Mystic Dominator

Chapter 429: Huge face? God?

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Within seconds, Ronald was sure that the giant face in the mist was not a dead thing.

Because this thing kept changing positions in the fog, it seemed like it was trying to find something from the top of the underground ruins.

Such an obvious move.

It is easy to convince one that it is different from the flowers before it, something that does have self-awareness and intelligence.

Then, something that made Ronald even more speechless happened.

After they walked out of the altar, the giant face in the mist clearly felt something, so he turned and glanced at them.

And then...and then no more.

It was as if he saw an ant while walking in the courtyard of his manor. The giant face in the mist didn't care about Ronald and Herbes who suddenly appeared. He just glanced at them and ignored their existence.


"Your world is really amazing?" Faced with such a situation, Miss Mermaid was also stunned, and even after five seconds, she looked at Ronald with a strange expression.

In the face of such a situation, Ronald can only guess the reason from the actual situation.

"The appearance of the deceased of this thing is exactly the same. Maybe it slaughtered the group of people who died in the ceremony. After such a 'brilliant' record, seeing that we don't care much... Is it justified?"


Ronald and Helbeth looked at each other.

They both saw a trace of unnaturalness in each other's expressions.

The giant face in the mist is obviously not a kind person, but it is still very delicate for the two people who have just fought the hunter and the monster flower to encounter something with this attitude.

The two looked at each other for a few breaths.

In the end, Hierbeth turned his head and locked his gaze on the giant face, and at the same time, the fingers of his right hand stroked the palm of his left hand lightly. In the next second, a weak magic power flashed across her in an instant.

The detection of the giant face was surprisingly easy.

Without encountering any decent resistance, the spells Hierbeth cast at will were rewarded. Without any hesitation, Miss Mermaid told Ronald her first-hand information:

"This thing is trapped by the magic circulation of the island, and it is currently unable to escape from the underground environment. And in the process of constantly trying to escape here, it is still exuding certain information fluctuations to the outside world."

Hearing this, Ronald immediately had a guess in his heart:

"Hierbeth, do you think that the monster we encountered before was caused by its fluctuations?"


Miss Mermaid did not answer Ronald casually.

She stood there thinking for a few seconds, and then answered seriously:

"There is a certain possibility, but I can't confirm it. What I can confirm now is that the information sent out by this thing does not have any psychological control characteristics, it is just the purest information."

"Is that so..."

After listening to Helbeth's answer, Ronald nodded and summoned his original scriptures.

His current attitude is very simple and direct, after all, a giant face is not the same as a flower that is inconvenient to destroy immediately. In the face of such an enemy who wantonly slaughtered human beings, he could kill them without hesitation.

"Herbeth, are you ready as well?"

"If there's nothing wrong, then I'll do it!"

Miss Mermaid did not speak, but answered Ronald with practical actions.

The left hand drew a rune in the air very casually, and at the same time she took out the pistol with her right hand and aimed in the direction of the sky. In the blink of an eye, she was fully prepared to face the battle.

So Ronald took a deep breath and immediately began to mobilize the magic power in his body: "From the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form our cognition!"

A short incantation was uttered, and the meteorite fragments inlaid on the brooch in front of him immediately guided the power of the original text. The giant face that was vaguely visible in the clouds, at the same time, was very obviously stagnant for a moment.


The next second, the giant face in the air suddenly fell.

It's a fairly loose piece of software on its own, and it's also quite agile. However, this kind of physique and ability cannot resist the power possessed by "The Great Completion of Astronomy".

A flat wheel is just a simple haul.

This thing fell to the ground like a meteor, and the old man's face that was originally constructed became distorted in this impact, and began to make angry and terrifying sounds:

"Who, who is hurting the great gods!"

"Dare to hurt the all-knowing and all-powerful me, and you will surely suffer the most painful criminal law in the world!"

It's just that the mermaid next to Ronald's face turned bad after roaring in such two voices. Looking at the falling giant face, the spell she prepared in her hand almost fell over subconsciously.

"You are all omnipotent and omnipotent, but you still don't know who is hurting you?"


The concise and condensed magic power formed a rapid torrent, which immediately spread into a wave of continuous vibration when it fell on the enemy, and then enveloped the entire giant face.

Herbeth's spell was undoubtedly effective.

The original distorted appearance of the giant face has completely lost its human appearance under the influence of this shock, and it has almost become a slimy monster-like shape. The organ that does not know where it is hidden immediately begins to roar:

"It's you, ants!"

"Dare to blaspheme the gods, today is the time for you to be buried here!"

A few more pompous expletives.

After that, with the speed visible to the naked eye, this monster, which can no longer be called a giant face, began to change its form. The muddy body climbed upwards from the flat shape that lay flat on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a humanoid monster with limbs and a head.

Keep a certain distance from this enemy.

Ronald looked at the opponent's temporarily simulated posture, and finally felt a little vigilant in his heart.

The giant face, which was originally more than thirty meters in size, has at least a height of more than twenty meters after it has been converted into an upright form, but with the advantage of its size, this is definitely a dangerous monster!

Ronald was estimating the enemy.

The other party's actions did not mean to stop at As the body adjusted its direction, the smooth 'face' without any facial features began to face the direction of Ronald and Herbes.

This monster has no expression in a specific sense.

But just looking at this smooth guy with a 'look', Ronald somehow felt that there was some kind of 'eye' watching them, and his anger could also be reflected from it.

This momentary gaze lasted for less than a second.

The next moment, this exaggerated enemy started running in the direction of the two of them.

boom boom-

Every step is like a mythical giant running on the earth.

Feeling the ground trembling under their feet, both Ronald and Herbes knew it very well.

The battle of life and death is at the next moment!

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