Mystic Dominator

Chapter 140: Adventist Church

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morning two days later.

Mrs Hudson's breakfast was still satisfactory.

After enjoying the food together at Ronald's house on the second floor, Ronald and Patricia walked down together.

"Mr. Ronald, Miss Patricia?"

At this time, the landlady, who was cleaning every morning, saw the figure of the two coming down side by side.

"Are you going out together?"

"Yes, ma'am." Ronald nodded, then replied, "We're going out for a walk together."

Mrs. Hudson nodded kindly:

"Is that so..."

"Then wish you all the best."

Immediately, under the friendly and reassuring gaze of the landlady, Ronald left the pension together.

This is the time just after morning.

They figured it was still early.

At least the ordinary people who went to church in the morning for worship, there should be many people who have not left at this moment.

Just a few words of discussion.

The two walked together on the streets of Burrenwich.

He walked slowly towards the city where the church was located in a leisurely manner.

Although the season is still in winter.

But for the past two days, the sky has been clear and cloudless.

Under the warm sun in winter, the temperature in the city has a small rise.

Walking on the road like this, Ronald was still holding the "Shoreline Daily" that was taken from the mailbox of the apartment, and was reading the content on it with peace of mind at the moment.

[As for the recent disappearance of citizens, the warden publicly stated that the murderer has been captured and will be tried publicly in the urban court in the near future. ];

[The site selection of the port in the West City of Burrenwich has been completed, and the construction work is about to start. ];

[After a long time, this year's Boronwich Winter Hunting Event will be relaunched, and preparations are currently underway, and people from the world are welcome to participate actively. ];


If he read the newspapers when he first came to Burrenwich, Ronald could only get a rough idea from the news.

After living in this period of time, he can perfectly understand the contents of the newspaper, and even make further analysis.

For example, the news about the warden in his hand.

As an official character, a mysterious side figure who appears on the bright side of society at the same time.

This kind of public announcement by the warden, in addition to telling ordinary citizens that the law and order will improve in the near future, is also a clear announcement to the mysterious testers in Burrenwich: the rebellion of the cult warlock has been completely declared bankrupt.

This way of reading a piece of news with two ways of looking at it.

In a sense.

Ronald still likes it.



Thinking about the news about the warden, Ronald suddenly remembered one thing he didn't know yet.

Immediately, he turned to look at the girl walking with him:

"Patricia, I heard before that the Warden of Burrenwitch is also the master of the scriptures. Do you know what his school is like?"

"The Warden of Burrenwich..."

Hearing Ronald's question, Patricia thought for a few seconds and then replied:

"It's Mr. Bach Christians."

"From what I understand, his ability seems to be related to restricting the movements of others, and at the same time, he can use some short words and other laws to launch quick and effective attacks on the enemy."

"Of course, I only know this level, and the other details are not very clear."

"Is that so..."

Ronald nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

A big man like the warden will definitely do some corresponding confidentiality work about his abilities, not to mention that he still clearly holds the existence of the original code.

He was very satisfied to get such news from Patricia.

Just looking at the newspaper and chatting all the way.

With the beautiful girl accompanying him all the way, Ronald was in a pretty good mood.

It was almost noon.

The two finally came to the street where Lierdel Cathedral was located.

This time, Ronald's footsteps were not as hurried as last time.

Finally, I have the patience and time to calm down and take a closer look at the large buildings in this different world.

I have to admit that the church in this world is a pretty powerful organization.

This can be seen from the size of the church.

Walking into the city named after the church, even before the main body of the landmark building came into view, the spire of the main body of the church came into Ronald's sight over the roofs of other buildings.

Wait until you can see the full view of the church's facade...  

High spires, curved domes, white columns...

Even if you don't enter the interior of the church, this towering and majestic image can immediately make people understand how solemn and solemn this place is.

Take Ronald's insight as an analogy.

This white-based building is similar in shape to the Gothic architectural style on earth.

Quietly stood there and watched for more than a minute.

Ronald folded the newspaper in his hand and put it in his pocket before entering it with Patricia.

Passing through the corridor connecting the gates in the church, you will immediately see a very spacious worship hall. Standing in this hall with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, the vision will naturally come to the end of the space.

— it was on the pulpit of the clergy;

- before a wall decorated with bird reliefs;

A stony icon of the Crucifixion, standing at the end of the hall visible from all parts of the chapel The victim of the icon has a face full of mercy, and his body is bound in the torture of the intersection of the ring and the cross On the frame, and the shape of this torture frame, the general appearance is completely consistent with the cross emblem used by the priest.

As for the sides of the chapel...

On the edge of the benches prepared for worshippers, the circular cloisters continue to the very rear, straight through the end of the chapel, and then connect to the buildings at the rear of the cathedral.

The last time Ronald entered the temporary underground base of the Investigation Bureau, it was a small confessional room in this circular corridor.

"Ah, it's Mr. Ronald!"

It took more than a minute to enjoy the interior of the cathedral.

Ronald heard a gentle female voice from the side.

Turning his head, he immediately saw the nun who received him last time.

The lady named Audrit, who devoted herself to the church, had a smile on her face that was completely the same as last time.

Walking to the two of them and bowing slightly, the nun's eyes swept across Ronald's face, and then fell on Patricia's body.


After a pause in her eyes, the nun continued:

"Mr. Ronald should be here to do the censorship, right?"

"Then just come with me."

"Of course, if Ms. Patricia wants to be a witness, the church welcomes you too."

Just like what was discussed before, Patricia nodded:

"Ronald is my friend."

"As a friend, of course I hope to accompany him there."


The nun still kept the smile on her face.

After two or three breaths of silence, she took the initiative to turn sideways and continued:

"In that case, please come with me."

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