My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 879: The new path is hard to follow!

Opening the door of death was originally the magical powers of Yin and evil. After transforming the devil, Tang Ye had become a kind of existence of Yin and evil, so opening the door of death was simple. I have to say that Tang Ye is a person who is good at observation and learning. Opening the dead door was originally a trick of the dead door swordsman, but he learned it. Similarly, there is the "please God" learned from Dao Kuang.

Tang Ye's learning ability is different from ordinary people, but it is not that his talent is much stronger than others. Tang Ye was not the only one who saw the dead swordsman opening the dead door. Why did he only succeed in stealing the master?

Because he personally experienced that trick. Stealing the teacher opened the door to death because he was personally beaten to the point of life and death. He went through a life and death crisis, experienced it personally, was cruel to himself and worked harder than others.

Hei Lao also said that if Tang Ye goes farther than everyone else one day, it is not because he has a higher talent and a better background than others, but because he is cruel to himself!

He also had the courage to try, he had an idea, and after calculating various conditions, he took the step of trying if he thought it was possible. He dared to make even a bet.

This is the case with the attempt to transform demons.

The old man Shiyu was caught in the door of death and was swallowed and disappeared.

Tang Ye's body was still filled with a strong yin and evil aura, and the demon state had not disappeared. He thought he could control this evil force, but he could not. When he wanted to press back the Yinxie power, the Yinxie power not only didn't retreat, but also kept rising, trying to occupy his body and consciousness.

This is the backlash of Yin Xie!

At this moment, Tang Ye knew that he could not control the demon state, looked at the princess, the princess knew, jumped out and hit him on the neck, he was knocked out.


When Tang Ye woke up, it was already dark. Lying on the carriage, he felt exhausted and he was about to fall apart. Before entering the state of transforming demons, all other powers were taken away, allowing the evil forces to take over the whole body. Now that the evil forces retreat and other forces return, it is equivalent to bleeding and transfusion. The process is extremely dangerous. His body is overdrawn and tired, and his life is not in danger, which is a blessing.

The princess and Zhiqiu were not in the carriage. After Tang Ye took a rest, he opened the front curtain and saw Hei Lao sitting in front. The princess was instructing Zhiqiu to practice martial arts by the river bank not far away.

Hei Lao glanced at Tang Ye and asked, "Is this a newly explored path?"

Tang Ye knew that Hei Lao was referring to his transformation of demons. He had discussed with Hei Lao how to solve the problem of the evil spirit invading the dead wood and spring power. Hei Lao could not give him an answer, so he fumbled for it himself. In a certain sense, "transforming the devil" is a solution to the problem of the power of the dead wood being invaded by evil.

Because of the damage to the strength of dead wood in spring, his strength is greatly weakened. And when the power of Wither Wood Fengchun is replaced by the evil force, all the power he possesses is evil power, and is no longer affected by Wither Wood Fengchun, regardless of whether Wither Wood Fengchun is good or bad.

However, this solution is too extreme. The power of dead wood in spring is "light", and the power of evil is "darkness". It turns directly from light to darkness, no matter how strong the willpower is, how can the human body be able to withstand it?

This time, Tang Ye took it because he learned the aura of the gatekeeper and tempered his body time and time again with aura, making his body more than ten times stronger than ordinary people. In addition, the princess stunned him in time, otherwise he might not be able to let the evil power spread.

To put it simply, the state of "Transforming Demon" is still very immature and cannot become Tang Ye's normal supernatural power.

Tang Ye smiled at Hei Lao, clenched his fists and tried, only to find that he was still weak, touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "It's the right way, but it seems that it's a road that can't be taken."

Indeed, if every time after transforming a demon, there will be this kind of general weakness, then after a fight, there will be no way to fight. If you encounter an enemy again, don't you have to wait for death?

Hei Lao said: "It's not that you can't walk. It's just that paving this road requires enough'pebbles', time, and a bit of luck. If it succeeds... even the old man who has lived a few rivers and lakes has to marvel at you. It’s a human being."

Tang Ye was overjoyed, looking at the old black man and said, "Senior has a way to solve the problem of the rejection of these two completely different forces?"

Hei Lao shook his head and nodded, and said, "I just have a little experience. I have seen people who increase their power through power transformation, but it is very different from your situation, so I am not sure whether it will be useful to you. The specific method. That is, continue to temper the body to the point where even the strength of the body can alarm the gatekeeper. In this way, the strength of the body can withstand the great pain of different forces. The second is to have a firm belief and not be controlled by evil forces. , The evil power should be controlled by yourself. The third is that you must have a'container' in your body that can store both powers at the same time. Just like you told me, there is a small tree in the dead wood every spring. Then, this evil power must also have A little bit of this so you can check the status."

"This is very difficult to obtain." Hei Lao said: "Just as you have realized that withered wood meets spring, there are small trees with power. I don't need to say more about how rare dead wood meets spring, but in the secret arts of Yin and evil, what is the magic method? Can it be the same as the dead wood in spring?"

Hei Lao shook his head and said, "I haven't seen this kind of magic trick. Maybe it doesn't exist at all. So, I'm just telling you what I said. Don't get into it all at once. Maybe you won't get one in your life. answer."

Tang Ye nodded and smiled: "I understand this, but no matter what, I want to try to control the'devil'. In the next period of time, my situation may become unstable. Please still Senior help out."

Heilao nodded.

On the bank of the river, Zhiqiu, who was studying martial arts with the princess, caught a glimpse of Tang Ye waking up. He was so happy that he was no longer in charge of the princess. His calf rushed up and arrived in front of Tang Ye and said in surprise: "Master, are you awake? Are you OK?!"

Tang Ye smiled at Zhiqiu and said, "It's okay, Zhiqiu, how did you learn from your wife?"

"I learned very well!" Zhi Qiu said with a heavy focus.

"Okay." Tang Ye got out of the carriage, pulled Zhiqiu's little hand, and said: "Tomorrow, I will tell you about the cultivation of the mind. Did you insist on breathing and breathing every day?"

"Yes!" Zhiqiu nodded very obediently.

Tang Ye squeezed her pulse, felt the spiritual power accumulation in her body, and found that the spiritual power in her body was very rich, which was the effect of doing a good foundation. It can be said that Zhiqiu's mental method has passed the spirit and reached the psychic realm. The next thing Tang Ye wants to teach her is the knowledge of cultivation level.

Who knows, maybe one day in the future, Zhiqiu will become a peerless woman?

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