My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2927: Get a contract or something!

Tang Ye was taken aback by Li Houtian's words and talked about terms?

What does it mean?

"What do you want to say?" Tang Ye asked Li Houtian.

Li Houtian stared at Tang Ye coldly, naturally very unwilling and angry. He was willing to compromise with Tang Ye because of the need of the Bounty Guild to face the crisis. If not, how could he do this. And even if he was forced to do so, his hostility towards Tang Ye was not scarce at all.

However, since it was for the Bounty Guild, he had to hold back these angry and unwilling emotions, try to stay calm, and said to Tang Ye: "I mean, we can negotiate terms. If your terms are acceptable, I think. If you accept it, then I can consider it."

"Oh?" Tang Ye was startled, but he didn't expect Li Houtian to come to negotiate terms with him. He thought that Li Houtian was here to continue to attack the defensive barrier of the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array. Because he felt that with Li Houtian's character, he would absolutely not tolerate his provocation against the Bounty Guild.

What's more, the bombing of the eastern outskirts stronghold just happened, and he believed that with the bounty guild's ability, it was not difficult to find that this matter had something to do with him. So, shouldn't the bounty guild be very angry? I must have waited to kill myself immediately. However, Li Houtian actually came to negotiate terms. Is this a compromise to yourself?

Others were surprised to hear it. Jackf and the Balkans, as well as Ada and Aqi, did not expect such a thing to happen. They think that the bounty guild is always indispensable, arrogant and domineering, so how can they bow their heads to others? Even if you bow your head, shouldn't you bow your head with an old human race?

If this kind of thing happens, then in the eyes of others, what is the bounty guild? I am afraid that the bounty guild will lose its reputation overnight, and many people who are dissatisfied with the bounty guild or organizational forces will take action. And, there will be many people and forces who distrust the bounty guild, and then either have a grudge against the bounty guild, or they will directly terminate their relationship with the bounty guild.

It can be said that such a thing will definitely greatly damage the Bounty Guild. Li Houtian would really do such a thing?

Tang Ye couldn't help but have such thoughts, but since Li Houtian said so now, then he had to change his mind. For example, why did Li Houtian suddenly come to such an idea? It should be that the bounty guild has been beaten enough now, so I dare not go on with him like this. And, the Lord’s Mansion has made a strong move, and the bounty guild is too late to deal with the Lord’s Mansion, how can it be consumed with him?

Because the losses he caused to the bounty guild cannot be underestimated. Take the bombing of the eastern outskirts stronghold as an example. Even the lord’s mansion may not be achievable for such a loss. So this is not just a small mess, it's fatal.

In this way, the Bounty Guild made a choice to make concessions to him. Therefore, what Li Houtian said now may be true.

Tang Ye needs to consider this matter. Because if Li Houtian really wanted to do this, he would still consider accepting it. Because he mainly wants to deal with the new human race. Although he is now relatively smooth in dealing with the bounty guild, he has also achieved good results. However, if you want to completely eliminate the bounty guild, it is not so easy. If you continue to consume it like this, even if you have always had the advantage on your side, you will have to win completely. And if the threat of the new human race is not resolved quickly, then the old human race is afraid that there will be no one at that time.

Therefore, if the Bounty Guild wants to compromise with him, it is also good. In the future, the Bounty Guild will let the Lord's Mansion deal with it, and he will deal with the new human race.

"If Master Li really wants to talk to me, then I can say my terms again. First, revoke the bounty for the old human race. Second, your bounty guild can no longer deal with my old human race. Otherwise, As long as someone from the Bounty Guild takes action against my old human race, then don't blame me for doing something to your Bounty Guild." Tang Ye squinted and smiled at Li Houtian, which was very exciting to Li Houtian.

Li Houtian's chest clearly had big ups and downs, and he was really angry. However, he was still trying to suppress his emotions. After listening to Tang Ye's words, they knew that Tang Ye's conditions were still the previous conditions, which was not bad, because they had already discussed Tang Ye's conditions. Therefore, they can agree to this condition.

"Okay." Li Houtian said to Tang Ye: "I can accept your condition. I will withdraw the bounty for your old human race, and I will announce it. The bounty guild will take action against your old human race again. In this way, you will not Have you shot my bounty guild?"

"Of course, I did what I said." Tang Ye nodded to Li Houtian.

"Very good." Li Houtian nodded again and said: "Then please abide by the agreement. I will go back now to revoke the reward for your old human race and continue the announcement."

Tang Ye was stunned. He didn't expect Li Houtian to be so refreshing. They must have discussed it a long time ago, and they knew they should add more conditions. However, this is not bad. Without the behemoth staring at the Bounty Guild, the activities of the old human race can be much more free. Perhaps other tribes will still take action against the old human race, but with the compromise of the Bounty Guild, they will somewhat consider the consequences.

Because now the huge bounty guild has been forced to compromise. So if they make another move, they won't be killed by Tang Ye? Although they felt that the old human race could not do such a thing before they had personally seen Tang Ye's strength, since the bounty guild had compromised, they couldn't be denied that they had that kind of strength. If you wait for the personal experience, that is, when you are killed, it would be too bad, so don't try it lightly.

Therefore, the compromise of the Bounty Guild was, to a certain extent, Tang Ye's shock and warning to others.

"I think verbal form alone is not enough. Let's make another contract. Although we all have the spirit of contract, the spirit of contract cannot be said by mouth. Therefore, it is better to have a written form." Tang Ye Suddenly thinking of this, he said to Li Hooutian.

In order not to say that others don't believe it, or the bounty guild will not recognize it by then, so the contract is established, and no one wants to deny it. Moreover, the contract of this world has a natural binding force. If the contract is concluded, the binding relationship will exist. If you don't comply, you will be punished accordingly.

Li Houtian didn't expect Tang Ye to have such a request. He didn't want to agree to it, because he would really not be able to touch the old human race in the future. However, if given the opportunity, they will certainly not be reconciled.

"I am a person who keeps promises, why do I need something like this anymore?" Li Houtian hummed.

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