Mysterious journey

Chapter 967 Arena 1

I don't know when, Garen was suddenly awakened by a slight quarrel.

"Not everyone is qualified to take my things." came a slightly immature male voice.

"No one can refuse what I want!" Another arrogant female voice said lightly.

Then there was a concussion and a muffled sound.

Garen was awakened from his calculations and took a deep breath. He looked up and saw that dust was still falling from the top of the ceiling. The vibrations continued one after another.

He stood up, walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked down.

Two small figures were confronting each other on the street. The red and blue shadows that were constantly swimming in front of them collided quickly. The blue shadow seemed to be at a disadvantage. Every time it was hit, it gasped and shook violently.

It was obvious that the two people confronting each other were two teenagers no more than twenty years old. The boy was dressed in blue and had a silver bracelet on his wrist, with dense silver light flashing on it. The blue shadow in front of him was constantly being forced back, showing his disadvantage.

The girl waved a golden cane gently in her hand, with an arrogant expression, directing the red shadow to whip it out one after another, as if she was commanding the red shadow to control the whip one after another.

The slightest ripples in the conflict between the two people's consciousnesses are of level three intensity, and the most intense part of the confrontation is even at the peak of level four.

There are many weapon masters watching on the periphery. Here, large self-defense biochemical beasts cannot be brought out at all. Only ultra-small and powerful types can be carried around, or they have space equipment, but both of these people are either rich or noble. Even in the capital of Nagadako, ultra-small biochemical beasts are not affordable for ordinary energy masters.

This is equivalent to when everyone's average monthly income is two to three thousand yuan, and suddenly a guy earns more than 100,000 yuan a month. Everyone is using wallets that cost ten yuan each, so he started using genuine leather bags that cost tens of thousands.

This gap is the same. Anyone who has ultra-small biochemical beasts is the last to be a wealthy family. After all, they are representative of big-name brands.

But at this time, both of them showed a strong attitude of never retreating. The boy was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe. His blue shadow continued to move slower and slower at high speed, becoming clearer and clearer. Gradually, his appearance was clearly visible to others. It was a tiny blue hummingbird.

As the hummingbird appeared, the other red shadow also gradually slowed down its attack.

The red shadow is a palm-sized red skeleton. The skeleton is suspended in the air, with a pair of red bone wings vibrating behind it.

"Hand over your things." The girl raised her hand, "Your hummingbird is no match for my Red Skull."

"Red Skull! Huh!" The boy snorted coldly, with an ugly look on his face. Finally, he raised his hand, threw a yellow ball, turned around and left.

The blue hummingbird blurred for a moment, then returned to him and disappeared.

"It's quite sensible!" The girl chuckled, put away the crying yellow ball, glanced around at the surrounding energy masters, her face suddenly turned cold again, turned around and walked away.

Garen clicked his tongue in admiration.

"As expected of the central city, the place with the most developed weapon masters. Elites from all over the country have gathered here. They have reached the fourth level of skill masters before they were twenty years old. This level is much better than what I am now."

Garen himself has calculated that if he wants to successfully enter the fourth level, he must make honest calculations for more than ten years before he can enter. And in more than ten years, I don’t know what level these geniuses have reached.

"This time, the body's consciousness is indeed very average." Garen sighed, lowered the curtains, and went back to calculating again. Any achievement is accumulated bit by bit.

The battle between the Hummingbird Master and the Red Skull soon spread around here. The tentative fight between the two was also recorded as a video and posted online. Garen took the time to watch it on the hotel's public computer, but didn't see anything. In terms of fame, both of them are much better than him, and they are not comparable to him now.

The elite biochemical beasts they use are at least level four or even level five in combat effectiveness. Even when he was at his strongest in the past, he might not be able to drive a mecha.

After all, this is just a test.

The night was uneventful, and early the next morning, Reese and his wife knocked on the door. Garen had already washed up, and the three of them went down together to prepare for the assessment.

At this time, Xinghe Plaza has gathered many young people who came to take the exam. All of them are no more than twenty years old, and only a few are in their twenties.

The three of them walking among them didn't look out of place.

After waiting to stand outside the fence, time gradually passed and soon it was noon.

clang! ! ! ~~~~

The melodious bells floated from the sky inside the Star Core Square.

The fence suddenly trembled slightly, and suddenly the whole thing faded away completely, as if it had never existed in the first place.

At this time, a man with a mustache wearing yellow aristocratic clothes walked out of it. He glanced proudly at the crowd waiting outside to enter.

"The routine maintenance inspection has just ended, and we are now ready to enter. Five major venues are open today, and small venues are open all day long. Everyone can make their own choices. I would like to advise you, don't be too ambitious, and try to choose a genre that suits your own development. The more powerful you are, the more powerful you will be. The more suitable the genre is, of course, a powerful genre will naturally bring more conveniences and benefits, but it must also bear the same obligations accordingly. Those who are not mentally prepared can go on their own."

He paused.

"Everyone has only one chance to choose the venue, and finally there will be a comprehensive ranking competition."

After speaking, he slowly rose up with his hands behind his back, turned around and flew towards the sky in the distance, disappearing into the sky in an instant.

In front of the Xinghe Plaza, a large number of people hesitated for a moment, and then slowly rushed inside. Everyone who walks into the square will suddenly have a distribution map of the stadiums inside the square in their hands.

Garen also has one in his hand, and it has clearly marked the characteristics of all the arenas, what genre it belongs to, and its specific location.

The three of them were walking in the crowd. When Garen was looking down at the map, his hand was suddenly patted by Reese.

"Look, that's the Hummingbird Master!" Reese whispered, looking towards the crowd on the right.

Garen and Yage followed and looked around. Sure enough, they saw the Hummingbird Master who fought yesterday. The young man in blue had a cold and shitty expression on his face. The silver bracelet on his hand was dull. It was not as bright as it was during yesterday's battle. It was obviously not activated. .

The direction he was heading in naturally made a large space for him to move forward. This was not because he was being given way by others, but because the subtle force field consciousness emanating from his body was forcibly squeezing through the crowd.

"It is a level five force field and he is worthy of being one of the top three strongman seed players in our field." Ya Geduo held his glasses and whispered.

Garen nodded. He also felt how powerful the opponent was. The level 5 force field was indeed powerful at this age. And he is obviously not a fifth-level energy master, but only a fourth-level one. He used the test bench to upgrade the biochemical beast he made by one level, thus reaching the fifth level in disguise.

"Yesterday, he fought with the red skull woman in front of where we live, but she lost." Reese said in a low voice.

"Have you seen it too?" Ya Geduo asked, "He, Red Skull, and another person are all the most powerful geniuses in our field. We must be careful when making comprehensive rankings."

Garen and the two nodded.

Each of these geniuses among the weapon masters has absolutely terrifying calculation power. It is difficult to calculate the opponent with many things and means. Everyone has a complete variety of combat plans. They may have just simulated battles. I don’t know. How many times, so everyone just didn't bother to use tricks, and all they fought for was hard power.

In this way, a rookie like Hummingbird Master will be unlucky whoever encounters him.

Garen thought that even if he met this guy, his chances of winning would be very low. The hummingbird was too fast and there was no way to avoid it. In addition, the level 5 force field cannot be broken by him now.

"Let's go," he whispered with a frown.


The other two followed closely, and the three of them rushed towards the inner arena where the arena was.

Star Core Square is full of dry tree trunks of different shapes. The dark blue dry tree trunks are like cultivated weird biological beasts, arranged on both sides of the square, everywhere.

The same bull-headed guards were patrolling everywhere in the square. Except for the fact that there was no advertisement on their axes, these guards were exactly the same as those in the Forest of Celebrity Steles, exuding a fierce temperament.

The crowds branched off into the branching streets in various parts of the square, and the number of people walking in front of and behind the three Gallons also gradually decreased.

"Where are you going? Which genre?" Yageduo asked in a low voice while recording something on his handheld computer.

Reese smiled. "I want to go to Longguang Flow. I have been envious of Longguang Flow's dragon light blessing for a long time. It is both beautiful and powerful."

"I haven't decided yet." Garen shook his head and looked down at the major schools on the map. There were too many to count.

Yageduo put away his handheld computer and smiled.

"It's fate that the three of us come together. I plan to go to the Nebula School. I don't know if I can get in, but this is my dream since I was a child."

"One of the three major sects. What an ambition!" Reese was slightly envious. "It's a pity that I don't have the confidence. We don't have absolute talent, and our consciousness level is not enough. The hope of entering the three major sects is really small."

"It's better than me. I haven't decided yet which school I want to join." Garen smiled bitterly and looked at Yageduo, "Do you have any suggestions? Yageduo?"

Along the way, the three of them could be considered to be friends with each other. Yageduo was very knowledgeable, Garen had a lot of practical experience, and Ruisi was good at languages. However, the three of them complemented each other a little, and their friendship was pretty good during the exchange. Most of the energy masters are rational people, and no one will refuse this kind of friendship that is complementary and beneficial to them.

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