My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2579: Go away alone!

Facing the chaotic giant python that Tang Ye called, the **** of fire and the **** of war became tiny ordinary people, just like facing a monster. In front of the monsters, they were vulnerable and had to escape if they wanted to survive.

But even if they escape, they can't do it. Because the Chaos Python had already occupied the space in the surrounding area, their escape speed was not as fast as the chase of the Chaos Python. Therefore, some of them ran away, and some did not run to meet and attack on the spot, or directly confessed their fate. In the end, they were all attacked by the Chaos Python. The chaotic giant python sprayed out the poisonous mist under the power of chaos, surrounded them and boiled it, and then a chaotic giant python bit a true god. The Chaos Giant Python didn't kill the true god, but destroyed the true god's divine power, so that they finally became ordinary people.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The divine power was pulled away and destroyed, which was a great pain to them, and several true gods made painful cries one after another.

Then, because of losing their divine power, they became ordinary people, unable to stay in the heavens anymore, falling from the heavens, and finally reaching the earth. There is no need to worry that they will fall to death, because although they have been drawn away from their supernatural powers, they are the body of a true **** after all, and it is impossible to fall to death.

"Tang Ye, you actually did this to us, taking our divine power, what's the difference between killing us?" Vulcan was furious at Tang Ye's actions, and shouted out loud as he fell down.

Tang Ye looked calm and said, "If you kill you, you will be completely finished. Now it's just depriving you of your divine power. With your true god's qualifications, it will not be difficult to cultivate again, unless there is a genius who can compare with you. So, Thank you very much. Just now you wanted to kill me, and I didn't kill you. Is this not a good result for you?"

"You..." Tang Ye said so, as if it made sense, making it impossible for several true gods to refute it for a while.

In addition to the angry gods of fire and war, the gods of wind, earth and water felt that it was okay. If he hasn't been killed, he can still cultivate again, and he has the qualifications left as a true god. Even if he becomes a cultivator again, there is nothing wrong. It can even be said that it makes them feel interesting. Because in the future, you will definitely have some fun in your cultivation, which is something you cannot possess and feel as a true god. And, that way, you can return to the past, maybe you can return to the original intention.

Don't forget the original intention, always have to go. This is probably something that true gods must stick to. The results they got now are largely because they did not stick to their original intentions!

Having seized the divine power of the five true gods, the heavens became even more deserted. Tang Ye has nothing else to do. She doesn't plan to stay in this world anymore. He wants to go outside to the vast sky, so he has to leave the world to bid farewell to relatives and friends.

His relatives and friends, even a strong daughter like Tang Jiujiu, don't need to rely on him if they want to do anything. For example, if Tang Jiujiu wanted to find his mother's soul and resurrect him, then Tang Jiujiu could find the Ksitigarbha himself. If you rely on Tang Ye's power, anything can be done easily. However, if Tang Ye shot at will, it would actually destroy the order of this world.

Such a situation was not what Tang Ye wanted to see. Therefore, for many things, don't think that if you have something to do with him, you can do it smoothly and do whatever you want. In fact, Tang Ye didn't plan to take care of these things, and would still maintain the order of operation of this world. Since Tang Ye chose to let Nuwa, Fuxi and Ksitigarbha King to guard this world, then, as the administrator of order, he should be fair and just, and there should be no exceptions because of him.

Cannot be treated differently!

Therefore, how this world will operate in the future, as a person with chaotic power, he is essentially going to oppose this world, but since he has chosen not to oppose this world, then don't interfere.

So Tang Ye just went to say goodbye to relatives and friends.

After Tang Ye left, Nuwa, Fuxi, and the Ksitigarbha King were very amazed at the current result. Unexpectedly, it would end up like this. They also had a plan. They worked hard for thousands of years without any good results. Now because of Tang Ye, the final result not only satisfied them, but also greatly exceeded their expectations.

Now that this world has been reborn, they can be said to be smug and can't wait to rebuild this world.

"Although all creatures and souls should be equal, it is reasonable and reasonable for him and his bloodline to enjoy certain preferential treatment for those who made a great contribution to Tang Ye. This is also an incentive. Therefore, in this world, Tang Ye Bloodline, we will arrange separately." Nuwa said.

Fuxi and Ksitigarbha nodded and said, "It should be so."

"So now, let's set about reshaping the world." Nuwa said.

The three remaining true gods nodded each, then turned into three rays of light and left.


After Tang Ye said goodbye to his family and friends, he was completely alone, without concern. He came back to the chaos **** stage in the heavens and looked at the cloud-like vortex in the sky above, with a little faint light inside.

There is the top of the sky, leading to the vast sky outside.

"I'm leaving." Tang Ye narrowed his eyes and said leisurely.

Yes, I am leaving, I have put everything down, there is nothing to hesitate.

But before leaving, Tang Ye had to abandon something. It cannot be said to be abandoning, but to let go. He suddenly stretched out his hand to his head, and drew from his head something that didn't resemble power, like the will-form of the destiny god.

This is part of Tang Ye's will, or memory. He didn't want to let these things affect him anymore, and he could let these things become his beacon of enlightenment. When he reaches the vast sky outside, if he wants to come back here, then this will, this memory, will guide him.

Without this will and memory, if he goes outside the vast sky, he is equivalent to a newborn kid, and he won't appear to have experienced such vicissitudes. It may be said that he has regressed a little bit ideologically, and is not so mature and stable.

This is Tang Ye deliberately, to create a new self to adapt to the outside world.

He was able to have this wonderful ability-to shape his personality in general because of the power of the evil god.

Cthulhu created a person in this way, so after gaining the power of Cthulhu, Tang Ye could naturally do the same.

Now he has shaped himself.

Tang Ye integrated the extracted will and memory into a chaos stone, and then penetrated into the depths of the most secret place in the world. After that, he destroyed the Chaos Stone God Platform, and he swiftly climbed toward the entrance of the vast sky.

Here, he is the strongest existence beyond God, what kind of existence will it be outside?

Is it still that strong, or is it as small as an ant?

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