My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 878: In the end there is only one end!

For the old man Shi Yu, it was also the result of victory to force Tang Ye to transform into a demon. Because the Tang Ye of the Queen of the Devil is not Tang Ye. That kind of Tang Ye was controlled by the evil side. Without him, the princess and the black old man would do it. Other Jianghu people will also shoot.

Are demons allowed by others?

Uncontrollable, brutal and tyrannical, and indiscriminately killing innocents, no one allows such a monster to exist!

In addition, after transforming the devil, Tang Ye's other powers will be affected. At that time, even if Tang Ye recovers, he will definitely fall. Falling from Tongxuan to Yuling, then many warriors can kill Tang Ye again!

Therefore, whether it is to kill Tang Ye directly or to force Tang Ye to transform into a demon, it is the victory of Old Man Shiyu.

However, the results now show some deviations. After transforming the devil, Tang Ye can actually control his self-consciousness?

This was something that the old man Shiyu, as well as the princess and old man, did not expect.

How can the queen of transformation be able to maintain a sober consciousness, it is almost like, "Transformation" has become a kind of magical power of Tang Ye!

The princess and the old man, as well as the old man Shiyu, felt weird. They had never seen such a thing.

There won't be such a weird thing in the world, right? !

The princess had already taken steps, and wanted to prevent Tang Ye from demonizing. Whether it was to curse Tang Ye or beat him, Tang Ye could not lose herself because of demonization. But at this time, Tang Ye waved her hand to stop her, and spoke to her in her usual tone, so she didn't worry, and don't stop her.

"You... are you Tang Ye?" The princess couldn't believe it. Tang Ye was already full of black energy, completely in a state of demons, but could he still control himself?

Hei Lao also wondered what was going on with Tang Ye. He shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that there was no such thing as "impossible" in Tang Ye, what a freak it was!

At this moment, the dark power emanating in front of Tang Ye was also in the form of a half crescent moon, but filled with black evil, more powerful than the half crescent moon of the old man Shiyu, and it was unstoppable. In the end, the dark half moon knocked away the half moon of Old Shiyu!

This resolves the second attack of the old man Shiyu!

Old Shiyu still couldn't believe this. After transforming the devil, he is still conscious and able to control power freely. What kind of demonization is this, why don't you just say that demonization becomes your own move!

It's ridiculous!

Old Shi Yu didn't want to believe this kind of thing, but Tang Ye took the initiative to force him and shot him. He felt that terrible evil force that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and he had to believe that everything was real!

"You really are..." Old Shi Yu found that he didn't know how to describe Tang Yehao. To say that Tang Ye is a wicked way, but after being in a demon, he can control himself, maintain his character, and not kill innocent people indiscriminately, then people will not be regarded as enemies.

In this way, neither could kill Tang Ye nor make Tang Ye Huamo a public enemy of the people. The old man Shiyu lost terribly!

Now he has yet to hit the third move.

Old Shi Yu could no longer smile on Tang Ye's face, his expression became somber and gloomy, and he shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice, "The third trick, a dream!"

The old man Shiyu only stomped his foot gently after drinking low, the action was similar to the previous one. At this moment, dense water drops floated on the larger river surface around him, and the water drops flew to attack Tang Ye. At the same time, part of the water drops suspended in the air and gathered into a half-moon water blade, and then fought against Tang Ye!

The general feeling is that Shiyu's third move is a combination of rain and no rain and a glimpse of the first two moves. The power is still greater, repeating the first and second tricks continuously, allowing people to alternately experience in fantasy and reality, overwhelming to attack, not only consumes power, but also has a fatal blow at any time.

It is certainly difficult for ordinary people to deal with this kind of move, but at this time, after Tang Ye transformed into a demon, he didn't only know the defense like before, regardless of whether it was illusion or reality.

A strong and terrifying dark aura flowed around Tang Ye's body, forming a perfect protective cover to block the water drop and half moon attack of the old man Shiyu. The old man Shi Yu had no choice but to resist Tang Ye's attack. He didn't expect that Tang Ye's Long Family combat skills with the Shenlong Halberd were very powerful, even if he was crushed into the bamboo raft, his feet were submerged in the water!

This was a result that was completely beyond the expectation of Old Shiyu. He originally thought that Tang Ye couldn't move him anymore. But now, Tang Ye beat him to avoid it!

"It's...too humiliating..." The old man Shiyu hummed to Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye didn't care about him at all, and continued to slap him with the Shenlong Halberd.

Bang bang bang!

The old man Shiyu could only resist constantly, and finally the bamboo raft broke away from his protection.

The old man Shiyu fell on the water and stood on the water without sinking with his superb strength. However, Tang Ye still slapped and attacked him desperately, forcing him to be unable to stretch his hands and feet at all.

By this time, he had already surpassed three moves against Tang Ye.

Originally, he and Tang Ye had agreed that as long as Tang Ye could take over his three moves, he would not do anything to Tang Ye again. And now this agreement has become meaningless, because it is Tang Ye chasing him now!

The Long Family Combat Skill is a wonderful skill that is more brave and stronger in the Vietnam War. It is inherited from the ancient Long Family. Even Long Xingtian does not know all the secrets of this skill. After Tang Ye turned the devil, the power of the Long Family's combat skills only increased, which was worth pondering. Undoubtedly, the Long Family's combat skills are also suitable for the use of dark power. Even, it prefers dark power, otherwise Tang Ye's power would not be so huge at this time.

The old man Shi Yu was forced to lose his temper by Tang Ye, and slowly messed up the rhythm. He didn't want to let Tang Ye go down so arrogantly. He stepped into the water suddenly, then pulled his leg, directly set off a huge wave, forming Jiaolong rushed to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye sneered, and suddenly plunged the Dragon's Halberd into the water. Two black giant pythons flew out of the water. One giant python greeted the dragon, while the other slammed into the old man Shiyu.

Shi Yu had to fight back against the black python. He really lost his temper at all, and he didn't expect Tang Ye to be so difficult to get involved!

For a black python, Shigure did not have much worry. However, when he was dealing with the python, he suddenly felt a danger instinctively. He dodges quickly, ignoring the impact of the python, but still slow. A pair of terrible claws wrapped around his body and pulled him back.

Behind, it was Tang Ye who opened the dead door!

In the state of transforming demons, it became easier for Tang Ye to open the dead door.

As soon as the gate of death was opened, the target would be dragged. Old Shiyu didn't expect Tang Ye to open the gate of death so quickly. The old man Shiyu became panicked when he was dragged into the gate of death by the claws of death. The traction and claws in the **** of death are not human things, even if he has stepped into the fairyland, he has no choice but to drown his voice in the gate of death.

You can't get in and out, and there is only one end: death!

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