My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2533: Step out again!

Tang Ye never thought that it was his daughter who could kill the ancient god. His daughter was also Tang Jiujiu, and he had not seen Tang Jiujiu. He had been looking for Tang Jiujiu before, but Tang Jiujiu deliberately avoided him, and he couldn't help it. Now he suddenly heard the news that Tang Jiujiu had killed the ancient god, he was very excited, and a little other complicated emotions.

My daughter is so powerful, she is naturally very proud. However, as a father, he never gave this daughter anything. The daughter can be so strong in her own life, so, does it matter if he has a father?

I still feel guilty about it.

"She is really your daughter?" Hei Ji saw Tang Ye's surprise, and the complicated expression on seeing Tang Ye. According to Tang Ye, she seemed to know nothing about who could kill the ancient god, as if Tang Ye didn't. Knowing Tang Jiujiu. This is very strange, don't you know the situation of your own daughter? Tang Ye was a little embarrassed by Hei Ji's question, and said, "Actually, I haven't seen her. But when you say that, I think it is indeed my daughter Tang Jiujiu. Think about it, maybe only she can do it. It's that kind of thing."

"What does it mean that you haven't seen her?" Hei Ji felt that Tang Ye had gone too far, and said, "You don't even know your own daughter, you haven't even seen it? You are the strongest person in the human race, even your own daughter. Haven't seen it? I think you don't want to see it?"

Hei Ji seemed to scold Tang Ye a bit. Probably Hei Ji had experienced the cruelty, betrayal and ruthlessness of her family, so she expressed great opinions on Tang Ye's behavior.

Of course Tang Ye knew his dereliction of duty. He didn't want to make any excuses, and now he wanted to quickly seize the true soul power in the Underworld Soul, and then go to the outside world. Since Tang Jiujiu had appeared directly to deal with the ancient gods, he would definitely not avoid him again. You can finally see it at that time. As for what it will be like, I'll talk about it at that time. Even, he may not have time to speak slowly, because the gods are coming faster and faster and stronger and stronger. I am afraid that when he goes out, he may be overwhelmed to deal with the gods.

"Before, my daughter was probably stronger than me." Tang Ye said to Hei Ji, her expression became firm, and said: "However, after I go out, whether my daughter is stronger or weaker than me, the outside world I will solve all problems!"

Since things are coming in endlessly, then solve them all, and kill everything that needs to be killed. I don't want to work so hard. Tang Ye was not arrogant when he said this. He now felt that his power had risen very quickly after merging the powers of the two true spirits, so it would be a very scary thing to integrate the power of the five true spirits. . He didn't think there was any problem with the ancient gods.

Now there is no true God coming, so there is no problem with all this. Although he has been following a safe path, he will not easily say that he can do anything. But now that it has grown to this point, there is no need to procrastinate the things that are resolved.

Seeing the determination in Tang Ye's eyes, Hei Ji seemed to think of something. She no longer said anything about Tang Ye, nodded and said: "If this is the case, then proceed according to your plan. You are no longer the same you used to be. With your current strength, you are already at the top of the world. Naturally it is up to you."

"Okay." Tang Ye nodded. Then he continued to capture those true spirit powers in the Underworld Soul. Now he has merged the two true spirit powers, which is not as difficult as when he first captured it. He could easily do it if he seized one true soul power at a time. But when it was captured for the first time, it completely threatened his life.

Hei Ji no longer disturbed Tang Ye. At this time, she felt there was no need to stay beside Tang Ye and watch Tang Ye. Tang Ye had successfully seized two true spirit powers, and there were three remaining after the two. If you were more careful, seizing one at a time would definitely be no problem. For this reason, she decided to leave the crevice between the dead and go to the outside world.

The situation is still very serious. Although Tang Jiujiu's powerful people stood in the way, the gods are constantly coming down with new forces. I believe that after long, the gods will regain the advantage. Especially, after the gods get rid of the attack of the thousand-layer ancient gods being killed, what they will receive will be an incomparable hatred and anger. At that time, their power and methods will probably be much stronger than they are now. That's really hard to resist.

Hei Ji reached the throne on the stone ladder outside and stood in front of the throne. In fact, she had no interest in the throne at all. She was very determined to destroy the arrogance and hypocrisy of the gods. Maybe not all gods are like this, but she must get rid of the arrogance and lack of attention of those gods, such as her father. Although she knew that she would not see her father now, after all, the true **** might not even intend to participate in the things that the gods are doing to mankind right now. However, she still feels that kind of thinking is hateful. Only if the true gods are taught to realize how stupid she is, will she give up, otherwise her hatred will continue.

Moreover, since there is a **** who is not an ancient **** or true god, but has extremely terrifying power, she must be killed. That is the evil **** who has transformed her body and is responsible for carrying out the transformation of the gods!

Cthulhu is a very mysterious and weird person, even the **** of the heavens is not very clear about his purpose. However, he has the ability to transform the gods, and he has indeed succeeded. Many people admire him and want to be transformed by him, and then gain more powerful power. The heavenly gods all want to break through their own strength, but the current situation is that it is impossible for them to break through to the level of true gods. Because the level of the true **** was recognized by the Pangu God Emperor. At that time, the God Emperor Pangu had not fallen, so that the rules and disciplines of this world were under the true god, and no one could break through. I don't know if this is a protection or a restriction. This starting point may be good, but later generations are becoming more and more complicated and more dissatisfied, and they will want to break through, and then use whatever means!

If only a few gods are unscrupulous, the problem is that the current situation in the heavens is that an entire group of gods is unscrupulous! What a terrible thing Hei Ji felt must destroy such a situation.

Standing silent for a while in front of the Underworld Throne, Hei Ji looked firm, and slowly walked down the stone ladder. Then, her black iron armor, which was more special and powerful than the other four black iron generals, emerged and slowly covered her.

After thousands of years, she finally went to the outside world again. In the past, she did not have the opportunity to go outside. It's just that she doesn't feel ready yet. Now, it's time!

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