My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 986: No sincerity!

Regardless of Li Haoran's attitude, Tang Ye must talk to her clearly about the current affairs. The situation outside the big world was changing more complicated than he thought. He was very worried and had to go back and take a look to help Lu Celadon and the others.

Li Haoran looked at Tang Ye, always frowning and wondering. She felt that Tang Ye had changed, but she couldn't tell where it had changed. In any case, the biggest doubt in her heart was why Tang Ye could touch the profound door and why she could block her attack.

Tang Ye has always been good at insight into each other's psychology, and before Li Haoran asked, "You have your problems, and I have my problems. You can't think that you have an advantage just because you are a powerful master sister among the gatekeepers." My business is very urgent. If you do not agree to cooperate with me, I will not talk to you."

Li Haoran squinted and stared at Tang Ye very angry.

"You threatened me before you even started talking?" Li Haoran snorted coldly.

Tang Ye nodded and said, "You can understand that."

"Where are you confident?" Li Haoran snorted coldly.

Tang Ye shrugged, took two steps, separated from Li Haoran two or three meters, looked at Li Haoran and said: "If you speak like this purely because of emotions, then I don't think it is necessary. This will only waste time, I have a lot of Great sincerity, I hope you also have corresponding sincerity."

"I'm not sincere?"

Li Haoran found it ridiculous, and hummed: "As a gatekeeper, it is sincere enough to have the patience to sit with you and speak with you. Besides, I am not an ordinary gatekeeper. In fact, I hate the name gatekeeper. It's all you. These mortals added randomly."

Tang Ye smiled and said, "At this moment, I don't think you should use the identity of the gatekeeper as a bargaining chip. In addition, you know that we warriors don’t like your identity as the gatekeeper very much. In other words, do you think You see me as a gatekeeper, which is a great concession to me. But in fact, I see you as a gatekeeper with great risks, and you will become a public enemy if you are not careful. Therefore, your identity as a gatekeeper, For me, there is no advantage, but a lot of disadvantages."

"You..." Li Haoran hated Tang Ye's mouth so much, what he said was very annoying, but it always made sense and made people unable to refute it.

Li Haoran knew what Tang Ye said. When she saw some outstanding warriors in the arena in the early years, she wanted to recruit and use them for her. This was a plan to try to expand management. However, when she found those warriors, no matter how much benefit she gave, she would not agree to help her. Because if you help her, you will become a minion. No one wants to do that.

Even some people were squeezed out because they had been in contact with her, and finally faded out of the arena early and forced to end their martial arts career.

After encountering such a failure, Li Haoran never thought about asking the people of Guwu Jianghu to help, which is why she didn't talk about it after hearing Tang Ye say the word cooperation. Now Tang Ye came to see her again, she also didn't want to talk about it.

In a sense, this was protecting Tang Ye. Otherwise, Tang Ye will be known by the people of the rivers and lakes that he is cooperating with the gatekeeper, and there may be troubles. Especially now that the Long Family is preparing to realize the unification of the rivers and lakes, if it is known that he and the gatekeeper are cooperating, will the people of the rivers and lakes think that he has taken refuge in the gatekeeper and achieved unification with the help of the gatekeeper?

The gatekeeper can ignite the resistance of everyone. If this is really the case, it will be impossible for the Long Family to realize the unification of the rivers and lakes.

Li Haoran actually agrees with the unification of the world. The reunification of the rivers and lakes and the emergence of a dynasty, even if it reproduces the jade seal that can condense the supreme luck, it is good for Li Haoran. Because it is easy to manage. After the unification is achieved, and the Jade Seal of the Kingdom is reproduced, many people will use the jade seal to break through the Xuanmen.

This approach complies with the rules set by the old Taoist priest. However, although this can break the shackles of luck, it takes a long time. It may not be successful even after spending time. In this way, Li Haoran was relieved a lot.

In fact, Li Haoran was quite curious about what Tang Ye said about dealing with Qi Zhenwu. Tang Ye has come to the point where she has achieved, no matter how arrogant she has to admit that Tang Ye is much better than ordinary people.

"I don't want to waste time."

Li Haoran decided to listen to Tang Ye's words, but still maintained his arrogance, and said, "What you do now, I hope you understand a consequence, that is, once you are discovered by others, you may get into unprecedented trouble. If you are not afraid of this, then you can talk about how to deal with Qi Zhenwu."

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Since I dare to do this, I have thought about the consequences. Don't worry, I will handle those things. As for how I deal with Qi Zhenwu, my plan is like this..."

Tang Ye told Li Haoran about his plan to deal with Qi Zhenwu. The Wang concubine came up with this "post generation to be king" to realize the transfer of his personal luck and the breakthrough of the dragon's luck. In fact, there are still many loopholes. However, when it came to Tang Ye, after perfection, it had become perfect.

Don't doubt Tang Ye's planning ability, too many people have fallen under his head.

As for Qi Zhenwu, if he is smart, it is better to say that he is standing on Jianlongchi while watching the changes in his luck while making arrangements. In this way, he does not need much wisdom. Compared with him, Tang Ye may not lose.

Especially when Qi Zhenwu didn't know that Long Qingcheng was pregnant.

Li Haoran didn't believe Tang Ye at first, but she was stunned when she heard Tang Ye said that Long Qingcheng was pregnant. Do this step in order to achieve the goal? Give birth to a good woman?

This requires considerable awareness! And make a huge sacrifice!

Based on this, Li Haoran believed that Tang Ye could do it.

But she still felt embarrassed and said, "Your plan is very good, and I really want to cooperate with you. However, since it is a cooperation, then I can't let you suffer. I am not such a person. According to the current situation, I can't help it. Allows you to travel freely between the big world and Guwu rivers and lakes, so this condition cannot be realized. Either you change the conditions or...not cooperate."

"You can't do it?" Tang Ye said in surprise: "Your gatekeeper controls the profound door, how can you not do it? Aren't you also running on both sides?"

Li Haoran glanced at Tang Ye and said, "Have you never heard about the gatekeepers from Li Tianfang and Li Diyuan? The gatekeepers who go to the outside world to experience experience are equally likely to be killed when they reach the Guwu rivers and lakes. So Even the gatekeeper must be strong enough to pass through the profound gate without injury. The gatekeeper is still like this, let alone you mortals?"

Tang Ye frowned and asked, "Can't you take me? Just a sword opens the void and crosses through the void."

Li Haoran looked at Tang Ye in silence, and then said: "It can be, but I don't want to do this. I don't want to be your personal nanny."


Tang Ye felt that Li Haoran had no sincerity, and said, "It seems that Senior Sister Li doesn't want to get rid of Qi Zhenwu, so forget it. What we met today should not have happened.

After all, Tang Ye stood up to leave.

Li Haoran was anxious, looked at Tang Ye's back and thought for a while, finally bit his lip and said angrily: "You stop, we can cooperate!"

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