My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2491: Let the sky change!

Hei Ji will not forget how she was tied to the black stone of the abyss that even the gods felt cold, and then tested by an alternative among the gods-the evil god. Cthulhu is not a literally evil god, he is a geek among the gods, who is good at transforming. The transformation of the gods is to strengthen the limits of the gods, so that they can surpass the **** emperor Pangu, so that they can go out and explore the outer universe.

In the plan for the transformation of the gods, the gods used to transform are from all levels, the gods, the higher gods, and the ancient gods. Although there is no true god, there is a true **** bloodline. And Hei Ji is the blood of the true god. The true gods have very few bloodlines, after all, they are only the descendants of the few true gods. Sometimes the true **** is unwilling to let his descendants do experiments, that's even less. Therefore, it is too hard to find a guinea pig of the true blood.

It's a pity that Hei Ji doesn't have the true parents who love her that much. Her true **** father was the **** of war, a person obsessed with fighting, how could he love their children so much, so when the evil **** wanted the blood of the true **** as a test, she was sent by the **** of war without hesitation. For the God of War, if his descendants can become more powerful gods and have more powerful powers, then he feels very happy and proud.

In this **** creation plan, many gods are voluntary. Who doesn't want to become stronger and special, in order to chase strength and change, they would rather be a test subject than a victim. Even if the people around them persuaded rationally, they seemed to have been brainwashed, they couldn't listen at all, and they became guinea pigs. But the test product basically failed. The failed guinea pigs either die directly or become deformed and ugly monsters. Only a handful of them are successful, and those who are successful have become the gods with unlimited potential and can surpass the true gods. They have received various resources from the gods, waiting to become the existence of the **** emperor beyond Pangu, and then bring the gods with them. Go to the outer universe.

Unfortunately, as a test product, Hei Ji is not voluntary. She has always been a member of the opposition to such things. In fact, a large part of the gods are opposed to the plan of creating gods, just like insisting on humanitarianism. What does it mean to experiment with your own people? What a cruel thing. Even if it weren't using the gods to experiment with other creatures, it was still very cruel and inhuman. Not all gods have no humanity, and not all gods want to be strong and go to the outer sky of the universe. Even if they have such an idea, they are still taking the right path, not those evil ways. Therefore, there has been a war between gods and gods in the plan of creating gods.

Unfortunately, in the end, the rebels failed. What makes them desperate is that in the end, the strongest existence between the tribes of the gods, that is, when the true gods appeared, the harmony of the true gods, through voting, turned out to agree with the plan of creating gods. For this reason, the God-making plan became official, no longer a secret, and became an open plan.

Although Hei Ji fiercely resisted her being selected as the test subject for the god-making plan, in the face of her father's consent and the acquiescence of other true gods, she was powerless even with the blood of the true god, and was finally forced to be tied to the execution of the god-making plan. The ground, that is, on the abyss black stone. At that moment, she was very desperate. Even if she is a true **** with infinite potential and will surpass many gods, even the ancient gods, she is very desperate. She didn't want this kind of identity at all, and would rather be an ordinary person.

And when the Cthulhu transformed her body, the pain when the unknown power was injected into her body caused her a huge hatred in despair. To her, the gods are like dirty rubbish, as long as there is a chance, she will definitely be wiped out, leaving none!

At this moment, the Underworld God, who has been squeezed out, targeted by various targets, and even rumored to be the subject of experimentation, suddenly appeared in the heavens after disappearing for a long time, and brought a group of dead puppets into the heavens. He rescued Hei Ji, and then Hei Ji joined the Dark God camp to fight against the heavens. Unfortunately, after all, they were weak and outnumbered. They were dealt with by the great tribes of the gods, and they could only escape after defeat. And the place where they fled is between the dead.

But for the rebellion of the Underworld, the gods of the heavens are very angry, even if they are chasing the dead, they want to destroy the Underworld. Unfortunately, the environment between the dead is very harsh. After the gods enter, they are immediately weakened, and they will die after a long time. And because he is the bloodline of the two true gods, he holds the power of the dead. Although regarded as deformed and failed by the heavens, he can adapt to the environment between the dead. Therefore, Pluto killed the chasing **** and survived among the dead.

Hei Ji was originally a god, and should not be able to adapt to the environment between the dead. However, at that time, she happened to be transformed by the Cthulhu, and she happened to be the one who succeeded in nothing. Her transformation is to have the power of chaos. This can be said to be the great success and progress of the God Creation Project. Then, the test subjects who succeeded were opposed to the gods, which was very ironic and shameful to the gods. They will definitely destroy what is not available. The God of War tribe especially wanted to kill Hei Ji. The success of Hei Ji's experiment should have been the greatest pride of their tribe, but now it has become a shame. However, because Hei Ji has mastered the power of chaos, he can adapt to the gap between the dead. For this reason, she used the power of chaos to kill many gods who came after her.

In this way, Underworld and Hei Ji united and took root in the dead. After that, the developed Ming Clan was brought together by the two of them. It is a pity that the Underworld God was injured by the Great True God and his soul was damaged. It took too much time to open up a place for the tribe to survive.

But Hei Ji will not forget the hatred of the gods, so after the gods fell, she insisted on herself. In a flash, thousands of years have passed, the Ming clan has developed, the outside world has changed again and again, and it is finally time for her to go out. And she will change this day!

Memories and contemplation made Hei Ji feel very heavy, but she was very firm. As long as the breath of hatred towards the gods didn't come out, she had very clear things to do. However, she knew that the Celestial God tribe should not be underestimated, especially those great gods. Because she is half true **** and half human blood, even if her strength reaches the realm of ancient gods, she can't deal with a higher level true god.

Originally, the only thing she could rely on was Pluto. But now, looking at Tang Ye, she thought she could let Tang Ye join in.

For this reason, Hei Ji had no idea about killing Tang Ye. An interesting person, one who can severely damage the gods, she wants to keep.

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