesta immediately, and her body, which had been turned into a virtual image, became flickering and dark.

Allport immediately opened his mouth to remind others:

"Pure magic attacks are very effective, don't use simple weapons!"


Patricia's eyes narrowed.

The investigator's reminder saved her from continuing to test.

Then Patricia took the long sword's hand and began to inject magic power into the blade. The blade, called the Chilling Blade, then changed and spread from the center of the ridge.


At this moment, there seemed to be a sound from the sword.

And this long sword, which didn't seem to have any carving patterns just now, finally completely lost its original metallic color. From the time Patricia infused her magic power, her appearance completely changed in just over a second.

Briefly describe -

There is no change in the shape of this sword.

But the texture itself has become a transparent substance similar to ice cubes.


"What is this stuff?"

Shesta, who was still floating in the air, was stunned.

She had heard of the name of the blade of the cold, and she had also learned about this famous weapon. But at the moment, this change is completely outside the scope of the information she has learned.


It was at this moment that Patricia made another move.

Due to the change in the material of the blade, the sound of the blade piercing the air is no longer the same.

This time, Patricia didn't use Ronald's ability to help awaken. Instead, he held the long sword honestly, and wielded the swordsmanship that he had practiced countless times in accordance with his family's spell inheritance.

The long sword pierced like lightning.

The two investigators who were closer behind the girl could see something vaguely at this moment—the almost transparent blade was passing through the air, with a faint cold light and shadow chasing it, as if some very fine material had been disturbed. the same.


"Can we have a good talk!"

At this time, Shesta was finally forced into a dead end.

The changed Chilling Blade, the sword body can completely damage the self in the virtual state, and Shesta is completely incomparable to Patricia in close combat, and can only retreat a little under the pressure to escape.

However, Patricia, who was accustomed to fighting, was also extremely fast in formulating tactics.

Within ten seconds, she was cornering Shesta in constant pursuit.


Another light blue sword shadow flashed in the air.

Shesta finally failed to dodge, and her left arm was immediately cut off.

Shesta, who was in the virtual state, did not have any normal reactions such as injury and bleeding at all. The severed left arm and torso were separated, and immediately turned into ethereal smoke and dissipated into the air.

At this moment, Shesta's eyes widened and she looked at her empty shoulders.

Then he shouted with a very serious expression:

"Wait! You wait first!"

"I, Shesta Villiente Paproul have something to say!"


Patricia stopped.

This is the result of inertia.

In Grid, before some heinous criminals are about to be hanged, they will shout out this sentence on the gallows, indicating that they have the last words to tell the observers.

For the most basic considerations, the executioner will generally give consent.

Shesta suddenly said this.

Several people present subconsciously felt that she had something very important to say.

Immediately, under the gaze of a Nicklaus and two investigators, Shesta spoke:

"If I kneel down and beg for mercy now, can you let me go?"


Everyone was speechless by Shesta.

In such a situation where the battle is at a disadvantage, even if Shesta said that she would use intelligence or other important things in exchange for her own vitality, it is not incomprehensible.

But what does it mean to kneel down and beg for mercy?

Seeing the expressions of the three people on the opposite side, Shesta's eyes lit up, and she immediately explained her reason:

"I said, there is no contradiction between us, right?"

"I can't decide who my father is. Dad, or what his subordinates do, has nothing to do with me, and I haven't even participated in their actions."

"Such an innocent girl looking for her missing father should not be attacked by you!"

"Also, my bracers are precious to make..."

"Cult Warlock!" Just when Shesta was about to continue speaking, Allport interrupted her, "These are your side words, do you think anyone would believe a guy like you?"

"You are professional discrimination!" Shesta called out immediately, "Even your Grid's judiciary, isn't there both good people and bad people? As an investigator, you are slandering the whole thing. !"

Facing Shesta's logic, it seemed okay.

Allport responded with a sneer:


"You can say the same thing. I used a spell to interfere with the investigator's mental state today. You must have done this, right?"

"Do you know what is the crime of assaulting the Bureau of Investigation in Springs?"


"I... mental interference won't kill people, I didn't attack you!"

Shesta was blocked by Allport and tried to think for a few seconds before finding the excuse again.


"Although I interfered with your mental state, I didn't cause any trouble in today's security work. I just arrested my father's men with you!"

"Isn't it enough to equalize the merits and demerits?"


boom boom-

According to the original atmosphere and the dispute here should continue for a few more sentences.

But a sudden burst of gunfire interrupted them, and also attracted everyone's attention.

Right next door at the Payday Celebration site.

Queen Daantrian returned to the warship in Chinese clothes and announced the successful conclusion of the festival.

Ordinary people in the venue were watching the rare Queen's speech, but there were also some who were different.

- These people are powerful spellcasters.

——And their eyes were on Shen Riyang, which was farther away.

Those with stronger perception have noticed - there are several extremely powerful magic fluctuations there.

Approaching Springs!

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