My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2490: God-making plan!

You don't need to wait for any time to capture the spirit power of the Blackwater Kylin, Tang Ye immediately began to capture it after he was ready. Although there is no danger in the surroundings, Hei Ji didn't want Tang Ye to have an accident, and she just watched from the side so that no one else would disturb her. Otherwise, she would have to find another monster as powerful as the Heishui Qilin to give Tang Ye a breakthrough, she didn't know where it was.

The gap between the dead can be said to be the most special space in this world. Even the earth boundary is connected to the heaven and the earth, and is governed by the same laws as the whole heaven and earth, that is, luck and destiny are regulating. But this is not the case between the dead. The gap between the undead is more like a mysterious space abandoned in this world, unaffected by the laws of this world. Because of this, the creatures between the undead will be so powerful, and they will have such powerful monster resources. The outside world, because of the long-term influence of Qi Yun shackles, the deification power has been suppressed and degraded, so even if the Qi Yun shackles are now lifted, there will be no very powerful monsters without a few hundred years of pregnancy.

Therefore, even if cultivation is slowly emerging in the outside world, it is very rare to quickly cultivate to the realm of God level. Only those with extremely high personal talents and good opportunities can do it. And when they have cultivated to the **** level, it is basically impossible for people in the outside world to want to break through, such as reaching the realms of higher-level gods and ancient gods. In a short period of time, there are no such resource conditions at all, so within a century or a few hundred years, very few people can break through to that level in cultivation.

But now because there are dead souls between them, the monsters inside have not been affected by the shackles of heaven and earth's air luck. The accumulation and breakthrough for thousands of years are very powerful. Even the group of death bats has a realm of gods, even higher gods. And some monster beasts of the overlord level are even more powerful in the realm of ancient gods.

Can hunt these monsters, and then use them to break through, it is not difficult to break through from the realm of the heavenly gods to the realm of the ancient gods. Now Tang Ye can break through so quickly, thanks to such resources. The resources he used are actually quite a lot. The entire group of death bats were hunted by him as a cultivation resource, and the death bats of everyone were extinct. It can be said that they are very huge. What's more, there are maternal death bats, as well as monsters of super dominance such as Heishui Qilin.

Hei Ji stood on a rock, watching the surroundings, there was nothing dangerous. She was protecting Tang Ye. Under her, it was Tang Ye who was performing Death Swallowing, or soul cutting, to seize the soul power of the black water unicorn, and then merge and break through. A monster like Heishui Qilin can't be seized and ended all at once. Such a powerful monster will have a violent will after being killed. If it wants to successfully seize its power, it has to fight against such a will. When such a will is suppressed, the soul power can be taken out. And to take out such power, patience and concentration are also needed when fusing. This will take at least three to five days.

Hei Ji looked at Tang Ye, who was concentrating on the secret technique of Death Devouring, suddenly felt a little strange. She is the highest priest of the Underworld Clan except for the Underworld God, who can give orders to the entire Underworld Clan. At this time, she is actually protecting Tang Ye, just like doing the work of a little brother.

Hei Ji found it strange that she did not resist in her heart to **** Tang Ye to do such a thing. She feels that this can relieve those boring time, but she likes doing it. In fact, she has been bored every day for thousands of years. At the peak of his strength cultivation, he couldn't go up to the realm of True God. There are not many things in the Ming Clan, that is, living in the cracks of the undead. Although I want to go to the outside world, the outside world is fettered by luck and cannot go out. So life seems to be confined to such a place, usually nothing happens, and I don't know how to spend time every day. If she can concentrate on her cultivation, like other members of the Underworld, then she is full of motivation, but she is already in the state of full level.

Meeting an outsider and being able to cooperate can easily become an interesting thing. Before that, she was worried that the ability Tang Ye possessed would become an obstacle to them, and even the one who defeated them. She can be confident that no one in the world can defeat the Underworld Clan, but she can't say that Tang Ye can't defeat them. Because Tang Ye's abilities are too terrifying, swallowing and fusion, there is no limit, so that sooner or later, he will grow to the strongest, and no one will be his opponent, even the true god.

What is such a person called?

Seeing Tang Ye who was constantly devouring the soul power of the black water unicorn, Hei Ji was full of thoughts. There are too many possibilities for Tang Ye's existence. It can be beneficial to them, or it can be unprofitable to them. At this time, you should figure out how to choose.

If you don't want Tang Ye to be a hindrance, then you must get rid of him after saving the Underworld God. If you wait to deal with the gods and then consider this matter, it will be too late. Because when Tang Ye broke through to the realm of the ancient gods, it would be very strong, Hei Ji didn't know if she could handle it. At that time, there was no problem in killing Tang Ye with the presence of the Underworld God.

However, if Tang Ye waited to deal with the gods, Tang Ye didn't know how far he had grown. At that time, I was afraid that the real gods would not be able to deal with them. As for the killing of Tang Ye, they would not be able to alliance between the Ming and Human races, that didn't matter. Because in the initial plan of the Ming Clan, there was no consideration of cooperating with humans. In the current situation, if we can cooperate with humans, it will be very helpful to the advancement of their Pluto race. But without humans, their plans can continue.

Hei Ji thought about such things and suddenly felt very boring. She felt that keeping Tang Ye was very interesting. She also spent a lot of time with Tang Ye, and felt that even if Tang Ye became an obstacle, it would depend on the situation. If it weren't as excessive as the gods and wanted to annihilate the human race, probably this guy wouldn't be so antagonistic. After all, what this guy had in his eyes was the sea of ​​stars beyond the vast sky.

As for herself, although she said she wanted revenge, she actually had a lot of personal hatred compared with the Ming Clan. Thinking of this, Hei Ji couldn't help but touched the crystal tears mark on her forehead, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes. Then she condensed the Chaos power in her hand. This power is not her own innately possessed. It is just a force imposed on her, and she is just a test product.

Things in the celestial realm are not the happy life of a fairy as the human realm thinks, and the celestial realm also has its own darkness. The gods of the heavens will not be satisfied with being in the heavens. After a long time, they will feel that they are a prison, so they want to go to the farther outside world. However, if the strength is not enough, then strength must be created. Therefore, they have a "God Creation Plan".

Experiment with the blood of the Protoss to create a more powerful god, beyond the true god, and beyond the Pangu God Emperor!

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