Mystic Dominator

Chapter 141: Church censorship

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This time, the nun naturally wouldn't take Ronald to the confessional room last time.

The three walked directly to the side of the chapel, then walked through the curved corridor to the building behind the church.

Leaving the chapel, the entrance is an open-air garden.

The tic-shaped corridors cross each other, and the garden is surrounded by corridors. In winter, only a few plants can still see color.

While walking, Ronald took a look at the surrounding interiors.

The interior of this church building, which is dominated by white tones, is also very clean and tidy.

Except for some religious dome murals, there are almost no decorations around, only some lamps for lighting are inlaid on the walls on both sides.

As for the nun who led the way...

Along the way, they met clergymen dressed in the same type, and the two sides just saluted silently, and then passed by staggered in the corridor without interfering with each other.

With Ronald and Patricia, the nun went straight to a room at the rear left of the church.

Skillfully opening the door, she bowed slightly to step aside, and then said to the two in front of her:

"You two, please come in."

"It is here that Mr. Ronald begins today's review."

Nodding his thanks to the nun who led the way, Ronald walked in first.

Looking left and right, the room looked a little unremarkable.

On the side of the room he came in, in front of him were several chairs provided for the person being questioned, and in front of the chairs was a wooden wall. The wall began to turn into a hollow railing from about one meter up. People on both sides of the room saw opponent's actions.

However, at this time, the position of the railing was covered by a black cloth, and Ronald could not see the situation in the second half of the room.

For a few seconds, the two walked into it one after the other.

Ronald and Patricia sat generously on the chairs and waited quietly for each other's arrangements.

Immediately, the nun behind her nodded slightly to the two of them, and after lighting the candle in the room, she quietly walked out of the room.


With a soft sound, the door was closed by the nun from outside.

Ronald and Patricia are waiting here.

In less than a minute, the black cloth in front of the two was lifted.

behind the railing.

The nun sat across from them with a familiar smile on her face.


For a time, the atmosphere in the room was a little subtle.

Although Ronald and Patricia are both the first time to this kind of place.

But they can also sense how weird things are.

It's like the prisoner walks into the courtroom under the leadership of the police, and after a while, the policeman who brought him into the courtroom walks to the judge's seat and begins to act as the judge to try the crime.

The whole thing is full of dissonance!

The nun sat on the opposite chair and was also silent for a few seconds.

Immediately, the corners of her smiling mouth twitched visibly.

- The nun's smile almost broke.

Seemingly sensing that the atmosphere was not right, the nun spoke after being silent for a while:


"Mr. Ronald, I am in charge of your review."

"no problem."

Ronald nodded.

Although I am a little curious why I have been received by this nun, even the mysterious side review does not change. But after all, this is someone's internal affairs, and it is not convenient for him to intervene.

As the party under review, it is better to obey the arrangement honestly.

So, under Ronald's gaze, the nun took a dignified sitting posture, and the smile at the corner of her mouth became a little serious:

"Then first, please show your school ability."

"According to the information we have learned here, your ability should be directly visible with the naked eye?"

"That's right."

Ronald admitted generously, and then raised his hand slightly.

Following the gap between the cuff and the arm, the black mist that had been prepared earlier climbed out along the arm, and then stopped firmly in Ronald's palm.

In order to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings.

What Ronald summoned in advance was still the black fog related to the power of 'Rage'.

This is exactly the same thing that the priest saw directly.

Looking at the black mist in front of her, the nun immediately asked:

"Mr. Ronald, I should be able to use my own spells or my body to touch this magical product."

Ronald nodded and said, "Of course."

Hearing such an answer, the nun immediately put her hands together on her chest.

I saw her face slightly lowered, and then she began to gently recite the prayer in a voice that only she could hear.

After a few breaths, there was no movement on her body.

Just after the prayer was finished, the nun stretched out her hands over the railing very simply, and while a pair of soft catkins held Ronald's palm, she naturally also held the black mist in the palm of her hand.

Ronald could feel the heat from the opponent's palm.

Probably because the winter is relatively cold, so this pair of slender palms still carry the coldness of the weather.


In the silence, the nun was also carefully feeling the feeling coming from her palm.

It wasn't until more than 20 seconds later that she gently released her hands.

Still keeping the smile on her face, the nun asked again:

"Mr. Ronald."

"Your ability, it seems that the ingredients are a bit complicated..."

Ronald's expression was noncommittal, but he replied calmly:

"It's really not that complicated."

"The main function of my ability is to generate some due reactions according to people's emotions. Usually, the aggression is not too high, at most it can restrict people's actions."

Ronald's words are true, this is to beware that the other party also has the ability to detect polygraphs.

The experience of the Bureau of Investigation gave him a wake-up call at this time.


" It's the same as I feel."

Looking at Ronald, the nun nodded, and then continued to ask in a calm tone:

"However, as far as I know, in the winery outside the city a few days ago, you also used an aggressive technique that can completely destroy a person's body, with considerable destructive power and range. Can you show it now? ?"

Ronald shook his head, with an apologetic expression on his face:

"If that kind of thing wants to exert its power, it must have the conditions that meet the situation. The restrictions are very strict, and it is not suitable for me to show you now."

Still the 'honest' answer.

Ronald thought about the possible problems ahead of time, so the response was watertight.


"Is that right?"

After a few seconds of silence, the nun continued to ask:

"Then do you have any other spells that you are good at?"

"If you can, please show it."

Ronald also smiled kindly:

"Recently, I will only use these two spells, and I have never used any other mysterious spells."

Ronald could swear to God that he was an honest man.

From the moment he entered this room, a lie also came out of his mouth.


"Is that so..."

For Ronald's answer.

The smile on the nun's face continued, without the slightest fluctuation.

After a few more seconds of silence, she slowly retracted her hands under the railing, where the wall blocked Ronald from seeing.

After twitching for two seconds, the nun said:

"If you don't mind, let's start the personality test, shall we?"

Ronald nodded and said:

"of course can."

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