My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2312: Actually dead!

Looking back on the past, there are so many things to tell. However, Xu Wuming doesn't need to tell anyone, he can live alone for more than two thousand years, and now why should he talk to someone. All he wanted was to save Ying Yinman. Although Ying Yinman turned into a zombie back then, she was still a kind-hearted woman, sucking blood was just the instinct of a zombie, and she couldn't help it.

Moreover, after knowing who turned Yingyinman into a zombie, Xu Wuming has more care and sympathy for Yingyinman, not to blame Yingyinman at all. In addition, Ying Yinman is not the only one who has become a zombie. Xu Wuming went to kill them and used them to vent his hatred. At that time, very powerful zombies were born, and zombies with weaker blood were born. Those who are weak are not Xu Wuming's opponents, Xu Wuming brutally hurt them, venting his anger and suffering.

However, when he tracked down a mysterious zombie, he thought he could still deal with it, he still wanted to kill and vent his anger, but this mysterious zombie was very powerful and he was no opponent at all. In order to punish him for killing other zombies, the mysterious zombie severely wounded him and injected a drop of his own zombie blood into his body.

Zombies can create puppets from their own blood. Ordinary people can't bear the ability of zombie blood. They will die first and then become corpse puppets. However, Xu Wuming is not an ordinary person, he is the first generation Fumo master. After the body was immersed in the blood of the zombie, he immediately suppressed it with the Secret Technique of Volunteering, avoiding his death and becoming a corpse puppet. As one of the strongest abusive demons, it would be the biggest irony to him if he became a puppet monster and killed innocent people.

The mysterious zombie did not kill Xu Wuming, and disappeared after putting a drop of zombie blood into Xu Wuming's body. Xu Wuming suppressed the attack of zombie blood and returned to the palace. Although he did not destroy the mysterious zombie, he also eliminated many other monsters. The First Emperor is rewarded with great rewards. His existence can help stabilize the hearts of the panic monsters.

However, Xu Wuming already had a grudge against Emperor Shi Huang, because in order to refine the immortality, Emperor Shi Huang killed Ying Yin Man into a zombie. There were certain things that he and Emperor Shi Huang could only tell without telling them, and they all knew what was going on, but they couldn't say it, and it was impossible to turn their faces. Then Xu Wuming returned to the mansion to recover from his injuries, but he became more and more unable to restrain the zombie blood in his body, and constantly aroused terrible hostility, slowly manipulating him, making him a member of the monster who kills and panics.

Although Xu Wuming only had an attack at night and his identity had not been revealed yet, he knew that such a thing would definitely be unavoidable one day, and he wanted to commit suicide. However, the scary thing about zombie blood is that even if he commits suicide, the corpse will resurrect and become a puppet, and then continue to harm people. And one day, he lost control so badly, he began to attack his family. At this time, fortunately someone came to help him, this person is Ying Yinman.

Ying Yinman came specifically to find him, but it wasn't for any emotional matter, Ying Yinman wanted him to kill her. She couldn't stand her identity as a zombie and needed to feed on blood. She felt that she would hurt people if she didn't exist for a day. This kind of life is very tormenting. She didn't expect that when she came to Xu Wuming, she would find that Xu Wuming had become a zombie puppet!

Ying Yinman helped Xu Wuming regain his consciousness. After Xu Wuming knew what he had done, he regretted it and couldn't face it. He wanted to use the Secret Technique of Demon, but was stopped by Ying Yinman. Ying Yinman felt that Xu Wuming was not a wicked person, so let him hold on, maybe he could be cured, and then continue to get rid of Demon Guard. The power Xu Wuming mastered would be too wasteful if he didn't use it well.

Encouraged by people who like and yearn for, Xu Wuming was very happy and motivated and wanted to live. Then he discovered a puppet way to keep himself awake, which is to use Ying Yinman’s zombie blood to fight the mysterious zombie’s blood power. The blood power of the mysterious zombie has slowly faded, as long as he insists on using Ying Yinman's zombie blood, he can make himself sober to fight. However, this method has a very dangerous place. Once it fails, or guesses fail, he will become a puppet demon. His method is to kill himself first, and then use Ying Yinman's zombie blood to resurrect him as a puppet. Then he enters the body through a ghost, and controls the body through the soul, so that he can "dead and resurrect". "

In other words, Xu Wuming needs to kill himself first, and then the soul will be separated from the body, but at this time the zombie blood from Ying Yinman is dripped into his body, making the body become a puppet, the body changes rapidly, and the soul will be restricted for a while. time. Then, at this point in time, the soul turned into a ghost, and then lodged on the body of the puppet, controlling the body in the manner of a ghost.

This is a conjecture proposed by Xu Wuming with his own secret technique of demon, he does not know whether it will succeed. But he was willing to give it a try because he didn't want to be a demon puppet. He arranged all the conditions for casting spells, and then asked Ying Yinren to help. Fortunately, his conjecture succeeded, and he survived in the way of astral boarding on the body.

But, in essence, he is a dead man.

Xu Wuming is a dead person, but he seems immortal because of his soul boarding his body.

The puppet flesh, especially the puppet flesh turned into zombie blood, is inherently immortal. If it is not destroyed by the devils, it will exist forever. As for ghosts, if they are not destroyed by the Demon Master, they can always exist when the **** world is closed. For this reason, Xu Wuming is equivalent to possessing the ability to be immortal.

Of course, if the puppet's body is only the soul boarding puppet, it is still not very stable. The ghost state is affected by too many factors, such as sunlight. Ghosts can only act at night, how can they see ghosts in broad daylight. Therefore, at the beginning, Xu Wuming could only hide during the day and act at night. This is also one of the reasons why Xu Wuming had to lie in a coffin. There is another reason that he wants to sleep with Ying Yinman. After the research is over, time is meaningless to him.

However, during the period of Xu Wuming's transformation and adaptation, another leader who was also one of the most outstanding Fumagists came back, and that was a member of the Ma family. After the Ma family's Fumo master came back, he found that the palace was full of evil spirits, and then he found Ying Yinman. At that time, zombies were regarded as the most evil monsters, blood-sucking monsters, and Ma Jia Fu Demon couldn't tolerate it. Even if Ying Yinman is a princess, she is also beheaded. Even, influenced by the belief in Fumo, they wanted to kill the First Emperor, who was slowly falling into the "devil way"!

And Xu Wuming absolutely forbid Ma Jiafu Demon Master to take action against Ying Yinman. In addition, his identity cannot be known by Majia Fumo Master, otherwise he would be regarded as a demon. At that time, he was in the stage of adapting, unable to exert a strong force, if it was exposed publicly, then it would definitely not be the opponent of Fumoshi.

Ying Yinman became a demon and was chased by Majia Fumo!

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