My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2580: Land of abandoned corpses!


Tang Ye broke through the nebula vortex and came to the vast sky outside. Looking at it, it looks like one planet after another is distributed, endless, tens of thousands. And he. Small as a dust, as if there is no sense of existence at all.

"Woo!" After looking around, Tang Ye suddenly realized that he couldn't breathe!

How is this going?

He became very uncomfortable. Is it like being in outer space, there is no oxygen, so he can't breathe. But in this case, if you can't breathe, won't you die?

At the same time, he also noticed that the physical condition seemed to be out of control, the force being pulled was different, and he could no longer hover at will, or even fly as before!

The world has changed, has everything changed? So what is the use of the strength that you cultivated yourself?

Therefore, Tang Ye wanted to send out strength to protect herself, but found that it was useless!

"Woo!" He was breathing harder and harder, feeling suffocated, and couldn't help holding his neck.

Soon, his breathing gradually weakened and he lost consciousness, and then I kept falling down.


After the fall, Tang Ye fell into a Hanoi, luckily he did not fall to death.

Fortunately, the water of this river is the same as the world where he was before. It is estimated that "people" are suitable for life. Because the surrounding environment is very similar, there should be no problems.

Tang Ye drifted along the river and was washed to a bank. But he didn't wake up, but he still had a heartbeat. And at this time, inside his body, the power of dead wood and the phoenix was rapidly operating, helping him adapt to this world. In this way, slowly, his breathing eased down, and it didn't seem to be a problem.

"Cough...!" Not long after, Tang Ye coughed loudly, waking up from his coma, as if being rescued after suffocation.

After waking up, Tang Ye looked around. It was nightfall. Looking at the horizon, there was also a setting sun, so there was also the sun. He knew very well that he had reached the vast sky outside, but the first thing to do was to adapt quickly, then understand the situation, and then make plans.

He came to this vast sky for two reasons. One was that he wanted to look outside, and the other was the vague call and request of the Phoenix.

The most important thing is that he wants to come, and he also deliberately shaped his personality, extracting and retaining will and memory. Now he is like a kid born with those secret skills, as for feelings, or other things, there is nothing. Therefore, he has changed a little bit, seems a little ignorant, and is eager to try the curiosity and adventure of the new world.

In addition, for the call and request of the Phoenix, he only felt that the Phoenix had conveyed his message for help after the Phoenix had regained its power. It seems that the entire firmament is experiencing disasters, and the Phoenix is ​​a holy beast that guards the firmament. It fell during the disaster. Fortunately, there were creatures in the place where it fell, and then merged into the creatures, which was regarded as saving lives. After the situation stabilizes, Phoenix wants to go back again, fight the evil forces, and continue to guard the firmament world.

There is a terrible message in it-the Phoenix almost died!

That's right, the phoenix, known as the immortal, almost died!

Can this be understood as another existence that broke the rules of the firmament world was born, and it is evil, almost killed the phoenix!

Even the phoenix can be killed, so who else is this evil opponent?

Therefore, the flames of disaster spread rapidly, and the entire sky world has encountered disasters, and some are even extinct.

Tang Ye only occasionally showed some messages from the Phoenix in his sleep, but now he only vaguely knows that this evil existence that has brought disaster to the entire sky world is called-Emperor Void.

Tang Ye didn't know more information about Emperor Void. Now, Emperor Void is invincible. After defeating the Phoenix, he led his Void army to sweep the world of the sky, starting from the center of the sky, expanding outwards, unwilling to become a slave race, and rose up to resist. And these people who resisted have always been led by the leader of the firmament world, and the leader of this firmament world was called the Great Emperor Galaxy.

Therefore, there is a war in the sky now, that is, the war between Emperor Void and Galaxy.

It should be said that Emperor Void invaded and Emperor Xinghe resisted.

The Phoenix is ​​guarding the firmament world, which is the power that belongs to Emperor Galaxy. In fact, in the face of the Phoenix, Emperor Galaxy had to worship. The phoenix is ​​hope, symbol, and noble holy beast, above all rights.

Therefore, at the moment when the phoenix fell, the sky world seemed to have lost hope, causing a heavy blow to the Emperor Galaxy and the entire sky world. The races in the sky world believed that this was the beginning of extinction.

Now, the region of the firmament world, which can also be said to be heaven and earth, was swept one by one by the army of Void Great. Although Emperor Galaxy did not give up hope and led the major tribes to resist, he still retreated steadily. The area occupied by Emperor Void is getting bigger and bigger. In places ruled by the Void Emperor, people suffered pain and became slaves, just like livestock waiting to be slaughtered. They still had the strength to work before they could work. If they failed to work, they would be eaten as food. .

Under Emperor Void’s army, not only the Void army, but also the power of other evil tribes. For example, the Dark Demon!

For the Dark Demon Race, even Tang Ye is no stranger. Because the world where he was once, there have been traces of the dark demons. And the Dark Demon Race, once only a drop of the blood of the ancestor of the Demon Race, almost destroyed the world where Tang Ye was. It can be seen that the power of the dark demons is not trivial!

"This... doesn't seem to be a peaceful practice world?" Tang Ye relaxed his breath, looked around, and found a lot of corpses. At the same time, he was taken aback by the information vaguely received from the Phoenix. It's not peaceful.

The surrounding corpses are new and decomposed, and the corpses are of different races, humans, orcs, and other weird ones!

And the corpses here are not one or two, but a large number of piles, which can be said to be piled up like a mountain!

At this time, a gust of wind blew towards Tang Ye.

"Hmm!" Tang Ye felt dizzy right away, because it was smoked by an extremely foul smell.

He had just relieved his breath, he immediately smelled the smell and felt a little vomiting. At this time, he felt very familiar. The reason why he couldn't breathe or even passed out was because of the breath.

It turned out that he was almost killed by the smell of the body!

Is this...? !

Tang Ye stood up immediately, looked around, and suddenly found that, just as he thought, there were all dead bodies!

A place dedicated to discarding dead bodies!

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