My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2928: Happy!

Li Houtian's opposition was in Tang Ye's expectation. Obviously, these people like Li Houtian will never die. If they don't establish a clear contractual relationship, if there is a chance in the future, they will definitely deal with him and the old human race. Fortunately, he has the foresight, otherwise he would really ignore the need to establish a contract.

He sneered at Li Houtian and said, "I believe in what Young Master Li is. However, I believe in the contractual relationship bound by the power of the world. In this way, I don’t have to worry about the day Young Master Li changes his mind and is right again. My old human race has shot."

"You think too much. Since I have promised your terms, I will definitely abide by it. Otherwise, I'm so dishonest, what will others think of me?" Li Houtian was still reluctant to conclude a contract.

In addition to preventing him from taking action against the old human race in the future, it was also because he was very resistant in his heart and felt that it was very disgusting to conclude a contract with the old human race. Because in his inner thoughts, the old human race is still humble like a mouse. How can they, noble people, conclude contracts with these things?

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, thinking that Li Houtian was too ridiculous, and hummed: "Master Li, you are not doing this right. Even if you can guarantee your trustworthiness, what about the other people in the Bounty Guild. You bounty. There are too many people in the guild. It can be said to be a mixture of fish and dragons? If you don't make a move, what about other people? Or if other people don't make a move, you hint that they will make a move? So, it is too simple to break the verbal agreement. There is no penalty, I disagree."

"Who do you think of me? The problem you said is also inevitable. The bounty guild is so huge, how can I ensure that everyone can listen? If someone takes action, you can kill it!" Li Houtian said angrily.

Tang Ye watched Li Houtian acting quietly, and then slowly said, "What kind of stuff your bounty guild is, don't you know? I don't want to tell you too much about it. If you agree, then you can agree. It’s time to talk. Don’t expect me to stop destroying your bounty guild if you don’t sign a definite contract. The eastern outskirts stronghold was blown up, must you feel very upset? Then next time, if I blow up another nearby border Where is the anchor point of the airship?"

"You..." Li Houtian was irritated and extremely angry. Threatened him again! Not enough people can threaten him, and not many people who threaten him are still alive. But Tang Ye was one of the few people.

Tang Ye smiled at Li Houtian, it seems that Li Houtian's compromise with him was not so sincere, and he was still making small calculations. He sneered and said: "When the eastern outskirts stronghold was blown up, did you not feel such a powerful force at the beginning? So, you should prevent this kind of thing in advance in the future. If ordinary people do this kind of thing, With such a powerful force, you have already sensed it, and you can respond quickly. However, weapons such as the bombing of the eastern suburbs stronghold will only move when it happens. But at this time, there will be movement, and you will only notice it. , Is it too late? You want to save it, but it's too late."

"Master Li, are you sure you want to try such a weapon again?" Tang Ye squinted and said to Li Houtian, full of playfulness, just to provoke Li Houtian, what can he do?

Li Houtian found that every time he faced Tang Ye, he would be very angry. He really couldn't stand it. However, now he is no longer the one he used to be. Therefore, he took a few deep breaths, tried his best to adjust his emotions, and finally stabilized.

Thinking about Tang Ye, he felt very scary. If the other strongholds of their bounty guild are blown up again like the stronghold in the eastern suburbs, the bounty guild really does not need to do business anymore, then the wealth will be greatly damaged, and the operation of the bounty guild will have to Paralyzed. Therefore, they cannot bear such a blow.

After thinking about it, Li Hooutian had no choice but to promise Tang Ye, humming: "Okay! Let's conclude a contract!"

Since he wants to do this, he should finish it quickly, he really doesn't want to endure such a thing anymore. I can't wait to leave immediately and never have to see Tang Ye's angry face again!

Tang Ye nodded and said, "Young Master Li is still very good at doing things. If this is the case, I can rest assured, then we will start to conclude the contract."

Concluding a contract is like asking the power of this world to bind both parties. The power of this world, like the will of the world, is absolutely fair and just. If anyone breaks the contract, he will be punished. No one can resist the punishment of world forces. So sometimes, even both the good and the evil, even the two who cannot tolerate life and death, after the conclusion of the contract, they dare not make any more moves.

It is not difficult to conclude a contract, as long as each swears in blood, states the conditions, writes them in writing, and presses their fingerprints, and that's it. Soon, Tang Ye and Li Houtian concluded the contract. Holding the contract in his hand, Tang Ye was very relieved. With the constraints of this kind of world power, the Bounty Guild would definitely not dare to make any more moves. Because if the people in the Bounty Guild, no matter who they are, once they attack their old human race, they will be punished by the power of the world, and they may be killed directly!

I'm afraid no one from the Bounty Guild would dare to do this anymore, unless they wanted to die.

"Haha, Young Master Li, you are really smart. It seems that I underestimated you. With someone like you leading the bounty guild, there will still be hope for the bounty guild." Tang Ye took the contract in his hand and laughed haha Yes, this can be regarded as a victory, a victory against the Bounty Guild!

Li Houtian's expression was indeed very cold, staring at Tang Ye steadily, and coldly snorted: "Of course, I will manage the bounty guild very well. I hope we can see you again someday."

Contracting relations can also be broken, but certain conditions are required. As for the conditions, Li Houtian doesn't think about it for now, but he will definitely think about it when the situation of the bounty guild stabilizes. Because for Tang Ye, he will never disappear the feeling of wanting to kill!

Li Houtian didn't want to stay here for a moment. After the contract was concluded, he immediately turned and left.

"Haha, I didn't expect the Bounty Guild to bow one day! Lord Tang Ye, seeing Li Houtian's appearance just now is really pleasing!" Jackie laughed happily. Both he and the Balkans were so happy, he didn't expect Tang Ye to force the Bounty Guild to compromise. This was a historic moment.

Ada and Aqi are also very happy, because without the bounty guild offering and dealing with other old human races, they can become active. I believe that other old human races will come to the Tang mansion soon. Then their old human race can be reorganized soon.

Ada and Aqi are more excited than anyone else.

"Now, we can move out at will." Jackf said again. Without the siege of the Bounty Guild, they would not need the defense barrier protection of the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array.

However, Tang Ye shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, there are new human races."

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