My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 987: Do not forget the original intention!

Those who have different intentions in the Profound Realm, and those who are restless like Qi Zhenwu, are like internal troubles and external troubles to Li Haoran. She is always busy here and can't deal with that side. So earlier, she thought about cultivating helpers in Guwu Jianghu to better deal with these things. But in the end, she was unsuccessful because of prejudice.

For this reason, she has dealt with both sides alone for so long. Now it has gradually become weak. She was very helpless after several attempts. Now Tang Ye took the initiative to tell her that she wanted to cooperate with her. In fact, she felt a kind of joy in her heart, as if she had been alone for a long time, and suddenly someone was with her.

This emotion turned into a weird psychology, which made Li Haoran feel that even if Tang Ye couldn't help her, that would be something to be happy about.

This psychological change made Li Haoran feel at a loss. She looked at Tang Ye inexplicably thinking about concealing something, and said: "I promised your terms, but I also have my own business to do, and I won't be able to appear by your side at any time to take you across the three-way world. In addition, I do. Doing in itself violates the rules of gatekeepers. If discovered by those old men in the Profound Realm, my situation will not be better. Therefore, you must keep secret and cautious about going back and forth between the Great World and the Guwu Rivers, and you must not let any gatekeeper know!"

Tang Ye nodded and said, "This is okay. Can you let me go to the big world now?"

"No way!"

Li Haoran was very angry at Tang Ye's act of making an inch of the inch, and hummed: "I am injured now, and I am taking you through the void to worry about it. Moreover, there is an urgent matter in the profound realm that needs to be dealt with. I can't leave for too long to delay. In addition, now The situation in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes has not stabilized, you must handle it first. Do you want to go to the big world and come back right away?"

Li Haoran suddenly snorted to Tang Ye and said contemptuously: "You have so many women, can you sleep one by one in a few days?"


Tang Ye looked at Li Haoran dumbfounded, and said, "Sister Li, I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

Li Haoran gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Ye trying to hit someone. Calling others shameless, Tang Ye is the least qualified!

"Looking at your appearance, there is really no sense of guilt at all. It doesn't matter how many women you marry in Guwu Jianghu, but in the outside world, is it illegal?" Li Haoran despised Tang Ye very much.

Tang Ye touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly, and said, "It depends on which life thought I used to treat. I used to have no problem with a few more women. But in this world, I really should review and reflect."

Li Haoran squinted her eyes, then suddenly realized, hummed: "It turns out to be a reincarnated person!"

"You..." Li Haoran stared at Tang Ye, her expression became cold and stern, and he hummed, "Mahayana in Wonderland?"

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "The former Mahayana in Wonderland is quite different from today's Mahayana in Wonderland."

Tang Ye looked up at the sky and said, "It should be said that after the emperor, there will be no more prosperity. What Gu Wu Jianghu said, the prosperity of the old black era, but the warrior deceived himself. Now it is getting harder and harder to climb to the sky. I don't know if it is. It’s not the purpose of your ancestors to weaken the people and let them live on earth with peace of mind."

Li Haoran looked at Tang Ye and frowned.

After the emperor?

The emperor probably refers to the first emperor, which was quite a few thousand years ago. Could it be that Tang Ye's previous life was from that period?

In this case... Li Haoran was speechless. At the time of the Great Emperor, she had not been born yet. Isn't Tang Ye more knowledgeable than her?

"I know why you were able to block my sword aura just now." Li Haoran sneered: "Your Mahayana in Wonderland is more powerful than my Mahayana in Wonderland, right?"

Tang Ye smiled without saying a word, neither admitted nor denied.

Li Haoran snorted coldly: "So, you are considered invincible in the world?"

Tang Ye laughed and said, "It's all about going to the countryside and doing the same. When I come to this era, I have to adapt to the environment of this era. What kind of limit is the Mahayana in this era, and what kind of limit I am, unless I This limit can be changed. But obviously, I can't do it alone. So no matter how strong I am, at most I will be as strong as you."

"Then why do you need to cooperate with me anymore? With me as strong, you can do a lot of things." Li Haoran said uncomfortably, as if a little unwilling.

Tang Ye shook his head lightly and said, "This body and the environment of the times restrict me. I have to follow the rules for many things. The only thing that makes me not worry is that I will not be killed again. Probably... No one can kill me. Of course, except for the old men of your gatekeepers. They stayed in the profound realm, have they ever been able to pass the gods?"

"No, this is not allowed by the ancestors." Li Haoran did not hide it.

Tang Ye nodded and was silent.

Li Haoran looked at him and squinted, and after thinking about it for a while, he asked, "What do you think? Do you want to fly to the sky, or just settle for the status quo and stay on the ground?"

Tang Ye said: "It is both a road to ascendance and a road to the world. If you do the present thing, if the present thing develops step by step to the sky, then strive to get to the sky. If the present thing develops step by step, it will be Stay on the ground, then live well on the ground."

"But as far as I know, your woman especially wants to go to heaven?" Li Haoran asked.

Tang Ye smiled lightly and said: "She is part of what I am doing now. If she can let me walk on the road to flying to the sky, it will be the guide for the road now."

Li Haoran was very disdainful and dissatisfied, and snorted: "It's the road under the crotch! A woman is waiting for you on the bed. Have you been obedient to her?"

Tang Ye looked at Li Haoran silently and hummed, "Sister Li, you are really shameless."

"Shut up! You are not qualified to say me!" Li Haoran snorted coldly.

She is a person who obeys the old Taoist's rules to do things. The old Taoist doesn't want people to fly into the sky again, so she thinks too. If Tang Ye wants to ascend, it is to face her, then of course she will become hostile to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye didn't say much to Li Haoran. He just regained his memory and needed time to sort out slowly.

Li Haoran was silent for a while, and asked Tang Ye: "A reincarnated person like you, like turning several people into one person, won't drive yourself crazy?"

Tang Ye frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Sometimes it's really contradictory, so the phrase'Don't forget your original intention, always have to always' is especially important for reincarnated people. Otherwise, the previous life is a good person, and the later life may be a bad person. When the two collide, is it to be a good person or a bad person? It is very contradictory, and it is not strange to drive people mad."

"It's easy for you!"

Li Haoran contemptuously said: "Is it so easy to not forget your original aspiration? You are in this life, it is a new beginning. The path you take is not related to the previous life, so how can you ensure that you will not forget your original aspiration? do not know anything."

Tang Ye looked at Li Haoran with a full smile, and said, "So I want to thank the country for giving me such a good social environment. I want to thank my parents for giving me such a good home. I want to thank my friends, and many kind people. Kindness helps me grow."


Li Haoran was speechless.

So, love the motherland, love your family, love your a person full of positive energy!

Li Haoran is very happy to be able to say so much today, as if the negative emotions that have been accumulated in his heart have been released. She was not so angry with Tang Ye anymore. She wanted to go back to the Profound Realm to deal with the matter, and she broke the void and left with a confession to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye watched Li Haoran leave, then turned to look at this great river and mountain in Guwu Rivers and Lakes. Since we are going back to the great world, let the dynasty here be established first!

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