My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3107: Suspicious many times!

The secrets of the dark clan are of great importance, and Ying Wushuang naturally has to be careful. In fact, the so-called secret is not a secret, but the existence of the dark race itself is a secret. Because the dark race will cause panic, will cause more conspiracies, and cause huge threats, such secrets cannot be leaked out.

However, after Ying Wushuang considered it, she felt that Tang Ye was a person to trust. After all, he already knew Tang Ye quite well, and believed that Tang Ye would not be the kind of person who wanted to use the power of the dark clan to do evil. Moreover, Tang Ye said the same. Therefore, he decided to tell Tang Ye the secret of the dark clan. But before that, I definitely need to learn more about Tang Ye's thoughts.

He said to Tang Ye: "I do know something about the Dark Clan, but you said you want to fight against the Dark Clan. And you have been fighting against the Dark Clan in the past few days when you were not in the Pearl Star City. But, As far as I know about the dark race, it is a very powerful and ancient race. How can you fight it?"

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "Indeed, for such a powerful existence, even with my current strength, it is impossible to resist. Unless the Dark Clan has not cracked the seal. It is the seal of the God of Light that is still in effect. , And I just do some response on this basis."

Ying Wushuang nodded, Tang Ye could understand more by saying that. Otherwise, even though Tang Ye is a master of the Sky Realm, as far as the current strength is concerned, even at the strongest level, facing the Dark Clan, he is just a weak ant. Even the Great Emperor Galaxy did not dare to directly say that he could deal with the Dark Clan. Therefore, at the beginning, Tang Ye said that he was fighting against the dark race, he was very suspicious.

And when Tang Ye said that the Dark Clan had not broken the seal, Ying Wushuang was also relieved. Otherwise, he felt that this matter would be useless even if Emperor Galaxy came. Because the Dark Clan is really too powerful, the Emperor Void, who can now fight against the Galaxy Great, has only gained a little bit of the Dark Clan’s power, and then it can reach that level. It shows how strong the Dark Clan’s power is. Not what they can imagine.

Tang Ye saw Ying Wushuang still not letting go, and felt a little speechless. The time I have been with Ying Wushuang is not too short, and I have done so many things, how come I haven't been able to win any trust yet. However, thinking of the power of the Dark Clan, he felt that Ying Wushuang was also very concerned about it.

Think about it, Tang Ye didn't say anything about Ying Wushuang, anyway, he had no guilty conscience. He continued: "My lord, I have told you all the news I know. If you want to be more specific, then I have to look at your news. After all, if you doubt me, I can also doubt you. And, I I don’t think it is necessary for you to doubt me. Although I am not active in the city these days, I have to say where I have been. I believe it will not be difficult to check with your lord’s eyeliner.

Ying Wushuang nodded, at this time, he should believe Tang Ye. After all, if Tang Ye wanted to use the power of the dark clan to do something, he would do it in secret, and would not come over and talk to him. As for if Tang Ye wanted to use him to unearth the power of the Dark Clan. Then he is not worried at all, because he does not have that ability.

He said to Tang Ye: "According to you, the Void Abyss in the deepest part of the Monster Beast Forest, which is the sealed barrier of the Dark Clan, shows signs that the Dark Clan will break through? This is indeed a very dangerous thing. Matter. Actually, I know that it is the sealed land of the Dark Clan. However, I have never mentioned it to others. Because I want to avoid being known by those evil people, and then come here to break the seal and release the Dark Clan. This is absolutely not Allowed. If the Dark Clan comes out, then, without the power of the ancient gods, we will not be able to fight the Dark Clan. At that time, even if the world is destroyed, we will all be dominated by the Dark Clan."

"And this matter..." Ying Wushuang looked at Tang Ye, his expression became very solemn, and said: "It was the Emperor Galaxy who told me personally, and he asked me to keep it secret. In fact, the Emperor Galaxy has been behind the scenes all these years. Supporting the Pearl Star. Otherwise, you think, in this situation of war everywhere, why the Pearl Star will always be in peace?"

Tang Ye was stunned, but he didn't expect that Emperor Xinghe had told Ying Wushuang the secret of the Dark Clan. Even more unexpectedly, the Star of Pearl has always been supported by the power of Emperor Galaxy. However, from the normal situation, the Pearl Star is highly free, and there is not much interference from other forces. Precisely because of this, although Pearl Star has developed huge and prosperous trade, not many people would think that there are other forces behind it. Therefore, everything about Pearl Star, prosperous and stable, seems reasonable, just like a neutral city.

Since Ying Wushuang mentioned Emperor Xinghe, this reminded Tang Ye of the information he had received from the Dark Clan. Could it be related to Emperor Void?

Tang Ye said to Ying Wushuang: "Since the Great Galaxy told you, then, the Great Galaxy must also be on guard against the Dark Clan. But what I am curious is that the Dark Clan is actually related to the Void Great Emperor. Then, there will be no such thing here. Will there be a relationship with Emperor Void? For example, Emperor Xinghe did this to prevent Emperor Void from knowing where?"

Ying Wushuang was startled, but he didn't expect Tang Ye to know about Emperor Void. Tang Ye knew more than he thought. He looked at Tang Ye and couldn't help but wonder. I don’t know how Tang Ye knew so many things. Did Tang Ye really communicate with the Dark Clan? The question is, if you want to communicate with the Dark Clan, doesn't it mean that the Dark Clan is very powerful? So, why did they let Tang Ye go? Although there is the seal of the **** of light, the dark race is not so easy to deal with. Since they can penetrate the power, it means that the sealing power of the God of Light is not so strong. Therefore, the Dark Clan must have some other means!

As the lord of the Pearl Star, Ying Wushuang always pays attention to this matter and also reports to the Galaxy Great Emperor, so he still knows this matter well. Now, how could it suddenly come out and still give Tang Ye a message. This is a doubt. Ying Wushuang suddenly thought, why can Tang Ye's strength increase so fast? From the original Lord of the Star Sea, in this short period of time, he broke through to the Sky Realm, something that I couldn't even think of.

However, if Tang Ye took advantage of the power of the dark clan, or obtained the power of the dark clan, it would be possible. Because the original Emperor Void became stronger because of this!

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