Mysterious journey

Chapter 966 Star Core Square 2

"The most important point in actual combat is weakness. The so-called weakness is not a simple place like a person's loopholes. It is a comparison, a comparison of abilities in all directions between you and the opponent. Your speed is fast, but his speed If someone is faster than you, then your speed becomes your weakness. In the same way, if you are strong enough, but the opponent is stronger, then your strength may have been your strength, but now it has become yours. Weakness. This is relative. So the main key to the battle is to test, test out the opponent's average strength and quality, compare it with your own, and then use your strengths to defeat the opponent's weaknesses. The reason is simple, but it is difficult to do. "

"Indeed, the truth is very simple and clear, but if you want to do it, how to test first, how to ensure that the other party will not find out the details first during the test, and what to do if you encounter hidden strength, etc., are all Trouble." The boy with glasses was thoughtful and nodded in agreement.

Garen nodded.

"You can see very clearly that this involves the strategies and means of dealing with the enemy in actual combat." Seeing that both of them were asking for advice, these two people are not ordinary weapon masters who can reach the level at this age. Those at level three are undoubtedly elite geniuses from all over the world. If his Galleons hadn't been highly intelligent, he might not have been able to reach the level of a level three energy master so quickly. It never goes wrong to make some friends in this place.

He began to teach the two some simple and easy-to-understand practical experience and techniques.

During the two hours along the way, Garen answered their questions many times. Although the boy with glasses didn't understand actual combat, he was extremely knowledgeable in theory. He could understand some things that Garen wasn't very clear about. It can be solved easily and casually, showing strong calculation power. The girl is relatively mediocre, but she can also be regarded as a genius.

The three simply agreed to take the assessment together and become companions.

As the taxi moved forward, the surrounding neighborhoods became more and more densely populated, and the traffic gradually increased. Traffic jams gradually began to form. The sky in front was full of densely packed vehicles. The traffic flow stopped and stopped, but the driver was used to it.

"There are still ten minutes away from Xinghe Square. There are selection venues everywhere, divided into fifty-one major venues and ninety-nine small venues, hosted by a total of one hundred and fifty schools. These schools Distributed in the major states of Naga Star, the territory is sparsely populated and rich in resources. The major venues are set up by large schools, and the small venues are set up by small schools. Every year, the flow of people is at its peak, and the flow of people who come here to take exams has formed a line. It has a complete consumer chain. There are hotels all around. You can find accommodation at any time. The cost is not expensive. It is also easy to eat and drink. It is everywhere. There are also many race instructions and manuals," the driver said.

"One hundred and fifty sects. Are there so many sects on Naga Planet?" Garen also realized that the Naga Darko Capital actually refers to an entire planet. According to the explanation of the bespectacled boy Yageduo, this planet is located between A completely different second dimension from the home planet.

"More than that, there are thousands of sects on Naga Planet. As long as you reach the inheritance level, you can be eligible to apply for the establishment of a sect. That's why the term inheritance level comes from. Inheritance means being qualified to pass it on." Yage Duo whispered. "The only ones who can hold a competition here are those who are at least one of the dominant local schools."

Garen nodded in understanding. Soon, more than ten minutes passed. After a series of traffic jams, the three of them finally got out of the car.

They got off the bus on a busy street and stood on the sidewalk on the left side of the street, watching the taxi drive away. There were tall yellow buildings on both sides.

Directly in front is a park-like place, surrounded by a black eating fence as high as one person. The fence is equipped with red lights that flash on and off. There is a sign beside it with the words 'Not yet open' written in five different languages. 'Four big characters.

Standing outside the fence and looking in, you can see cylindrical black buildings rising from the ground, with different patterns painted on them. Some are gorgeous and complex, some are simple and elegant, and some are domineering. Some are slender and beautiful.

Many people took photos with friends outside the fence.

Garen noticed that not everyone in this city was an able mechanic. Most people were just ordinary people without any consciousness, and only about one-third of the people had fluctuations in consciousness. Among them, he secretly Statistically calculate the proportion of people passing by you. Approximately more than half of the people have only first- and second-level Mechanic consciousness, while the remaining people are either third-level, some fourth-level, and some are young people, and most of the fourth-level people are third-level. Around ten or even above, and then there is the fifth level which is rarely seen. Many of the fifth level people are old men and women, and the lowest ones are over forty years old.

"Isn't there a younger Level 4?" He murmured softly.

"Of course there are, but they usually exist as elites among the major forces. Many of them are qualified to sprint to the inheritance level. How can they usually wander around where these civilians hang out? Even if there are, they must be hidden and disguised. You It's impossible for me to even figure it out." Reese shook her head.

The three of them walked over and took a look. In addition to the words "Not yet open" on the sign, it also showed that the specific opening time was tomorrow.

"It seems that it is not open today. It's better to come back tomorrow. I'm going to go shopping in Celebrity Plaza. Do you want to go?" Yageduo asked in a low voice.

"Celebrity Square? Let's come together." Reese nodded, "I have long wanted to see the stone monuments left by king-level greats!"

Garen naturally had no objection. Anyway, it wasn't open today, so there was nothing wrong with going and taking a look.

Celebrity Square is on the right side not far from Xinghe Square. Follow the street and turn into a tree-lined path. Follow the flow of people and soon you will come to a wide area with a forest of white stone monuments.

There is an oval golden notice board floating in the sky with the words "Forest of Celebrity Steles" written on it.

There are also many tourists watching here, most of them are carrying backpacks and carrying luggage, and some like the three people from Garen set off in a relaxed and light manner.

Not far away, there were minotaurs in black clothes acting as guards. Each of these minotaurs had the body of a minotaur and held a huge mountain axe. Their whole body and weapons were all light yellow. They stood motionless at the door, like clay sculptures. Unless they were stirred up from time to time. With their chests and white breath exhaled, no one would think they were alive.

These minotaurs were wearing yellow armor, and their giant axes were three meters long, and they were extremely heavy on the ground. The most eye-catching thing is that the sides of their ax heads are clearly engraved with lines of advertising graphics.

‘The silver eagle battle ax is invincible. ’

‘This treatment is exclusively sponsored by Elga Workshop’

‘Additional sharpness level two – sharp blade Jia Jiete’

‘Alice brand chocolate, everyone who has tried it says it’s good’

Lines of advertising slogans completely destroyed the majesty of the originally majestic tauren, which was more than two meters tall.

Some people came over to take photos with the tauren in close proximity.

Among them, a beautiful girl came over and put one hand on the Minotaur's arm.

"Big man, this way!" she shouted loudly.

The tauren suddenly turned slightly sideways, his eyes became sharper, his muscles became more bulging, and he suddenly grinned.


The camera flashed, and the beautiful girl happily gave the tauren a crystal as a reward, and left with her friends.

"This is too shameless." Reese's eyes twitched.

"These days, guards also have to live." Yage adjusted his glasses more.

The three of them followed the flow of people and passed through the entrance of the forest of stone tablets guarded by the tauren guards. The five or six-meter-high stone tablets inside were hard and cold, straight, and no scratches could be seen on the surface.

Originally, Garen was somewhat interested and planned to take a closer look at the relics left by the great king, but unfortunately, he was dumbfounded when he entered. He did not recognize all the stone tablets inside, and he could not recognize any of the words engraved on them. On the other hand, Reisi showed a good foundation in language, and some of the few could read the meaning to the two of them.

Many tourists are also facing the same situation as the three people. These king-level stone monuments seem to be the same as ordinary stone monuments. There is nothing unusual about them, which is disappointing.

Some people quickly took photos and left in a hurry.

Garen originally thought that the king level would at least leave some traces of spirit and energy to find clues, but he was completely disappointed after finding traces of gluing in the details of some stone tablets.

The three of them all found another recording stone tablet, which recorded that this place had been destroyed four times, but rebuilt four times. Now it has always been a spiritual symbol of the capital of Nagadako, representing the former king-level The grand occasion of the oath of alliance here is also a chapter in the glorious history of the Nagadako capital.

After wandering around the forest of stone tablets, the three of them felt that they had gained nothing, so they took a few photos together, went to a small shop outside to develop the photos, took one photo each, and then followed them out.

When they were thinking about where to stay in the surrounding area, people from a tourist group happened to be counting people nearby. The three of them simply followed the tourist group together, found their place and moved in.

It's in a row of small hotel buildings not far away.

Various advertising flyers were posted everywhere outside the hotel. Some people riding hoverbikes were waiting by the roadside, smoking and talking. I don’t know what they were doing.

As soon as the three of them moved in, and Garen stayed in a room alone, he realized how expensive things were. The price of such a simple little hotel actually cost fifty crystals a night. He only has one hundred crystals left, and after using fifty crystals, he will have fifty left. After spending this money, he still has to think about what to eat later.

Fortunately, the boss lady gave me a small plate of what seemed to be braised pork for free. It tasted sweet and sour, and the taste was okay.

Opposite the hotel where Garon was staying, there were people arguing. The sound was not soundproof, and when it came here, it was a little noisy, sometimes mixed with the crying of children.

He simply crossed his legs and began to perform the fourth-level model calculations on his own. He was waiting for the opening of the assessment tomorrow. Originally, he had not planned to stay here for one night, but he did not expect that Xinghe Plaza, which is said to be open all year round, was not open and was temporarily closed.

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