My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2532: Top half of the sky!

There are several true gods in the soul power of the underworld, such as the **** of war, the **** of fire, the **** of wind, the **** of water, and the **** of earth. In the past, these great gods all attacked the underworld in order to completely kill the underworld. Pluto is only a true god, why let these great gods take action? That is because the Pluto is born from the combination of two different true gods, which is very terrifying and powerful.

Pluto was hurt by several true gods, and still hurt his soul. He hasn't died up to now, showing the tenacity of his vitality. He was still an existence that dared to make trouble alone when there were still a few true gods in the heavens.

Underworld can be said to be another very terrifying existence after Death. Even, several true gods felt that Pluto might become the second **** of death, so they did everything possible to get rid of Pluto.

Tang Ye didn't know much about the affairs of the heavens. Now, in order to save the human race from the crisis, he is making an alliance with the Ming family, no matter what kind of character the God of the Ming is, he will save it first. Even if Pluto is unfavorable to mankind, that will be afterwards. If the **** of darkness is not saved, then human beings cannot fight against so many gods, and they will be killed before the **** of darkness descends.

To save the Underworld God needs to kick out several true spirit powers in his soul, but the true spirit power of the true **** is very huge, even if Tang Ye uses the power of soul cutting to remove, every removal of a true spirit power will cost quite a bit time. However, after seizing the power of the true soul, his power increased very rapidly after fusion. When he was still in the realm of ancient gods, Hei Ji felt that it was still possible to deal with him. However, after he merged with a true spirit power, Hei Ji knew that she was no longer Tang Ye's opponent.

At this time, the battle between the human race and the gods outside became more and more fierce. Fortunately, every time in a critical moment, powerful people would come out to help block a gear. Especially when Tang Jiujiu came out to block the Thousand Layers of Ancient Gods, it caused a very big sensation. Because Tang Jiujiu killed the Ancient God of Thousand Layers, this strength was really terrifying. Severely hit the arrogant arrogance of the gods, and greatly inspired the aura of the human race and increased confidence, making them dare to fight with the gods.

When Tang Ye heard Hei Ji talk about this, she was also very surprised. How could there be such a powerful human being? Didn't it mean that he was the strongest human being? How could such a powerful human exist? Facing the existence of the thousand layers of ancient gods, he felt that he was not an opponent. Then the person who can kill the ancient gods is stronger than him?

In fact, Hei Ji was extremely surprised when he first learned about this matter. Hei Ji thought it was impossible, how could there be such a strong human existence. To kill the ancient gods, she felt that she might not be able to do it. Although she is a true **** bloodline that existed thousands of years ago, she is half true **** and half human, so even if she is very strong and has already reached the level of ancient gods, but has not reached the level of true gods, it is not easy to kill an ancient god.

Tang Ye asked Hei Ji who the human was. Hei Ji certainly didn't know, and she wouldn't be surprised if she knew. However, because she keeps in touch with the Hades who have reached the outer world, the Hades in the outer world will feed back information to her in time. When she was telling Tang Ye that the human who could kill the ancient gods did not know who she was, suddenly the Ming clan reported back to her, telling her that the human woman who killed the ancient gods was respected by Wang Jiuxiao and others, except for Saved the mankind, saved Wang Jiuxiao, killed the thousand-layer ancient god, and there is another reason that the human woman is Tang Sheng!

Tang Sheng is a legend who has been called the first person of the human race since a hundred years ago. It has a very powerful force of air luck, which can be said to be very close to the laws of heaven and earth. And his bloodline is also protected by a little bit of this, so he will be protected by air luck since he was born, and his talents are all good, so Tang Sheng bloodline is basically very powerful, it can be said to be born extraordinary.

Hei Ji couldn't help looking at Tang Ye with extreme surprise after learning from the hidden world Ming Clan that the human girl who killed the Ancient God of the Ancient Gods was Tang Sheng's daughter. She had reached an agreement with Tang Ye, and of course she knew Tang Ye's identity. Tang Ye is the Tang Sheng of the Human Race, so now that the human child who killed the Ancient God of the Thousand Layers is a father-daughter relationship with this guy in front of him?


Hei Ji realized how extraordinary Tang Ye was. She has already seen Tang Ye's strength. But never expected that Tang Ye still had a daughter as powerful as that. From this point of view, the human race also has a lot of strong people, so it is absolutely impossible to underestimate human beings.

Now Hei Ji is a little lucky, it is human beings who come to her to join forces. Otherwise, in their plan to expand to the outside world, if they really become enemies with humans, then they will be choking off against humans. They have to deal with the gods' words, which is probably impossible.

Tang Ye had to take a certain rest after seizing the power of a true spirit. He saw Hei Ji's expression become weird and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong? It's the **** who descended outside. A lot, is it irresistible?"

Tang Ye is very concerned about this matter. He is working so hard to do what he is doing now, all to resolve the crisis that the human race faces from the gods. If the gods of the outside world had all descended, and mankind was about to face an extinction crisis, then he would definitely not be able to stay inside.

If the gods descend in full, in fact, it is very easy to exterminate humans. For example, if the Plague God tribe is allowed to use a wide range of poisonous techniques, humans can't stop it, then the earth can be plunged into crisis at once. However, this practice is not allowed. Now the gods feel that there are too many humans and too many wills, making the destiny gods who are essentially will bodies too strong. For this reason, it is much easier to destroy humans and deal with the destiny gods. Therefore, it is enough to destroy human beings. As for other creatures, it is not necessary.

Otherwise, the entire earth will be destroyed, and the world will change drastically. This is not worth the gain.

Hei Ji saw Tang Ye's worried eyes and felt very speechless. She really didn't understand why there was such a freak as Tang Ye among human beings. Even if he is strong, his daughter is as strong, and it is said that other descendants are very strong. In this case, wouldn't his family be able to top half the sky?

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with human beings. After the human girl who killed the ancient gods appeared, although it did not stabilize the situation for humans, there is no problem in helping humans resist for a period of time...I want to say Yes, do you know who that human girl is?" Hei Ji said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye was taken aback, and said, "Who is it? Am I asking you?"

Hei Ji glanced at Tang Ye, as if she was a little reluctant to tell Tang Ye, because she was afraid to tell Tang Ye that Tang Ye was very proud and triumphant, but she still said and told Tang Ye: "Your daughter."

"What?!" Tang Ye was completely surprised. The human who killed the ancient **** turned out to be his own daughter?

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