Mystic Dominator

Chapter 430: Hierbeth's true abilities

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald didn't think much of the rest.

Looking at the enemy striding towards the two of them, he gently rubbed his fingers to activate the ability of the [Chief Angel].

The spell was successfully activated.

Just around this 'giant', a huge building fragment in the ruins flew up, aiming at this guy's head and smashing it.


It was a rather low voice.

Facing the architectural ruins that were slapped on his face without warning, the faceless giant didn't have time to react at all, and his entire body tilted very seriously after being hit.

The center of gravity shifted, and the huge body was directly half-knelt on the ground.

But then, new changes began to appear in the giant.

The head, which was originally so smooth that no folds could be seen, rippled, and bumps and ridges like human facial features began to emerge. The giant obviously planned to add something to his face.

But... this time it doesn't look like the old man before.

Instead, it looks like a woman!

After a few seconds of change, the appearance on the head finally stabilized. Ronald is very sure that this is the appearance of Helbeth next to him!


Ronald, this temporary companion, can recognize it.

As a user of this look for so many years, Hierbeth certainly couldn't help himself.

Miss Mermaid's face became even more ugly.

Her eyes were locked directly on the giant who imitated her own appearance. Without looking back, she said to Ronald in a tone that was so cold that she trembled:

"Wuling people, don't you go back and pick up a weapon to use? I see that the spells you used before are not suitable for this thing, right?"

Ronald understood what Helbeth was saying.

On the surface, this mermaid meant that there were a lot of human corpses on the altar behind them, and many of them had weapons. Now Ronald can find a weapon and use it.

But in fact, Herbes was preparing to come up with something unsightly.

Because I didn't want Ronald to see it, I gave him an excuse to leave temporarily.

While Ronald turned and walked back, he asked at the same time:

"You're fine by yourself, how long can you last?"

"One minute, one minute for you humans."


Entering the altar that he had just left, Ronald glanced around.

Because the death came too suddenly, the corpses on the ground were neatly arranged, the same as when they held the ceremony. The typhoon and what happened on the island were the group's fault, and Ronald certainly didn't have the idea of ​​honoring their legacy.

Go to the circle near the inside of the altar.

He thought for a moment, then picked up a simple one-handed sword beside a middle-aged man. Pulling out the sword body from the scabbard, you can clearly see some simple patterns painted on it, and the stable and peaceful magic power is hidden in it.

Check it out as you know it.

Ronald immediately understood that this was a mysterious side weapon that enhanced the strength and sharpness of the blade. The simplest and most direct function brought quite good spell compatibility.

If the holder has any other spells and wants to temporarily bless the sword, there is basically no need to worry about the phenomenon of spell rejection.

"It's not bad..."

boom -

Just as Ronald looked at the weapon in his hand, a huge sound of water suddenly erupted from the altar behind him, and there was an unusually violent tremor under his feet. This kind of movement is as if the underground ruins suddenly flooded in!

Give yourself this minute...

What earth-shattering thing did Helbeth come up with?

With the Bradshaw Railroad Guide, Ronald's perception of time is absolutely accurate. Stuck at the perfect timing, he walked out from the altar with the sword in one hand.

As it turns out, Ronald has no problems with his hearing.

The relic space below the island was still in a dilapidated and old fashion. However, in this minute, the torrent from nowhere has completely submerged this place.

The altar where Ronald is now standing.

Because it is located at the highest altitude in the center, it has become a slippery fish in the flood.

His eyes glanced around in a daze, and all he could see were the raging water currents. The giants who ran towards them before could only be photographed in the violent water currents, just like facing a storm at sea. A raging fishing boat is as helpless.

As for Herbes, who is the origin of all this.

The mermaid lady stood calmly on the water, holding her hands empty in front of her, and powerful magic was condensing on her.

For Ronald, the picture was acceptable to him.

Even taking Ronald himself as an example, the fully open "Divine Comedy" also has an attack range of sieging cities and plundering villages.

But there is one thing that he can't understand at all now.

Regardless of the fact that Hierbeth is brewing spells, the waters raging in the ruins of the island have no trace of magic at all, as if they were naturally formed!

What are you kidding?

The ruins were brightly lit by the white fog at the top, but in the field of vision, it was impossible to see which side of the ruins had been damaged, and then connected to the sea outside. Even taking a step back, the seawater that has been poured in in just one minute cannot have such a volume.

What kind of means did Herbes use?

Only in one minute can a miracle of this scale be created!

Just when Ronald was puzzled, and even the thoughts in his mind were beginning to be bizarre, Hierbeth, who was brewing spells, said:

"Wuling people, do you have any more aggressive spells?"

Hearing this, Ronald immediately pointed to the giant still in the water:

"You want me to attack it?"

"That's right." Helbeth simply nodded, and then continued to explain, "I will control the sea water so that it cannot resist any degree of resistance, but it is impossible to completely kill it in a short time. I am now Use magic to completely suppress it, it should be no problem for you to solve it, right?"

Hearing this, Ronald looked at the one-handed sword in his hand.

It's just the right time.

Just picked out a fairly handy weapon, and now it has a place where it can come in handy. When facing the sea monster Kraken, which is dozens of meters away, he is not easy to do it, but he is still able to deal with the giant of more than 20 meters.

Looking at Herbes with serious Ronald nodded and replied:

"Of course I'm fine, just leave this to me."


Hearing Ronald's promise, Herbes's attitude was very simple and clear.

The raised hands suddenly stirred, and the accumulated magic power melted into the sea with her movements.

Immediately afterwards, the sea water that followed Herbeth's movements circled up. Then a waterspout was formed to completely surround the giant, and then it was erected in the air.

Looking at the giant who has nowhere to borrow, can only fight in vain in mid-air and sea water.

Ronald nodded slightly, then rubbed his fingers on the ring.

"It's ridiculous to try to trap the opponent with the maze created by the designer himself!

I have wide skies to go wherever I want to go.


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