My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3108: subtle!

It is estimated that Tang Ye never expected that he would be suspicious again and again by Ying Wushuang. If he knew that Ying Wushuang now suspected that he had something to do with the Dark Clan even more, he would have died of depression. However, it is not surprising that Ying Wushuang would do this. After all, thinking that after the Great Emperor Void once gained the power of the Dark Clan, he quickly became stronger, and it was indeed possible for Tang Ye to break through quickly.

For this reason, Ying Wushuang decided to go to the deepest part of the monster forest in person. He didn't worry that Tang Ye could kill him now, because in the deepest part of the Monster Beast Forest, the Void Abyss, that is, the place where the Dark Clan was sealed, had the power that the Great Emperor Galaxy had already placed there. If Tang Ye dared to attack him, then he could kill Tang Ye with this.

At the same time, this was one of his thoughts. If Tang Ye really became so powerful because of the power of the Dark Clan, then Tang Ye must be resolved. Regardless of whether Tang Ye became a member of the Dark Clan, or was just bewitched by the power of the Dark Clan, he would kill him. Approaching to deal with a Void Emperor is enough for them to toss, but they don't want to come again.

Therefore, Ying Wushuang said to Tang Ye: "Brother Tang Ye, since the power of the dark clan is getting stronger and stronger, then I must go and see it too. If it really doesn’t work, I can only report to the Great Emperor Xinghe. The Great Emperor Galaxy will handle this matter. After all, there can be no negligence in matters of the dark race."

"Okay, it should be like this." Tang Ye nodded to Ying Wushuang.

Ying Wushuang smiled and said, "Then, let's leave now and go to the deepest part of the monster forest. As for the information and intelligence about the Dark Clan, we can talk while walking."

"Okay." Tang Ye thought this was very good, not knowing that Ying Wushuang actually doubted him and was testing him. Although he is very shrewd, he really didn't think so much about the things right now, and he didn't think Ying Wushuang would think so much, so now he basically thinks that Ying Wushuang trusts him and wants to deal with the dark race with him.

Ying Wushuang didn't have any bad intentions, he just acted carefully. Then, the two went to the deepest part of the monster forest together. The strength of both of them reached the Sky Realm, and they traveled to the deepest part of the monster forest very fast. However, this is only in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, the two went at the same time, and each could still clearly feel each other's actions. Therefore, there is no problem even if they talk.

"Brother Tang Ye, you mentioned Emperor Void just now. Do you think Emperor Void is related to the Dark Clan?" Ying Wushuang asked Tang Ye.

Tang Ye nodded and said, "I think it's related. Because when I fought against the people of the Dark Clan, I got relevant information from them, presumably so. However, what I don't understand is that if Emperor Void The Dark Clan is related. So now, why don’t the Dark Clan let the Emperor Void help them break the seal of the God of Light? Even if the Emperor Void doesn’t have the ability, he should at least do something so that he will not ignore the seal, as if He doesn't know where it is."

"Hmm..." Ying Wushuang was silent for a while, then looked at Tang Ye, thought about Tang Ye's position, and decided to go to the deepest part of the Monster Beast Forest first and then look at the actual situation before making judgments. For this reason, he did not disclose so much information, pretending to be puzzled: "Perhaps there are also many secrets about Emperor Void. Although Emperor Void and Emperor Galaxy have fought for thousands of years, the fighting between the two is actually based on Not possible. Because they used to basically swim in the sky of the universe and fight in another time and space. But in recent years, the two people have returned to the sky battlefield, and then become a battle between forces. Some people follow the void The Great, some people are loyal to the Great Galaxy. Perhaps they found that no matter how they fight each other, they cannot win and will always be tied, so they began to use the forces of all parties to carry out the war. Probably this kind of war will be Extra power is born, and those who can master this power can win the final victory."

"This..." Tang Ye listened, actually didn't know how. He didn't really care about the current battle between Emperor Galaxy and Emperor Void, he just wanted to know how to solve the dark race. So he just smiled, and didn't continue to discuss with Ying Wushuang about the battle between Emperor Void Great and Emperor Galaxy, because these things can actually be learned from people's discussions, which are not secrets.

For this reason, Tang Ye was a little puzzled, suspecting Ying Wushuang was not fooling him.

I don't know if Sophia will encounter bad things in the deepest part of the monster forest. After all, not everyone can take the power of those dead souls like him, let alone be deceived by the dark people. Therefore, he was worried about Sophia coming, so he speeded up and hurried away.

"Huh?" Ying Wushuang, who had been traveling to the deepest part of the Monster Beast Forest at the same speed as Tang Ye, was much faster than him when he saw Tang Ye suddenly exerting force. He was shocked suddenly and his mood fluctuated. Because he knew very well that Tang Ye's strength at this time had improved again!

Has... improved again?

Ying Wushuang felt that this was really exaggerated and outrageous. There can be no such thing. No matter how fast a person is to cultivate his talents, it is impossible for a person to break through like this, unless he uses some special methods, such as those evil ways!

And this, only the power of the dark clan. Because it is almost impossible to ascend to the Heavenly Vault Realm without special means. However, judging from Tang Ye's current state, it probably won't take long even to break through to the Heavenly Realm! Isn't it, the strength is close to the Great Emperor Galaxy and Emperor Void?

Ying Wushuang felt that Tang Ye was becoming more and more suspicious. He suddenly exerted his strength and exhausted his strength. Only then did he catch up with Tang Ye, pretending to smile, and said to Tang Ye: "Brother Tang Ye, your current strength... seems to have changed again. Strong."

Tang Ye didn't expect Ying Wushuang to catch up. He knew very well the power he was using at this time. Ying Wushuang could catch up. Although Ying Wushuang looked a bit strenuous, his ability to catch up showed that his strength was really strong. , What you usually see is hidden.

Tang Ye also smiled and said, "Yes, my strength has increased again. You must be curious why I can increase so quickly, right?"

"Yes, I think anyone will be curious. Because of the breakthrough speed of Brother Tang Ye, for us cultivators, it is really incredible." Ying Wushuang looked at Tang Ye and said.

At this time, the two people talked a little bit subtle, as if there was something in each other's words.

In fact, Tang Ye found out that Ying Wushuang had said so much, and there was basically nothing worthwhile, so he guessed it to some extent, Ying Wushuang was suspicious of him. In this case, he didn't want to prove how to prove himself, so he straightforwardly pointed out, and then went to the deepest part of the monster forest, I believe Ying Wushuang will understand it naturally.

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