My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2311: Whether it's a devil!

The study of immortality seems to be something unprecedented, but in essence, this incident hides too much darkness and ugliness. The death of innocent people caused by the failure of human experiments and the persecution of those who opposed it. Behind this, blood was piled up, bones piled up like a mountain. People with a little bit of conscience can't stand it.

Xu Wuming originally thought that it was very honorable and proud to be able to refine the elixir with Master. His master is Xu Fu, the strongest alchemist. He felt that after refining it into an elixir, it would surely survive the ages. However, when he discovered the gloom behind refining the Immortal Potion, he began to regret it.

However, this road cannot be turned back. If you quit, you will definitely be killed by Emperor Shi Huang. If you do something that is not good for refining the elixir, not only will he die, but his family will also die. In the end, he can only continue to refine the elixir.

Through the cruelty of human experimentation every day, either can't bear the collapse, or become psychologically distorted to become the executioner who brutalizes others. Xu Wuming didn't want to collapse, he didn't want to be caught and become an experimental subject, so he became the latter. If it hadn't been for Ying Yinman, a pure and innocent woman locked in the palace, he would have lost his last conscience. Fortunately, when he met Ying Yinman, he felt that he had to maintain at least a trace of integrity and light, so he kept a little conscience. However, faced with the refining of the undead medicine requested by Emperor Shi Huang, he still could not stop it.

After the incident of corpse puppets, the bad consequences of refining the Immortal Potion could no longer be locked in the inner palace, and more and more people began to know. Some loopholes in convenient management have caused the corpses to flow out, causing haunts, corpses and other bad events, causing panic. This kind of thing must be contained, and then, the First Emperor was controlled by the people, declared these things to be the birth of demons, and appointed a new official position specifically to deal with demons and monsters. This is called the "master of evil spirits." The magician was born.

In fact, Fu Mo Shi had transformed from the alchemist. Because the "monsters" to be dealt with in the first place here are people who died after experimenting with the immortal medicine. Naturally, the alchemist knows these "monsters" best, so the alchemist is the best solution. Therefore, the teacher appointed by Emperor Shi Huang was actually chosen from the alchemists.

This is the reason why Xu Wuming will become the first generation Fumo master. At that time, Emperor Shi Huang was very angry at the failure of the effect of the Immortal Potion experiment. These things leaked out, which had a great impact on the prestige of Emperor Shi Huang. That's why he concealed the people that it was demons who caused chaos and appointed a group of masters of evil spirits. The city was declared like this externally, but it was furious internally, so that the alchemists such as Xu Fu could solve this problem perfectly.

Xu Wuming knew that this incident would allow him to withdraw from refining the elixir, and actively proposed to Xu Fu to solve these puppet corpses. Xu Fu agreed, so he became the first batch of devils masters. Later, because the First Emperor had carried out a lot of killings in the unified world, especially the battle of Changping, who killed more than 400,000 people, the resentment and hostility formed were extremely strong. The accumulated grievances of the soldiers who were smashed led to the emergence of nightmares one after another, leaving the land of the pit killing in Changping, venting infinite resentment, causing many innocent people to be harmed. For this reason, the Master of Volunteer is not only responsible for solving the puppet corpses produced by the experimental undead medicine, but also dealing with these nightmares, and other monsters causing chaos and so on.

From an alchemist to a vicious magician, it is necessary to learn and research various secret techniques against demons. Therefore, these alchemists abandon the work of alchemy and medicine and concentrate on the research of secret techniques against demons. In this way, the alchemist actually derives two factions, one is the alchemist, and the other is the vow.

As a member of the Master of Fu Mo, Xu Wuming had to solve all kinds of monsters. Since then, he was often outside and rarely returned to the palace, so he couldn't see Ying Yinman. He started to regret becoming a Fumushi. If he were still a pharmacist, staying in the palace, he might still see Ying Yinman from time to time.

Later, Xu Wuming was summoned back to the palace by the First Emperor because of his outstanding ability and mastering the powerful magic secret technique. He was very happy because he might be able to see Ying Yinren when he returned. The result was as he wished. After reporting to the First Emperor, when he went to see his master Xu Fu, he saw Ying Yinman, whom he had always missed. However, the relationship between him and Ying Yinman is only the princess and courtiers, and they are usually only simple greetings. Xu Wuming didn't ask for much, so he felt satisfied. After that, Xu Wuming got the order from the First Emperor to kill the Shenlong and Shenfeng.

It turned out that the reason why the First Emperor called him back was because the secret technique he mastered could become a powerful force to slay the dragon and the phoenix. The reason for killing Shenlong and Shenfeng was because Xu Fu came up with a new prescription for refining the immortal medicine, which was to use the blood of Shenlong and Shenfeng.

Shenlong is the supreme beast, the same beast with the heaven and the earth. God Phoenix Nirvana, resurrected from the dead. It coincided with folk rumors that there were dragons and phoenixes, and Xu Fu told Emperor Shi Huang about this. Emperor Shi Huang felt that this was the act of heaven. He wanted to live forever, so the Shenlong and Shenfeng appeared. He felt that this was God who wanted him to pass the test and then get the immortal body. For this reason, he strongly supported Xu Fu to send people to kill Shenlong and Shenfeng.

As a result, Xu Wuming, as a powerful amulet, went to find the whereabouts of Shenlong and Shenfeng, and wanted to kill Shenlong and Shenfeng, and bring back the essence and blood of Shenlong and Shenfeng.

There are indeed dragons and phoenixes in the world. Xu Wuming first discovered the Phoenix, and beheaded the Phoenix to obtain the essence and blood of the Phoenix. But just when Xu Wuming was going to find the dragon, a monster appeared in the palace, and many people in the palace were victimized. For this reason, Xu Wuming was very worried about something wrong with Ying Yinman who was staying in the palace, so he discussed with his fellow Fumagist, and after the discussion, he returned to the palace to eradicate the monster. And another batch of Fumo masters continued to search for Shenlong.

After Xu Wuming returned to the palace, he used his experience as one of the most outstanding abusive demon masters for many years. He directly observed where the hostility was the heaviest, so he went to check it. It turned out to be Ying Yinman's bedroom.

Xu Wuming suddenly had an ominous premonition, very worried, for fear that something would happen to Ying Yinman. However, when he went to Ying Yinman's palace, he saw a woman in white clothes squatting in the corner of the palace, doing something obsessively. Then, the woman in white found someone behind her back and looked back. Xu Wuming was stunned. This white-clothed woman was Ying Yinman, and what Ying Yinman was doing at this time was sucking the blood of a court lady.

Xu Wuming couldn't believe that the pure and kind princess Yin Man would do such a thing. As the master of the evil spirits who help justice, he should take action against Ying Yinman. But he didn't. He couldn't deal with the obsessed woman.

Later he figured out that Ying Yinman had become a vampire zombie, but he didn't know whether it was time for such a demon.

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